
Societal Evolution Quotes

There are 268 quotes

"Things that seem eternal, such as the divine right of kings, turned out not to be so in the end."
"The point of the Enlightenment isn't that they came up with all of these ideas on their own...the point is that there was a sudden uptick in their popularity and philosophers came up to...reaffirm them through theory."
"We can do better than capitalism and there is no reason that the human progress that took us beyond ancient villages and tribes and slavery and feudalism should imagine itself to have stopped at this point. Every other system was born, evolved, and died. Capitalism, we know, was born and evolved. I'll leave it to your inference as to what it is doing now."
"Political correctness has gone from being a means to an end that is a means to make the world better, to an end in and of itself."
"We have a duty as a society to evolve and change and learn from our previous mistakes."
"It's such an important moment in time that we can choose to be on the sidelines, be part of the problem, be a part of the solutions, be a part of the evolution, the positive evolution of society."
"The world is changing at a rapid pace, and it will look very different 25 years from now than it does today."
"Humans have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology."
"And then between 10,000 and 7,000 BC, things changed, and we ended up living in large agglomerations of maybe 8,000 people living cluster together over long periods of time."
"One of the things that has happened over time and over development is we've found other ways to try and resolve the issues that we face and try and channel those problems into other ways."
"The most likely any extraterrestrial alien civilizations which will have to reach Type I and even further, Type II and Type III, will have to have reached personal and global peace and have overcome war, at least within members of the same species."
"Normal is changing. Normal will always grow and develop."
"The nightmare of 1984 is destined to modulate into the nightmare of a world having more resemblance to that which I imagined in Brave New World."
"Generations change, expectations change, times change."
"For over twelve thousand years humankind has strived to create the perfect civilization."
"We keep growing, we keep getting better... we can have society without religion. You already largely do."
"The technology has made our lives so much easier, so has social evolution."
"We're not living in the 1990s. We're not living in the 1980s, we're living in a different time."
"You're gonna see the next generation... their thing will probably be to get in drum circles. Everything old is new again."
"We are prehistoric creatures living in medieval institutions with god-like technology."
"This is a massive period of transition and change."
"We have as a species long suffered the results of a civilization with foundations for understandings built upon outdated belief systems."
"The work of our generation is to say goodbye to old practices that don't serve us anymore and to put them all behind us."
"Ideas that might seem radical today are gonna seem like common sense tomorrow."
"Civilization is a process, a creation which outlasts us."
"From now on, rulers will not be born. They will be chosen."
"For me it's about people evolving giving people space to evolve I'm not into like canceling people and cancel culture doesn't really."
"In Be Stars, well, predators and prey have long enlightened themselves beyond any actual need or desire to eat each other."
"The history of America is a history of changing, and America badly does not want to be changed."
"The world has changed more in the last 50 years than it has in the previous 50,000."
"The world's gonna look a lot different in a year, two years, five years."
"Cultural theorist named Raymond Williams wrote about dominant emergent and residual cultures. Residual cultures die out."
"The story of people making the same mistakes over and over again but also of real lasting change."
"Changing not just politically and economically, but also moving away from Pagan superstitions into the modern era of technology, medicine, and science."
"Flexibility was, and continues to be, the hallmark of the human family."
"We're on the cusp, I believe, of the revolutionary generation."
"Our technological evolution has outpaced our moral evolution."
"There's a generational divide that's happening and the world that their parents came into is very different for them."
"This is something significant for many many years decades Generations."
"This union may never be perfect, but generation after generation has shown that it can always be perfected."
"Ultimately a society of the divine as we achieve apotheosis both individually and collectively."
"Religions that have stood the test of time did so because their value to the people who believed in them was so great that those that disbelieved were out competed."
"The more people de-associate those categories, the less people will feel it necessary to keep up with the medical stuff," a perspective on evolving gender norms.
"I'm not really worried about that now see go does jca future where Humanity overcomes religious and government-based power dominance."
"The world is going to get more complicated, more nuanced, but ultimately more democratic and open."
"China is not a free Society like America, but it's evolving."
"But I think in the fullness of time, it's going to actually not only change the way we work, but it's going to change where we live."
"This is the only way we're going to evolve and grow together: through dialogue."
"The rise of class consciousness... the emergence of a sense of identity... facilitating the journey to the next place."
"We have to choose, are we going to keep on growing and challenging ourselves and being willing to evolve in public, or are we going to double down and circle the wagons and just be meaner?"
"The acceptance for suppressed sexual orientations came first because around 10 percent of people are gay whereas a much smaller percentage of people are trans but this is the natural progression of societal evolution."
"It was an era of ambitious dreams; a new generation was experiencing lives very different from those of their parents and grandparents."
"Humanity is waking up at a profoundly fast level."
"Everything starts out as an idea, all the actions that occur around you today begin as an idea."
"The Arc of history is bending towards Justice."
"This is how our society evolves, this is how we get better, lessen death, this is us growing past you."
"It's not accepted within those cultures or whatnot, but as we get older, our understanding evolves."
"Generational shifts in thinking require action."
"What is the biggest change of our time? Well, I think it's this: babies born per woman."
"I think every generation recalibrates what society does or doesn't accept, and that's a good thing."
"Life is a game... the craziness of it... human beings got beyond slavery they got beyond feudalism there is no reason to think we can't get beyond capitalism."
"If we can survive our tribalism and get to that point, the ability for every human, no matter what, could be introduced to who knows how many non-humans."
"Step by step, law by law, mind by changing mind."
"Never think that it's too late for you to learn about better financial habits."
"By the time William King William is on the throne, it will be a very different monarchy and much diminished."
"The means for social evolution lies in the intelligent use of the methods of science."
"Once it spread up the generations, there was a feeling of, well, maybe it's time. Maybe it's all over."
"Our concept of Crime and Punishment was pretty barbaric."
"Look, we're more enlightened than the generation that came before because social progress is the name of the game now."
"We're leaving whatever era we were living in and entering a new one."
"The world's changed. It's time we change too."
"The breaking of a lot of things that took 250 years to put together."
"We don't need that revolutionary at the forefront anymore."
"In the next 200 years, there will be a shift from material to intellectually oriented values."
"The quickening: things are happening faster and faster, getting crazier and crazier."
"We live in a time where change is happening at a pace never seen before."
"Ukrainians are future-oriented because when you are focused on your past you're not able to change, evolve or do something."
"Traditions are kind of like a civilizational trial and error."
"I think humans are inherently reliant upon one another to survive. I'd agree, and so we've developed over time this biological understanding that if something is being harmed, it might not be good for us."
"America was born, but it's alarming that you cannot really find anything that resembles America as we know it today."
"We're in an accelerated time where quick changes are possible despite centuries of power consolidation."
"By the time my grandchildren are one generation, we'll have a civilization that won't look anything like ours."
"The United States is going through a re-evolution."
"We are seeing the end of an era, the end of an Empire, and the birth of something new."
"Democracy debate is more like do you honestly think that liberal democracy is the absolute best that Humanity can ever come up with."
"These conversations are starting to be normal within our community now."
"We're supposed to help each other, we're supposed to push each other forward, we're supposed to evolve each other, we're supposed to stick together. We're supposed to, why don't we, Dame? Why don't people?"
"Times are changing, and you have to move with them."
"If that means the royal family is going to cease to have the power that they have today, oh well."
"Politics must stop and ultimately change is happening whether they like it or not."
"We're headed towards a vastly different world where life actually gets more fun and better."
"We're moving into a place where the only people left are the hyper-aware, highly perceptive people."
"Perhaps when aliens are fully known and we have accepted their existence, our own culture will become one of many whom other races will wonder if we are visiting."
"It's the proof of a sedentary race, or race where they have technology doing all the work for them."
"Research suggests that as alien civilizations evolve, they will face a choice: collapse from burnout or redirect towards prioritizing societal well-being."
"The whole thing around money, the whole thing is going to change, the thinking, the way it's used, all of that."
"Unchecked selfishness will work less and less as society evolves."
"Our power structures are going to be shifting tremendously."
"Our world is ever-changing and our old concepts no longer apply."
"Struggle has undergone a lot of interesting changes throughout the generations."
"I mean before there was civilization and we were just cavemen right."
"The need for justice takes us up in that evolutionary way."
"Our children are here to usher us to our greatest evolution."
"These protocols we build are about inviting each and every person who uses them just for a moment to realize that we have a chance to evolve as a society and do things differently."
"When we lived as hunter-gatherers, you just couldn't have capitalism."
"We have to advance the time when more and more people will be able to civilize themselves by outgrowing religion."
"There's a midpoint that we're still evolving towards."
"They taught history emphasizing causes for ascension and decline in ancient society."
"Our old narratives are breaking down and new ones are gonna be written."
"We have a choice. We don't have to keep carrying all these opinions and hatreds and fears from generation to generation."
"We're living at the end of an age and the beginning of a new age."
"You like to think that one day we will live in a society where religions won't be afforded this privilege."
"Civilization is moving to Bitcoin, and those left in the old world will be left in the dark ages."
"We're in a new generation where technology is becoming a part of us."
"Bad ideas left uncorrected, embraced, and enshrined in culture, law, and custom can destroy civilizations."
"Creating conflict speeds up the process of society's progression."
"Things will never be the same again. We are entering a new era."
"We must make some radical changes in our way of thinking."
"We're living one of the most historic times in human history."
"Your role may change...in the evolution of humanity."
"But as the 20th century unfolded, there was a growing sense that it was a social problem which could only be treated by showing greater compassion."
"No no one's looking at you differently like I said a lot of Jordanians don't a lot of jordanians now are wearing like crop tops and tank tops and I mean it's changed a lot in the last 10 years you definitely don't need to."
"Both are happening: one world in decline, one world being born, one world evolving." - Embracing the complexity of progress.
"Where past meets present, and tradition meets innovation."
"Tradition needs to be in conversation with modernity."
"The solutions to all of these problems will really only come at stage green or yellow."
"We're entering the first truly major travail of the birth of a new age, a 20th-century period where science will slowly eclipse blind belief, blind faith."
"The world is an interesting place right now... like we're falling headlong into the future."
"We're not in the America that he grew up in, we're in America that I'm becoming an adult in."
"We need to evolve beyond this stupidity. Let's take examples like this, learn from them, and show restraint in how we interact."
"People don't like change, but something needs to change."
"Massive slavery operations were not yet seen on Ryloth."
"An empire lasts about 250 years... six ages defined the lifespan of an empire."
"It's interesting cuz our notions of what a very strong man looks like have changed over time."
"If some of today's charter cities are successful, then maybe the idea of semi-autonomous cities could spread across the world, just like democracy did."
"Vaccination is the only way out—it's about personal responsibility."
"One of the realizations I hope most people draw from this is that our nations have developed and evolved in irresponsible and disordered ways."
"Change is good. Change is what happens because it's progressing, it's evolving us, it's making us smarter, it's making us more developed, it's helping us grow."
"It's quite interesting to look back and see how it's changing society."
"There was a time when there was no law against killing someone or raping someone or breaking into someone's house and taking their things, but as society evolved we had to make those laws and set those boundaries."
"It's a major, major period in history in which so, so many things societally and fashionably are changing."
"My goodness, isn't that a beautiful symbol for where we could hopefully evolve in the future to heal from the distortions and perversions that is crime and evil?"
"Women will have to consider marrying down in the future in larger numbers."
"It's not going to be long before there will be so many cracks in the system."
"Giannis was clearly the better defensive player."
"Our unending quest for Perfection or constant need to improve our condition from cave to Hut to Pyramid to Castle to gilded maids to skyscraper."
"It is no secret that the United States is in a little bit of a state of change."
"Entering into the Bronze Age really opens up the world into actual civilization and the evolution of society as a whole."
"I think it's time they simply fade away into history."
"As we continue to expand the circle of sentiments and expand things like liberal democracies and market trade between peoples... religions may just fall into disuse."
"I'm sick of the old, I want the new. The world is groaning for the new right now."
"An evolution of the workforce, an evolution of business, an evolution of society."
"It's all those many different influences that have shaped our language shaped our history shaped a culture and shaped our character."
"We're basically a tribal species trying to be a global species."
"It's remarkable how much the world's changed in 10 years."
"Maybe you've got to have a revolution to have evolution."
"You might not be able to even conceive how that is possible but you'll soon understand it because that's the direction that things are going."
"Humans are by far less violent than they were year after year decade after decade century after century."
"Humanity's always been engaged in this kind of thing until we reach some sort of Star Trek future."
"Child labor, I tell you one thing man, back in the day people used to have kids because they needed help out on the farm."
"Maybe now that we've reached a technological point where we're not always fighting for our survival, that's something that we can not think about."
"Humanity had reached its final state: liberal capitalist democracy."
"It's strange how quickly things have moved from unthinkable to unstoppable."
"They're smarter and kinder and more creative than we ever were."
"QAnon is the arg evolution of the satanic panic."
"There's no stopping this evolution, this revolution that's going on."
"Many of the ways that male and female roles have been divided in the past are no longer necessary."
"Our world has evolved so much that the response to fear cannot always be the same."
"I think the conversation has been much richer than it would have been if that had happened 10 years ago."
"If we're saying do we need religion now to be a moral society I think that would suggest that we are somehow regressive creatures."
"Things are changing rapidly, the evidence is overwhelming."
"One of the big phases we're moving through on the planet is that we have more and more people really stepping into their authenticity."
"There will be no such thing as world government... instead there will be world consciousness agreement."
"If we could evolve more with less war, less violence, and less hatred."
"There's many more connections among us than we've previously thought."
"Europe don't consider him to be a prophet of God, they even said Prophet saw Islam was this X Y and Z but later on as time went they eventually started peeling off the onions."
"The state of the world and human populations 10,000 years ago really helps us understand how history would eventually unfold."
"This generation is different, waking up to new realities without the baggage of the past."
"Adults are basically going to be glorified computer programmers."
"We're going from being a tribal society to a global society."
"Marriage is on the decline but it can be obsolete."
"We're dealing with a lurching forward into a new form of existence that is totally unlike any form of existence that human beings have ever had in the past."
"Revolution doesn't just happen on Tuesday, it's a natural course of history."
"Females with their new ability to say no launched a new chapter in human evolution."
"I wonder if that's going to be lost like a generational thing."
"You know there's going to be a big pivot, you know these new things are coming."
"Eventually everyone will just be like a scientist."
"Things never change until they do, they often take longer to change than most imagine but then when the change comes it happens quicker than anyone might have anticipated."
"I think people have more access to information than in the history of humankind."
"For the first time in this century, for the first time in perhaps all history, man does not have to invent a system by which to live."
"With validation comes resetting of the mind, collective consciousness grows."
"You are in a whole new time. It's like we moved into a mostly new multiverse."
"The process that brought this level of mayhem down has been called the Civilizing Process."
"In the 21st century, Dukes may be a dying breed, but splendid heritage or privileged anachronism, their survival is sure to be a magnificent struggle for generations to come."
"The culture is much more free and open and libertarian than it was 30 years ago in many respects."
"As humankind has evolved, we've had to find new pieces of concentrated energy we can break down to drive the ever more demanding construction of our technologies, our cities, and our society."
"Without the pressure of military competition, we would not have had the transition from a band level society to a tribal society."
"...a powerful reminder of how society evolves over time."
"Eventually that truth wins. It takes society a long time to understand, a lot of different people fighting at who go somebody right to be able to, but eventually society starts to come around to say that's true and it's again, it's just an idea."