
The Acid House Quotes

The Acid House by Irvine Welsh

"Thoughts jostled for space in my crowded brain as I struggled to give them some order which might serve to motivate my listless life."
"The politicians’ vision seemed just another money-making scam or another crass power-trip."
"Often plenty was wrong with reality. Whose reality was it, anyway?"
"In trying to be what he thought she wanted, he had given her nothing to change; denied her the satisfaction of making a real impact in their relationship."
"It was a blessing. Anna and I went for a drink and I told her the whole story of Chrissie and Richard, leaving nothing out."
"In certain states of mind I would have been offended by this negligence and would definitely have spoken up."
"I sensed that she was attracted to ugliness and cynicism because she saw herself as an agent of change."
"I can be your friend. We can fuck. But don’t ask me to give. I can’t."
"I’m very attracted to you Marianne, and please don’t be offended by this, but I’d like to spend the night with you."
"I’m just kidding myself. I’m a one-woman man."
"They say it’s a little like swimming or riding a bike."
"It’s been one of the best nights I’ve had … in years."
"I thought that the cruise would do her the world of good."
"Every evening, Smith rented between two and four videotapes at the shop he passed on the way home from work."
"He did not socialise with them, and the extent of his self-disclosure was extremely limited."
"You could be struck down by a massive cardiac arrest."
"I have to fulfil my destiny, that was how I saw it."
"Something in his mind always seemed to shut down a line of thought before it could cause him discomfort; a form of psychic quality control."
"After a dressing-down from Rab Logan, one tends to shape up."
"It’s pointless lamenting something as inevitable as the decline of the extended family network."
"The bottom line is, you’re only as good as your last flit."
"The best thing to do was not to even talk to Sparryheids. It was important to remember the golden rules of barwork as they related to Sparryheids."
"In all honesty, I don’t have time for heavy relationships at the moment."
"She was in the habit of visiting places like the Spey Lounge, Swanneys and the Clan Tavern; and I enjoy a few pints of lager."
"Yir an Abercrombie right enough, she told me."
"The greatest gift that Rico ever gave to us was making us remember just how much we loved each other."
"Sometimes it maybe seems like folks have a habit of doing all sorts of things for all sorts of reasons, some of which we don’t rightly know about."
"The light of love in people's eyes... if there’s love in people’s eyes, it was Rico that put it there."
"Awareness is seventy percent of the solution."
"Humans tend to adjust to their environment and subsequently, you become so inactive that even thinking of doing anything feels threatening."
"I do some push-ups and squat thrusts before settling down to another chapter in the book I’m reading: a biography of Peter Sutcliffe."
"I like it because I enjoy my own company and can get a bit ratty after too much social contact."
"I think it’s better to do a good day’s graft; makes the time pass quicker."
"Some things you can never understand, some things don’t lend themselves to reason, to rational analysis and explanation."
"I started on Mother Teresa’s biography, but I can’t get into it. I don’t really have that much time for her; she seems a bit fuckin loopy tae me."
"People should take on a bit mair personal responsibility."
"I pray for a bad road-traffic accident for Simmy."
"You could tell that the boy was suspect when he says, I’ve got to see a man about a brown-paper package."
"This is what being alive's all about, all those fucked-up feelings. You've got to have them; when you stop, watch out."
"However, I tempered that feeling with the thought of her humiliation at the hands of Denise. I felt a delicious vindication, followed by a vague sense of guilt."
"Prospects pretty fuckin grim all round. Yes, I did have a certain outgoing social vivaciousness but the self-belief that drove me on in face of all overwhelming evidence to the contrary was now evaporating rapidly."
"Nobody likes a smart cunt; a smart cunt who is also an accessory to murder has got real problems."
"I lay on the bed taking stock of my life with a cruel, self-loathing brutality."
"A big blank canvas others completed. Whenever I tried to find a broader sense of self the term: A SMART CUNT would come back to mind."
"I hadn’t been into washing. I always felt disorientated after sex, always wanted to be alone."
"We didn’t have strong feelings for each other, we were just playing out time waiting for the real thing to come along."
"For me, being anti-establishment is not about dressing like a tramp, taking drugs and going to rave-ups or whatever they’re called. That’s the easy way out."
"The old tongue-job never fails. The only fuckin real use for the guid Scotch tongue."
"You can only be free for so long, then the chains start to bind you. The answer is to keep moving."
"There’s always more, always more of this fuckin shite to get through. It never ends."
"They say it gets easier to handle the older you get. I hope so. I hope tae fuck."