
Construction Quotes

There are 10267 quotes

"The King's Chamber itself is a testament to the Egyptians' advanced understanding of materials and construction techniques."
"It took a century to place the 2.4 million limestone blocks in place."
"It's built with a negative construction technique... Most people don't understand that this is really unique about the temple."
"I want to... have my dad construct my dream home."
"This is going to be insane. Yes, yes, let's build the game station."
"I went away from the base for like five minutes and I've come back and it's an entire kingdom."
"They're playing Tetris. No way, we're building Tetris. It's like a puzzle game."
"It's got a very simple internal structure which actually makes it way more durable and way tougher and more impact resistant than drywall."
"And the best part is it's actually so much easier to install. You just do one step, you put it up, you don't have to mud, tape, texture, paint any of that. One step and you're done."
"I feel like the overall construction of the shoe and the materials that were used are top-notch."
"Could these approaches truly transform construction? Could they improve quality, cut costs, and raise productivity while helping us tackle issues like the lack of skills coming into the sector and the housing crises facing many nations?"
"Every building you ever see was built by a man; every person you ever meet was birthed by a woman."
"Owning a dump truck isn't just about moving dirt, it's like having the ultimate sandbox on wheels."
"Having now built a couple of, well, three cabins, I guess, I'm gaining enough perspective on the construction aspect."
"Strength is a beautiful thing; the world is built on the backs of strong men."
"Economics is everywhere. Economics is why buildings go up; economics is why cookies cost $3.00."
"In the same way, these little assembly robots I'm describing can make giant structures, at heart because the robot can make the robot."
"This place is finally built. I feel like this is by far our best mine build we've ever done."
"In building up something like mathematics, you're building this big tower of abstractions."
"This is where I'm going to build other shelters, take them down again after doing an overnighter, build other things here as well. It's going to be fun."
"Now to get this going, we need to build an airport area."
"It took over 150,000 workers, 20 years of toil, to dig the 50-mile passage of the Panama Canal."
"It's easier to break things than to build them."
"Pure thoughts, wisely chosen and well placed, are so many durable bricks which will never crumble away and from which a finished and beautiful building, and one which affords comfort and shelter for its possessor, can be rapidly erected."
"When you need to build the house, you're like, 'Who's around, bro?' You never care much about the credentials; it's all about availability."
"Male bowerbirds construct elaborate structures made from twigs and sticks, demonstrating exceptional construction skills and aesthetic sense."
"We are constructing the world that we live in."
"The concern is that there may have been construction workers on top of the bridge when the bridge was struck."
"You want to build something you can jump on."
"If we want to drive down the cost of housing, we need to build a lot more housing. The primary reason why we're not building a lot more housing is regulation."
"You're in the construction phase...what type of house are you building there?"
"This was awesome, this is like super fun starting a construction company."
"Working in this breathtakingly beautiful but incredibly unforgiving environment, construction teams have pulled off miracles."
"The power of construction and it goes to show that when it comes to this amazing industry and what it's capable of, nowhere is off limits."
"Civil engineering encompasses large public works like bridges, tunnels, dams, roads, airports, railways, and pipelines."
"Currently, more than 50 high rises are either being built or planned in this city."
"These hardened walls actually have blast resistance and don't catch on fire."
"Every time something new gets built, the entire world advances."
"This place is coming together really, really nice. I'm not going to lie."
"That said, we do want to ensure we're building a quality, safe home for many years to come, so we have actually hired an engineer to engineer plans for us."
"If you're running electricity to a shed, check with your local building code. Always check your local building code."
"And Vegas just loves to reboot constantly. We blow up buildings and we build new ones right on top. And I don't see that stopping."
"If such a thing was ever built, it should be beautiful. It should be built as a monument, a monument to human collaboration, to human achievement."
"Creating large things, building big structures, or moving big items is one of the most enduring, widespread, and prevalent activities in human civilization throughout all of history."
"All that we have built beyond nature's what Afarah has blessed, and with her by our side, we will build a monument to span the ages."
"Happiness in a relationship is something that is built, not found."
"The structure was completed in 1736, 40 years before the Declaration of Independence was signed."
"It's essential that we build this base camp for these soldiers; it's going to be good for them, improve living conditions, and sustain a very strong morale."
"You have to build a house from the foundation. You can't put the roof on first."
"We got to build some sort of fire electricity house here."
"Why don't we make the walls of this build look like a giant fire, and then we could have lightning coming out the middle?"
"I'm going to start working on the lightning bolt. We can have like a lightning bolt with a bunch of smoke around it."
"Every Babylonian king was expected to not only construct great works within its walls but to restore and exalt the many works left behind by those who had come before."
"If you build it, they will come, and that's exactly what's happened in the Suez Canal."
"When only a flood will do, you need the Floodmaster 5000. Water floored, that's the slogan accompanying the announcement that has rocked the construction industry this morning."
"The teak growing in Burma is so abundant that it has been used to make enormous constructions like bridges that have lasted for nearly 200 years."
"We have kind of a grand vision for a building system where different sized rooms can stack and connect to build most building types."
"We need a great works project. We need something that we can all focus on and build together as a society."
"Let's make sure we use oak, but for the under layer, we use titanium."
"Rome famously was not built in a day, and it didn't fall in a day either."
"Stay cheerful, be constructive. The world's full of ten thousand things that are ugly and awful."
"You don't find your passion; it is an architectural build, not an archaeological dig."
"There are 900,000 multi-family units that are under construction right now, a 50-year high."
"For someone who loves construction, getting up to projects like this is an amazing experience."
"Build the wall, you know, and that's it, he brings the house down. Landslide 2020."
"Your power and water output will change dramatically based on how you build your lots."
"This is the 21st century building material that we'll need to revolutionize our country."
"Legos are so cool! You can build anything in the world."
"From construction projects to art and sculpture."
"Prefabs will save you a lot of time and hassle."
"It was time to get to work, I went off and gathered a ton of sandstone."
"We want to get him to one construction then make the bedroom."
"Amazing kid-built tiny house: a testament to determination."
"It's literally where I recommend everyone to go when they ask me, 'Hey, I need to start building a deck.'"
"Your purpose is to destroy. The purpose of this wondrous day, this wondrous week, is to build."
"America as a construction project, America as an aspiration."
"Alright, guys, we're gonna continue to build and celebrate Panda Mountain."
"Are you still building something or just filling gaps around guaranteed starters?"
"Expressions in perfect condition and is built to the highest security standards."
"It's a great feeling to be able to build things that make the world a better place."
"Our town is starting to shine, I love seeing those buildings get built."
"Right now let me spin the block over here just like that Boop and make sure that it's even on every single block because we don't want it to be uneven."
"Oh my God, wait, this is actually like perfectly lined up with the stone structure up top. No way did I accidentally build this perfectly."
"In reality, the Devil's Dyke was man-made, built by the Saxons."
"Let's get some more housing built, keep going, full speed up."
"A robot stacks layers upon layers of concrete, literally building from the ground up."
"Errors on site have been almost completely eradicated, saving time, money, and waste material."
"The team are planning more projects using different materials and with a focus on further reducing waste."
"Every time we add one number nine rebar, we've just added one square inch of steel reinforcement."
"What the [__] am I even building, man? I don't know, but I love it."
"Every build has its own challenges, but the end result is always worth it."
"We didn't want to be just a video happening of people building."
"Hopefully by the end of this tutorial, you should have a pretty epic building to kind of use."
"We're going to start drilling holes, get everything figured out, and we'll keep jamming from there."
"We'll start building out the first pillar to our Minecraft scene."
"You can't work on a house without the tools."
"I don't know the last time I ever built something that's this cool."
"I was underneath here, I'm working on an underwater base."
"The peak of my house is 40 ft off the ground...the last major demolition project."
"Donald Trump is not a politician, he's a builder. He delivers on what he says he will do."
"It's very easy to destroy something, to disrupt something, but it's very difficult to build something."
"Here's a brief history about how I came to be. Pay attention to my incredible collaborative construction story."
"Finally, everything is done. Well, except the floor and a few other things, but the walls are white as you can see right now. Bunker is almost ready for action."
"Your first cabinets don't need to be constructed as efficiently and as quickly as possible."
"Once they're done with that they'll pick that up, lower it down to horizontal."
"You should be able to rebuild anything with an axe... you have to learn how to build it."
"It was really important for us to time our build so that we could start as early as possible in the summer."
"Having another set of hands to help us build throughout the entire process was absolutely invaluable."
"Price changes, but what doesn't change for me is that I'm always bullish. I'm always building. This is just my approach."
"Build as many houses as possible, that is the name of the game."
"Focus more on the technology and what's actually being built."
"I’m not good at building shit, you know? I’m excellent at tearing it down." "But until then, who’s in charge? Me. That’s how I live my life."
"The Philippine arena is the result of hard work and tenacity."
"It's hailed as the first of its kind, the largest acrylic pool structure in the world."
"Use your mind and build us something beautiful."
"Everything has to be done as soon as possible, otherwise you'll miss the opportunities. That's definitely not true."
"Whoever built the most accurately aligned structure on Earth was not a simple people group using primitive methods but incredibly intelligent workers sustained by some hidden insights."
"It's not the best conditions to start building but we don't care, we're men, we can build in the rain."
"Could the apparent evidence on the ground that a mere 20,000 people were involved be right, or was Herodotus closer to the truth when he said it took 100,000 workers laboring for 30 years?"
"The completion of the canal was an epic engineering accomplishment."
"We're going to build something new and build something better."
"The pyramids specifically those at Giza are incredible achievements which couldn't be possible without an advanced understanding of geometry astronomy physics and mathematics."
"The underground expanse is vast and... someone built it with a specific purpose in mind."
"The analogy we used was a barn raising, where effectively the community comes together and builds something collaboratively."
"The construction of these baths is a magnificent feat of Engineering."
"Don't look back at the demolition, focus on what you're building."
"We're not giving you a big platform, we're just giving you the tools to build a house."
"It's time to build the tower, to mine the quarries, we're going to build a fortress, the Vashite fortress."
"Social order is very hard to build, very easy to destroy."
"A road can actually inspire you to build some more stuff along it."
"Can we create a toolkit by which people can build effective durable functional structures?"
"Dance the dance of creation, not destruction."
"It might not be amazing to build in, but at the end of the day, there's literally nothing like it."
"You can just see how well constructed the team is."
"If you want to build castles, I think this kit is what you need."
"I've made a bridge so you know all bridges start somewhere and then you decorate them later."
"What the hell are you building, you disgusting person?"
"Day number five, your focus is going to be English sentence creation and fluency."
"It is so good to see this place coming together."
"Imagine you're trying to construct something without the instructions, and then someone gives you the instructions... everything starts to make sense."
"The construction of the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel has opened up the opportunity to create several thousand jobs."
"Building is very local... dealing with a lot of codes and regulations... meant to keep people safe and to keep cities of high quality."
"Every great building begins with a foundation."
"It loves helping out with construction projects, it loves it so much."
"Very tasteful use of detailing and I'm really, really digging this build."
"SpaceX second tower construction is starting!"
"I'm so excited because this is at a factory that's not even finished yet."
"If you can dream it, they can build it." - Jeremy Whitman and Jimmy King
"You can go and land on that weird planet, check it out, build an outpost."
"It's a process, so we started before COVID. We hoped the building would already be finished today."
"Modular level design is like Legos, small objects working together to create something original."
"Bigger things are built from smaller things."
"Kilwa, built in coral cut from the living rock itself."
"Once you build something that works it usually works."
"Threaded inserts versus screws, I just like kind of the professional aspect of using threaded inserts."
"As long as it's equal or greater value. This is called a construction 1031."
"We didn't come out here to just slap a house together. We're building something that we love."
"If you know how to use a measuring tape and a pencil in a skill saw, you can build the deck."
"If you're going to have patience and vision, you have to have something to build with."
"As you build a well, the closer you are to a water source, the more force it will have."
"The build experience was just that a big experience, I would say a lot of blood, sweat, and literal tears went into it."
"Once the CBA is completed and the final deal is signed shovels are ready to go into the ground."
"Whatever is built now in regards to health or work will be lasting and of very good quality."
"That's where it's headed... all new construction for non-residential buildings has to have solar panels."
"That actually came out pretty well, pretty awesome walkway inside of this brand new base right here."
"I'm going to build the best Peppa Pig house and I am not getting my house destroyed."
"I believe it does. It's been proven time and time again that it is the contrary is also true: if you don't build it they will not come."
"The amount of concrete they poured, this house is not going anywhere."
"Clearing this beautiful space for you to build this beautiful new house."
"If you build a house on a faulty foundation, it doesn't matter how much refurbishing you do."
"When it opened in 1991, HMP Belmarsh was the first male prison to be built in London for over a hundred years."
"Let's get building guys, alright guys, let's head straight into the castle and get to work."
"We're building plants and factories like never before."
"Symmetry mode means if you want to build a symmetrical ship..."
"Built by Simon Dale and his father-in-law, the project took only four months to complete."
"You get to do stuff like this, what other game could you build a replica of something you already built in another world?"
"The earlier we build it, the cheaper it will be."
"Corbels can'tilever, meaning move laterally when they have too much overhang for the loads imposed upon them."
"It's hard for me to put into words just how engaging and enthralling it's been still is for that matter and just how much I respect what they have managed to build here."
"The pyramid was ultimately finished and cased with fine white Tura limestone in an amazingly precise fashion."
"This is the biggest build I've done so far in this world, ladies and gentlemen."
"The instructions were extremely hard to follow... it's not just three or four pieces, it's a ton of them."
"Let's see if we can build empires for places that don't actually exist."
"We've officially done it, the 10 million dollar ranch has been built."
"Architecture can’t exist on a page it must be built and transforming our drawings and tiny cardboard models into physical reality means choosing materials to represent abstract ideas."
"At the end of the day, it's just an opportunity to build really cool stuff and make really cool models."
"It's hard to imagine how the first teams must have felt in January 1933 arriving at the site on day one and looking at the huge expanse of water that lay in front of them."
"You would never build a house and start with a second floor, you would start with a great solid foundation."
"We're going to build new airports, new highways, new dams... we will build new strength into our country."
"Start where you are. You build a house brick by brick."
"Let's stack these things to the sky if we have to, because you can keep stacking them."
"Begins construction of a multi-stage megastructure."
"At the end of the day, I've dedicated my life to building something and then you have people that have dedicated their lives to destroying what I've built."
"There doesn't seem to be any dead-end builds at all."
"Timing is everything with concrete too fast and you're in trouble too slow you're wasting time inefficient wasting money it's always a balance with concrete."
"It all worked for this here, built up incredibly."
"It's safe to say that we never would have built skyscrapers if we hadn't invented elevators."
"Working with the white blocks is something that I'm not really used to."
"The construction is super well built I mean build quality is top-notch here."