
Motivation Quotes

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"By understanding the neural circuits in the brain and body that release and use dopamine, we can leverage our dopamine to have maximum motivation to overcome sticking points."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our Baseline levels of dopamine turn out to be our baseline levels of motivation and feelings of well-being."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Understanding how those things relate to one another, I assure you that by the end of today's episode you will be in a far better position to understand why you become motivated, why you procrastinate, how to ensure motivation on an ongoing basis, and even how to leverage effort and the desire to become motivated as a way to do just that."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Desire and the need to move in order to pursue and reach goals are one in the same process."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can leverage your dopamine system in order to be maximally motivated when you want to be and indeed to avoid procrastination."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When people see that things are better for someone else, they realize things can be better for themselves too."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is released in the greatest amount and places us into a greater state of motivation, when something happens that's positive and novel."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"First of all, set goals that are challenging, but possible, those moderate goals, not super easy, not super difficult."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nicotine increases motivation, it decreases negative feelings of mood, it increases positive feelings of mood and motivation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Aligning your compulsion with some greater good is where the really good stuff emerges."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Acknowledge that you're stressed, to own it, see it, be mindful of it. Welcome it because inherently in that stress is something you care about. Utilize the stress response, to achieve the thing that you care about."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The motivation changes, right? Then the motivation is, how do I utilize the stress to realize the enhancing outcomes?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Friendship is an incredibly strong force in making one feel like certain things are possible or worth reaching for."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best way to incorporate the mechanics of the dopamine system such that you can achieve not just immediate motivation but ongoing motivation is to incorporate what is referred to as random intermittent reinforcement."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Most people find that their level of attention and motivation is going to be highest 30 minutes, 3 hours, and 11 hours after waking up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is not just the molecule of reward. It is the molecule of desire. It's about motivation and it's about wanting, not just having."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Music can stimulate dopamine release, we know this. It can enhance motivation, especially if is the kind of music that really puts you in the groove for the particular type of work you're going to do."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Growth Mindset, which is this striving to be better to be in this mindset of I'm not there yet, but striving itself is the end goal."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Winning creates the propensity for more winning."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everyone can get better at it, and that's a beautiful thing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Really small tweaks to the way that we frame our goals can have an outsized impact on whether or not we're successful at reaching that goal."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is not about pleasure. Dopamine is about motivation, craving, and pursuit."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is the reward feel good neuromodulator that stimulates action."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Motivation is fundamental to our daily life. It's what allows us to get out of bed in the morning. It's what allows us to pursue long-term goals or short-term goals."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine, as I've said, is involved in anticipation of wanting, not of having; it's involved in motivation toward the thing that you want."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is not about the ability to experience pleasure, it is about motivation for pleasure."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Celebrate your wins but don't celebrate every win. That's one way that you can ensure that you're going to continue down the path of progress."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is a molecule of motivation and anticipation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Most people experience dips and peaks in their motivation even if they really want something."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Understanding that dopamine is released in response to anticipation of a reward is the fuel for work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is a molecule that's associated with novelty expectation, motivation, and reward."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"How badly we need or want the plasticity determines how fast that plasticity will arrive."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is a molecule that's almost always associated with pleasure and with the accomplishment of a particular goal, but it's really also a molecule of motivation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you focus on a job you can make an income, and hopefully you enjoy your job or not hate it too much. A career represents a sort of, in kind of series of evolutions. But a calling has a whole other level of energetic pull to it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You just got to do the work, and it's freaking hard."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People start feeling better already because it's evidence that you've been activated, and you matter enough to do this, and you could conceive that this would actually have a good outcome rather than a hopeless one."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our desire to continue or, put differently, our willingness to continue and our desire to quit is mediated by events between our two ears."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is not necessarily a molecule of reward. It's a molecule of motivation, pursuit, and drive."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"How could I not believe that better is possible?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our own children give it a sense of urgency."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Your capacity to tap into dopamine as a motivator... is infinite."
"There's only one biological currency, and that's dopamine."
"Dopamine is associated with reward, it's more about motivation and craving."
"I think you live once, and I don't want to spend my life working on a theory if I really don't think it has a promise to reach the goal that we have set for ourselves."
"Near-term, input-based, controllable, and energizing goals get us over that hurdle initially."
"You're not a waste of existence, to be honest."
"It's a beautiful day to save lives, let's have some fun."
"Find your goals, smash them things out, just keep trucking on...you have it in yourself to never have to go back to that situation again."
"Do something amazing, do something incredible, do something for yourselves because you guys deserve it."
"You need energy to be motivated; in order to be motivated, you need to be feeling good."
"Find motivation in small things first is really important."
"Stay humble, stay open, keep doing the work."
"There's nothing more worthwhile than becoming more conscious."
"And that fueled my passion. And I've been really passionate about it ever since."
"This week belongs to everyone here; it's all of us. So go out there, do some good, be nice to people, love on some people, and accomplish your goals."
"The world is not going to magically right itself without you doing something."
"True high performers...attach dopamine to the effort process itself. In fact, [the] hallmark of growth mindset is really two things: one is 'I'm not where I want to be now, but I'm capable of getting there eventually.' The other is to attach a sense of reward to the effort process itself."
"Dopamine is not just about reward; it's one of the biggest misconceptions. Dopamine is about motivation and drive."
"Gratitude is not complacency...gratitude is wonderful; it resets the system so that you can be in pursuit."
"Imagine you're doing something important and you seem to be moving forward, that's a really good time to learn."
"If you're not afraid of hard work, the sky is the [__] limit."
"Most human beings, what actually will get you feeling like you're not stuck is having something in the future that you're looking forward to or taking a class where you're learning something."
"When you get something right, you get a little hit of a thing in your brain called dopamine. It's the happy drug."
Justin Sandercoe
"Dopamine is the molecule not just of reward but of motivation."
"Learning how to attach internal rewards to the process of whatever it is that you want to do is crucial."
"Dopamine, when secreted in the brain, makes us pursue things, build things, create things, makes us want new things that we don't currently already have."
"The ability to tap into this dopamine reward system, which is activated anytime you're in pursuit of something, is crucial."
"Your emotional intent is so strong and so aligned and your motivation is so strong that you don't give up."
"Love true love like living with love as your primary motivator is the most important thing."
"Dopamine is the molecule of motivation... dopamine is mainly about craving and motivation and drive."
"When it's really tough, and you just want... that's when you want to start telling yourself, 'This is the good part.'"
"If you get yourself to act, you have motion first, then emotion will follow."
"Discipline's good because we can control it a little bit more than we can control motivation. Over time, we can strengthen our discipline."
"Environment should come first, and motivation and discipline are good, but secondary."
"I want to change the world. That's real for me."
"Recognize what your strengths are and play to your motivational strengths."
"If you have the passion, you'll do well. The money will come automatically."
"If these people can make 50,000 a day, 50,000 a week, whatever it is, so can I."
"Sometimes going from zero to one feels so inconsequential and somewhat embarrassing that we just don't do it... but it can literally change your life."
"I'm a believer that self-doubt is the killer of dreams... if we don't believe in ourselves, it's not gonna happen."
"I wish I would have trusted myself a lot more in my 20s, so I encourage all of you 20, with greatness and dreams and goals inside of you, write them all down, plan it out, and tell everyone who doesn't believe in it to go themselves."
"The concept of always doing one more: putting yourself out there one more time, making one more phone call, making one more offer on a house, could just spark change not only in your life but could affect millions of people."
"Appreciative of the doors of opportunity that are opening."
"People, men particularly in relation to fatherhood, have a vested interest and instinctual tilt towards developing the best in other people."
"The best of us is motivated by the opportunity to serve the best in other people."
"A definition of leadership is that you have to find out where people want to go, assume they have their reasons, and then help them strategize."
"No better tool than leadership than giving people ownership of what they're doing."
"Understanding why you're doing what you're doing is absolutely critical."
"It's about trying to thrive and reach our full potential."
"It's good progress for today, good motivation, it really helps spark it up again."
"The power plant doesn't have energy; it generates energy. You don't have motivation; you generate motivation."
"Higher levels of clarity in your life bring higher levels of motivation."
"Go out there every single day of your life, live fully, love openly, and stay motivated to make your difference every single day."
"All motivation begins with the desire or hunger and ambition for more."
"It either takes reflection or action to generate serious sustained motivation."
"You cannot have real high-powered motivation without a connection to other people."
"No wonder you're not motivated; you haven't thought about what motivates you in three days."
"Discipline is what a high state of motivation looks like from the outside."
"Motivation needs to be cultivated like a garden."
"Every action you take is either making a motivational deposit or a withdrawal."
"Motivation is nothing about your behavior; it has everything to do with the mind."
"Motivation is the ability to hold a thought steady in your mind for a prolonged period of time."
"Motivation is simply the ability to put something in the center of your mind and keep it there."
"If you're feeling overwhelmed, I understand that you also then don't have any motivation; you don't have extra energy to declutter."
"You've experienced this: when you get the floor cleaned up in a space, even if you don't get the other stuff done, it feels really good."
"Our brain makes us unmotivated. Your lack of motivation is not a problem; it's how your brain is wired."
"Ease is a greater threat to success than hardship. You got to push through the pain."
"We can all lose our motivation. The question is, do we regain it? Do we show up when it really counts?"
"Almost all lost motivation is actually fatigue, burnout, overwhelm, and stress."
"If you start thinking the world is full of idiots, you lose motivation. When judgment goes up, motivation goes down."
"When you are accepting and loving of people as where they're at, as an opportunity to serve, your motivation's different."
"You must get back into a first 30 minute morning routine in which you connect with your ambitions."
"If you lost motivation, you didn't lose motivation, you lost your touch with the future."
"Motivate yourself with compassion; it's a much harder road, a tougher journey, but it's the only way which works."
"The greatest motivation in this life is for the benefit and happiness of all other beings."
"Live your life for the happiness and benefit of all sentient beings. Make that your motivation."
"Getting respect from the ones that you respect, the real Legends of the game, those are the moments that I cherish and really keep me driven."
"When we're being unproductive and wasting our time, we like to tell ourselves that what's missing is motivation."
"Motivation is something you can create yourself. Put in effort, you will improve, you will make progress."
"Motivation isn't a spark, motivation is the fire that starts burning after you manually, painfully, coax it into existence, and it feeds on the satisfaction of seeing yourself make progress."
"If you're confident in yourself and you believe that you bring value to the world, it's easier to get motivated."
"Characters who want things are naturally more interesting to us than characters who don't."
"You are either going to make us like them, or you're going to give them a motivation that sounds really interesting, or you're going to show them on a journey where they themselves are changing and we want to see what happens."
"Goals can be accomplished and then your story is done. Motivations continue."
"Motivation is important for anything. Motivation is important to learn English, for exercise, to start your business, to become financially free."
"Before motivation, you have to become optimistic."
"He wanted to provide his mother with a better life."
"Not good enough is not a reason to keep from acting. You've got to start somewhere."
"Our pursuit of a bigger goal produces a lot of good for people outside of ourselves."
"Don't downgrade your dreams to fit your current reality; upgrade your mindset, your motivation, and your methodology to meet your destiny."
"By focusing on the skills involved in a task, rather than the object results, I can fuel my motivation consistently long-term."
"Progress has been identified to be a major source of motivation."
"God wants gratitude to be the primary motivation behind everything we do or say or think."
"Motivation and dopamine come AFTER taking action."
"Anyone can feel motivated from time to time, but highly motivated people build routines and habits into their lives that generate motivation consistently."
"Building lasting motivation is all about bringing to mind over and over what is most important to you, what matters to you the most."
"The quickest way to get from where you are to where you want to be is to get started now."
"You are not what you are going through. Now is your time, now is the moment to capture the vision."
"Nobody is coming to save them. If they want to get out of that hole, they're going to have to do it themselves."
"The key factor in life is motivation, desire, the energy that you bring to it."
"You will discover your superpower, you will be motivated, you will find the energy."
"Changing your environment can be a powerful way to maintain motivation and develop healthy habits."
"Health is something that we can use as a currency to realize our goals and aspirations in our life."
"Get up, get going, take advantage of that set of goals, know what skills you have to acquire."
"All of those things will help you get up, get going, attack the day, create momentum in your life."
"Addictions are basically chasing after dopamine."
"I needed to do everything in my power to get the very most out of every single second of every single day."
"If you're tired or you don't feel like it, that's when you need to get up and do what you need to do."
"Dopamine's main role in the brain and body is craving, motivation, and pursuit."
"Fear can be fuel, and it's very powerful fuel."
"Motivation. You have to want it. It has to be something you are on fire for."
"Motivation and addiction are on a spectrum... something that used to be good for us, if we overdo it or we're doing it and somehow it's starting to actually not have the same effect, that can become destructive."
"The belief that tomorrow, the next moment, will be better than it is now gets us through the crappy moment that we're having right now."
"I always say if somebody in the world has made it, that is, happy and successful, that had your circumstances, your excuse is void."
"I was not willing to waste a day, and when you're willing to waste a day, then your mind will start to listen."
"Purpose... it changes your life; it gives you a reason to wake up, it gives you a reason to go to bed to rest."
"The overlying theme of consistency is: don't quit."
"The mountain is a mirror of our capacities coming up, and we've got so much more within us."
"You have plenty of time to do the things you want to do."
"It's not how many people have I reached, it's of the people that I reached, how many of those did I move."
"Anyone who says we've reached our maximum limit doesn't know what they're talking about."
"One of the worst things in life is when you've got no energy."
"I'm interested in doing the next thing because I like the process of it so much."
"Sometimes people just need to have a purpose in life and feel valued."
"Change happens when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of making a change."
"It's the non-scale victories that are really critically important."
"You have to enjoy the action; the only proof and evidence somebody's motivated is they're doing something to get progressed towards that goal."
"People need to nail down their motivation if they're going to take the kind of action that they want because you're wasting a lot of time with distraction which you're not even thinking about."
"It's important to try. Not just, 'Well, you tried.' No, I mean you tried. You were you... in those moments, you were all that matters in the universe."
"You can't change because someone else told you to change. You need to change because you actually want to."
"You're not going to succeed at all unless you want to succeed and you have the motivation to do it."
"Extrinsic motivation means you're being motivated from the outside in... Intrinsic motivation is when it comes from the inside out."
"Just do it. Whatever it is that you're being lazy on right now, stop looking for a trick, just go do it."
"Motivation, for a long time, I thought motivation was a feeling... but recently, I have realized that motivation is indeed a feeling like happiness and sadness and anger, but also a reason for you to do things."
"Motivation is a result of action, not the other way around."
"Motivation is sort of like a fire inside you, and you need to add fuel to it through the way you think, through the way you act."
"When people start small, they're able to make changes. But when they start too big and they aim too high, sure, they may do it for one week, for two weeks, for three weeks, but then on those days where they're unable to get motivated and do what they want to do, they fall off the wagon and they go completely back to zero."
"You need to make it easy, because even when your motivation drops, as it will, you'll still do it."
"My futile attempts to save you from the ravages of mental illness lit a fire in me that burns to this day."
"Your actions don't have to be motivated by ambition; they can be motivated by excitement, curiosity, and just an appreciation for doing what you're doing."
"This is going to really help us start to make those dreams a reality."
"But thanks to that, thanks to the art challenge, like give me the motivation because people start trusting or like what I do."
"I think if you have opportunities, go for it."
"Desire for more, dissatisfaction, can actually be a beautiful thing."
"Dissatisfaction, craving, that's what actually causes you to go and create success."
"Never lose that striving towards something; it's what keeps you moving forward."
"I can do this. I'm awesome, and I can do this."
"The key is to subjectively reward those steps. So it's not going to be, let's say I go out and I run a mile and my goal is to run 10 miles in a few weeks, the key is as you're in the strain of that mile, the hard part, you want to tell yourself this is the good part, this is the part that gives me energy."
"Dopamine... is really about the molecule of motivation."
"There is no one coming to save you. You have to pick yourself up; you have to do the work."
"Gut bacteria can make dopamine and it's much more potent. It's giving you a hundred times more of that motivational chemical."
"It's time for you to rise to your fullest potential."
"Be proud of what you have to offer; you've got something very unique, a unique skill. So be proud of that."
"We have highly motivated, self-selected patients that are willing to do really radical things like eat well, exercise, and go to bed on time."
"If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done."
"Consistency compounds. Little by little, a little becomes a lot."
"The idea that you can self-reward the effort process is extremely powerful."
"The success in our life is determined by elevating or maximizing our productive motivations and minimizing our counterproductive motivations."
"Friend power is far more powerful than willpower."
"If we can learn to activate ourselves in a way that generates this incredible emotional charge within, a powerful and vibrant and courageous and loving charge within us, then we have the ability and the energy and the excitement to accomplish anything in the world."