
Anti-capitalism Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"I really want people to push themselves beyond the aesthetics and language of anti-capitalism and dig more into the substance of it."
"The corporatization of progressive politics reveals itself to be nefarious when it links the anti-capitalist ideology held by activists...to the corporations themselves."
"The support for something other than capitalism has now captured millions of Americans."
"Shifting our individual life goals away from amassing intergenerational familial wealth to centering community prosperity can allow us to begin buffering against the purposeful limitations of capitalism."
"Anti-capitalist politics need to be accessible to ordinary people, showing how capitalism harms them in real life without room for bigotry."
"I like this one a lot. I think it represents sort of a turn into an anti-capitalist aesthetic that many of these types of posts have started to incorporate."
"In order for love to be free, we must develop an economic basis for this freedom by destroying capitalism and exploitation."
"If you're trying to have a conversation about white supremacy divorced from anti-capitalism, you're wasting your time."
"We are in hell, personally I'm just so tired of capitalists ruining everything that I love."
"Pro-union legislation is a key part in waging war back against the rich."
"I want people to look past these intracapitalist solutions, I want them to consider something else, I want them to abandon capitalist realism."
"Castro, aggressively anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, and anti-American, one of the world's leading symbols of resistance to the modern bourgeois world order."
"The meddling kids are kinda anti-capitalist icons."
"Abolish landlordism, dismantle capitalism, and begin the construction of socialism."
"If you want to have a four-day work week, you would have to do anti-capitalist things."
"A spoonful of sugar really helps the anti-capitalism go down."
"I root for the vines that clamber and claw across the corpses of capitalism."
"Smash global capitalism and create something."
"Recognizing all profit is extracted from nature is honestly a huge step, something which is honestly very anti-capitalist on its own merit."
"To be anti-capitalist is to fundamentally reject the idea that a person's lot in life is all they're doing that a person's choices happen in a bubble and that we have no responsibility to take genuine care of each other."
"What would it look like for us to stop thinking everybody's competition and we actually come together and we let ourselves because my Brené say, 'divest from capitalism'."
"We need a revolution of the mind of our culture we have to again appreciate the common good cuz selfish consumerist unfettered capitalism is a death spiral that's where it leads."
"The comedy film featuring Chaplin's Fame Little Tramp character is seen as an anti-capitalist and anti-fordist manifesto."
"Life is a game... the craziness of it... human beings got beyond slavery they got beyond feudalism there is no reason to think we can't get beyond capitalism."
"Western leftists need to critically support progressive movements in the third world; their victories will weaken capitalism at home."
"The best way to destroy capitalism is to debauch its currency."
"Capitalism eats away at your soul, capitalism is not a healthy habit."
"The weapons with which the bourgeoisie felled feudalism to the ground are now turned against the bourgeoisie itself."
"The Haitian Revolution is certainly not only a racial revolt but it is certainly an anticapitalist revolt."
"If you want your movement to go more mainstream, you've got to keep it with the anti-capitalism."
"Pinocchio is a movie that is anti-fascist, anti-capitalist to its core."
"Decentralized direct information exchange led by independent voices is a direct challenge to capitalistic institutional information hegemony."
"Life on Pandora could have been accessible... showing how a communal anti-capital society is beneficial to those marginalized in our reality."
"I believe that what will make this generation fight capitalism is the idea that a vision of what comes after it."
"Stalin eagerly shared in Lenin's dream of a Russia free of the greed and corruption of capitalism."
"It's about time someone stuck it to those capitalist assholes."
"We, the workers of the world, are not going to die for your hallowed unfettered capitalism."
"To the one place on Earth that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism."
"Shambhala is planning some kind of revolution against our greed-based system."
"We're not just anti-corporate, we're anti-capitalist."
"I'd rather pay him to sit at home and organize labor that could see beyond the capitalist system."
"The concept revolved around the notion that modern society was in decay, and capitalism was to blame."
"Liberation from capitalist and oppressive society into liberated socialism."
"It's very possible to be anti-capitalist and also really really like shiny pretty things."
"Capitalism is incompatible with the Earth's limits."
"Future transportation systems must prioritize people rather than the extractivist gears of capitalist production."
"Faith, family, and extended folk have proved to be means by which the proletariat are united and moralized against capitalism."
"For me, that leads me to respond... profit could be listed but it would never have the dominant and in my judgment destructive role that it has in capitalism."
"The only real way to push all of society forward will be by getting rid of capitalism."
"Socialism is the yearning to do better than capitalism."
"Spiritual traditions have always been linked to the fight against capitalism and the fight against coercive systems."
"That's one way to fight against the brutalities of capitalism is to have a strong Union."
"We need to stop capitalism, it's still infinite growth on a finite planet."
"These are profits. These are our policies. So, this is, I want to emphasize, not capitalism at all."
"If you are trying to have a conversation about white supremacy that is divorced from anti-capitalism, you're wasting your time."
"Minecraft, a world free from capitalism's grasp, a realm where we could explore the beauty of cooperation, creation, away from the shackles of profits and exploitation."
"Anarchists believe that social hierarchies, including but not limited to capitalism and the state, should be dismissed."
"This is an example of people power, this is an example of human courage in the face of capitalist exploitation, and a victory we must win."
"The film is straight up telling you that capitalism is evil, that the world is for everyone, and we must work together to build a better one."
"Mutual Aid is a pro-social anti-capitalist response to systemic failure."
"A very large fraction of all intellectuals remain--not only remain, have become--more strongly anti-capitalist, have become proponents of collectivism of one form or another."
"The anti-capitalist left is composed of two elements: the Leninist superego and corporate anti-capitalism."
"So what we need to do is we need to agitate and organize to take down capitalist imperialism once and for all."
"It wasn't about these like capitalism, yeah, like it was just like do what you want and have fun."
"Make sure every decision you make is against the capital, not just bloodthirsty primal sort of decisions."
"We wanted the whole Haight-Ashbury to be a free community. If it's free, the capitalist system can't exactly merchandise it for profit."
"In Islam, redistribution and the ban on interest reflect an anti-capitalist stance."
"I have a new album coming out which is about how being a vampire is better than living under capitalism."
"Grow your food at home like John says, keep on growing because it’s a way to free yourself from the slavery that is modern-day capitalism."
"It's this resentment-driven anti-capitalism that I think is one of the fundamental motivators."
"Design can create cities that bring people together to mobilize against capitalism."
"Breaking free of the chains of capitalism. Absolutely."
"We need to fight against capitalism, which is basically anti-life, and project ourselves as a life-giving force."
"It is possible, I believe, to be a person of the left without swallowing a hard line Marxist-Leninist ideology and still be opposed to corporate capitalism."
"We have to forge a new social consciousness, not before we do anything but in order to defeat capitalism which we all agree must be done."
"I don't buy into that capitalist agenda that you should work 50 hours a week for your entire life and make as much money as you can."
"We're not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we're going to fight it with socialism."
"We are fighting a capitalist imperialist machine that was put in place over 500 years ago in the West."
"The thing about Moomin Valley is it isn't just free from the pressures of modern capitalism, it makes me nostalgic for a simpler time."
"Moomins make me nostalgic for an era that is long gone, one with traditional animation, without social media or capitalism, where living is enough, and no one needs to do anything more than that."
"We don't need a therapeutic society because we're serving life instead of capital."
"The whole genre is pretty much about anti-capitalism because no one wants to live in these worlds."
"Finally, we can take back the power for the other helpless animals who have been so victimized under the hands of capitalism."
"The only way for the Soviet Union to survive and eventually build socialism and defeat capitalism was through economic recovery and industrial growth."
"She believes that rejecting capitalism doesn’t mean rejecting ‘the good life’ but rather embracing an actual good life with new forms of enjoyment accessible to all."