
The Last Mile Quotes

The Last Mile by David Baldacci

"Because where else would I be except here, sir?"
"He didn’t want their crap inside him at the end."
"He would die like a man. Back straight, head high."
"How do I get twenty years of my life back? You wanna tell me that? How!"
"I don’t like people just showing up out of the blue and confessing to a crime."
"He would have been forty-two years old in two months. His forty-first had been his very last birthday, as it turned out."
"Texas killed you dead whether you took it brave or not."
"He wasn’t sure exactly what emotions he was supposed to have. Happy, nervous, relieved, anxious? Well, he was feeling all of them."
"Nothing could replace them, thus he would never have anything to celebrate."
"It wasn’t like the condemneds’ victims hadn’t suffered horrific pain and fear."
"Human beings, for better or worse, were undeniably social creatures. Without interaction they went mad."
"But ours will be one of the first to utilize folks from outside the FBI to be part of such an operational team."
"Playing devil's advocate, what if we prove them right?"
"Then our funding is cut and we go off and do something else."
"He had thought those days were long since over."
"I didn’t have to dig anything up. I read the statements and reports. It was all right there."
"After what you just did, Mr. Decker, I’ll take it on faith."
"I didn’t want to waste time on a case of no interest."
"I'm not sure he's into us outsiders being involved in FBI investigations."
"If it turns out that truth means you are guilty, then they can inject you and you can die, because you’ll have deserved it."
"You might be working with the state of Texas for all I know."
"Synesthesia is not all it's cracked up to be."
"People really didn't use cell phones back then."
"Criminals usually slip up. And they usually slip up on the timeline, Amos. They can't be in two places at the same time."
"The good thing about hyperthymesia was that he saw things exactly as they were; no detail was missing."
"If he planned this all out, why can't he come up with a plausible explanation for the time gap?"
"I was a total druggie. Do anything to get more."
"We're just trying to confirm everything. And we would like to hear it from you. That's why we came here."
"He's obviously cagey as hell, but he also seems genuinely remorseful."
"I think it's more important what we think of Regina Montgomery."
"Hell no. I knew he could be violent. He'd murdered other people. It's why they're going to execute him. He killed an Alabama state trooper. That's gonna get you the damn death penalty every time."
"One way he could, you know, make up for what he'd done a little."
"Ain't got none. I live here and can barely make the rent. I work at the grocery store and then have a second job at the McDonald's down the road."
"We had some good times together. A few good times. And he is Tommy's dad. And I blame the damn government. Chuck fights for his country, gets a chunk of his head torn out, and what’d they do for him? Nothing. Now that’s a damn crime, if you ask me."
"If you think it might give you some closure, yes."
"This is Alabama. Football season is never really over."
"So a lot of money," said Decker. "Do you know how much?"
"But it’s not you, Melvin. It’s the other guy."
"And that doesn’t come close to answering my question," Mars said irritably. "Why do you have to make everything so damn hard, Decker?"
"But why don’t you believe Montgomery? He knew stuff from my house."
"That is a huge and, in my mind, unjustified leap of logic."
"And remember Lucinda’s blood in Melvin’s car? She never used that car," he said. "So how’d the blood get there? Montgomery sure as hell couldn’t have put it there."
"If he’s innocent," said Milligan sullenly. "Not so great if he’s not."
"I can only hope, Mr. Mars, that the rest of your life will be full of nothing but positive events."
"You’re going to be the national news story du jour."
"My dad had a scar right here. I saw it when I was a kid and we were horsing around on the floor, just roughhousing, you know. I touched it and asked him about it. He flew into a rage. I mean, I thought he was going to beat the shit out of me."
"If you’ve got decent wheels, you’re home free down the seam for a lot more than ten yards. Maybe end zone if you’re fast enough to beat the angle the other safety takes."
"You were dealing with a lot for a young guy, Melvin. I wouldn’t beat yourself up too badly."
"Besides, there’s another reason for us to go to Alabama."
"What if you didn’t do it and Charles Montgomery also didn’t do it?"
"What’s the third option, Melvin? That’s what I want to know."
"But she’s not just going to tell us who contacted her."
"We find out as much as we can on our own and then we confront her with it."
"I can only imagine what you’ve had to deal with today. I’m so sorry."
"I know who the hell he is! I just…I mean I don’t have…"
"I’m sure you’re mad at my husband, but he did come forward. Only reason you’re out of jail."
"You can call the cops. And then we’ll tell them what we know."
"I have to file the claim. It might take a few days, or maybe a week. It’s not like they won’t have proof he’s dead."
"That’s a beautiful watch. Cartier, isn’t it?"
"We aren't going to lie. We aren't going to say anything about it. We're just going to continue on with the investigation as if nothing happened."
"Right now my job is to find out what happened to your parents, Melvin. Whether it's under the auspices of the FBI or not doesn't matter a damn to me."
"I don't leave a case until it's finished. So I'm staying here to see it through."
"What's the key to winning on the football field? Preparation. Well, in the investigation field preparation means looking at all the little details in the hopes that they deliver up the big answers."
"Sometimes the truth hurts more than not knowing."
"Just because you never got the chance doesn't mean you weren't a superstar. Because you were."
"No, I just like to know who I'm dealing with."
"Rule number one, anybody pulls a gun, I will shoot you right in the nuts."
"Next," said Decker, looking expectantly at the other men.
"It's like it's twenty years ago," he said absently.
"And they're gone. And I'm...nothing too. Same as you."
"It's a big, free country. There are opportunities for all to do something."
"There are few things more powerful than the truth."
"Once you get truth on your side, good things tend to happen."
"We're going to find another hole to run through."
"His mind had no dim recesses. It was like Times Square all the time."
"The truth. At times it seemed the most elusive thing in all of creation."
"Decker didn’t like deceit. He didn’t like lies. He didn’t like bad acts with no consequences."
"If someone told him a lie, he would remember it clearly, not knowing that it was false until he could compare it with other facts that would, hopefully, demonstrate the inconsistency of the statement."
"Investigations are not exact sciences. You plug along until something starts to make sense."
"You look like your brain is gonna catch fire."
"Every marriage has problems, and some are better at hiding it than others."
"It’s better than not carrying a gun when you need it."
"I took my coat off. I heard this call because I had picked up my coat when you phoned."
"You finish off polishing fine silver with your fingers. At least well-trained servants do. Or used to do."
"Because of the translation. Apparently it’s particular only to the Cali area."
"Principally, Melvin, because possums can play dead. Which seems to be exactly what your father did."
"If Lucinda escaped and also stole from them, they could have come after her."
"Something really damaging or valuable that would still be important all these years later."
"It is a stretch, but it can’t be discounted. Not yet."
"I think Lucinda knew what Roy was going to do."
"He might have died, and then Melvin would have been up shit creek."
"But he didn’t die. And he did fulfill the promise."
"It would be the hardest thing you ever had to do, but you would do it because of that love."
"The truth was, he was no closer to working this out than he had been on the very first day."
"If it was severed, he would bleed out in under a minute."
"I’m just saying that he’s feeling vulnerable."
"Nobody can help him, not really. He got screwed. No fault of his, just the way it turned out."
"He understands that him getting you out of jail caused these folks to come after you."
"Don’t think it’s going to be with your dad. Because that’s not going to happen."
"I think of them singing their hearts out and then that bomb going off. So terrible."