
Riot House Quotes

Riot House by Callie Hart

"Thank fuck it's dark. Nothing could be worse than arriving at a new school in broad daylight."
"The very building itself is holding its breath, peering down on me and casting judgement as it observes me reluctantly wrangling my suitcase up the first flight of stairs."
"I wasn’t exactly popular back in Tel Aviv, but I had friends."
"It’s a jail cell dressed up as a place of learning, where army officers who can’t be bothered dealing with their own kids dump them without a second thought, knowing that they’ll be watched over with a military-like focus."
"All language is constantly evolving. To claim the English language is dead because it’s changing and growing in a certain direction is like saying man became extinct when Homo Sapiens evolved from monkeys."
"Usually, when something evolves, it does so for the better."
"I’m nothing if not persistent. Leave it with me. I’ll figure it out before the end of term."
"Just like in the natural world, display any signs of weakness and the predators will home in on it and do their best to pick you off. They’re fucking relentless."
"I’ve never used an abbreviation in a text message in all my life."
"Powerplays are not my thing. I have zero interest in vying for her crown."
"It’s impossible to look away from a car crash."
"He’s a fifteen-car pile-up, and there are already people dead at the scene."
"I’m not wearing a seatbelt, and motherfucker’s cut my brake lines."
"There’s nothing like a little internal warfare to perk up a shitty mood."
"I love nothing more than mastering myself, both mind and body."
"I made damn sure nothing about me is mediocre, half-assed, or middle of the road."
"A muscle tics in Wren’s jaw—a sign of annoyance if ever I’ve seen one."
"She’s a walking contradiction. I like this about her."
"I’m usually very good at gauging who should be allowed into the Screamin’ Beans club."
"Never run from the enemy, Elodie. Never show them your back. Any sign of weakness will be your ultimate downfall."
"Panic will kill you quicker than anything else."
"If someone's dumb enough to brave this madness, then it must be for a good reason."
"She lived recklessly and died the same way. God grant her the wisdom to make better choices in the afterlife."
"All good-looking men have been tapped on the shoulder by evil."
"People die from exposure in this kind of weather."
"I doubt you'll catch hypothermia from a bit of wind and rain. Unless you have a weak constitution?"
"To warmth. Shelter. Unless you’d rather spend another thirty minutes out here, spinning your wheels in the mud before you figure this thing out."
"Keep your eyes open, then! You’ll need to actually look where you’re going!"
"It’s enough that they’re there, and they’re defined."
"Your father taught you Morse code, too, right?"
"I’ll be sure to wait until I’m invited, then. You have a rose petal in your hair."
"You are going to be mine, Elodie Stillwater. Of all my sins and misdeeds, making you fall in love with me will be the very worst of them all."
"You're acting like she's the pot of gold, waiting for you at the end of the rainbow, man. But you're embarrassing yourself, Jacobi. She's just a girl."
"Like you wouldn’t believe, Stillwater. Like you wouldn’t fucking believe."
"Some skills are innate. We’re born with them."
"I need what any guy in my position would want: her complete and unconditional surrender."
"I glare at the lying, deceptive degenerates, despising everything that they are and everything they stand for."
"I thought twins were supposed to get on better than this!"
"I'm horrible in large social gatherings. I don't know how to talk to people."
"Driving yourself has always made you feel poor, hasn't it?"
"I'm not a good guy, Elodie. I've been informed by numerous trustworthy sources that I'm utterly reprehensible."
"Good poets bleed their pain out in their words."
"I never lie, so when I tell you something, Little E, you can believe it's true."
"I'd never hurt someone until they agreed to steal someone’s phone for me."
"I'm afraid of real life. The people who are supposed to care for you the most."
"Yes, I’m sure. When I get a migraine, I need to curl up in bed and sleep. It’s the only way to get through it."
"No! Not at all. If you think he’s a good guy, and he’s treating you right, and you think you’re ready, then why the hell not?"
"You should keep it. Do something pretty with it. I know how to make it into a hair clip. I can show you if you like?"
"Raw honesty looks a lot like arrogance to the untrained eye."
"You’re in my head when I wake up. You’re in my head when I wander around this wretched place, and you’re still there, tormenting the ever-loving shit out of me when I close my eyes at night."
"We might think we want someone kind and caring to dote on us, but the moment that becomes a reality, we run for the hills."
"I won’t ever be done with you. Just as you’ll never offer yourself up to me just to get me to leave you alone, sweet girl."
"I’m not going to date a psychopath like that!"
"I have no expectations of you. How can I when you’re constantly surprising me and throwing me off my fucking guard."
"You cling to your social outcast status like it’s a shield that’ll protect you from the realities of this life, but the truth is that it’s isolating you more and more from everyone around you."
"I thought I did, but... I shake my head, placing my hands so carefully on her hips that I can barely feel the material of her jeans against my palms."
"Physical exercise is bad. I highly recommend you avoid it in future."
"Sounds fucking dumb, but it was magical. Like real magic."
"You haven’t met my father. You have no idea how badly he can make something hurt."
"The key to convincing a woman that you're not an evil, heartless piece of shit, Wren, is to not be an evil, heartless piece of shit."
"Because I’ve never smiled at me, Little E. I could steal those moments where you looked angry, when you weren’t looking, because they were familiar. I’d already earned the anger and the hate you wore."
"I’m not known for doing what’s best for other people."
"You don’t know what to do. You don’t know how to feel. You’re scared of the truth and what it could mean. Down is up, and up is down..."
"I’ve wanted him since the moment I set eyes on him, smoking that cigarette outside the academy, waiting for me in the half-drawn shadows."
"Do I believe what he’s telling me? He not only didn’t force someone into doing his dirty work, but that he did that really, disgusting, unbelievably gross dirty work for me?"
"Because I’m not nice. I don’t do nice things. I don’t know how to…be nice."
"You asked me to trust you, and I’ve been scared to. But I do. I do want you, and…the answer’s no. I don’t want you to be done with me."
"I can’t promise I’m not gonna hurt you, Little E. But I can promise that, if I do, it won’t be on purpose."
"A secret is a terrible and wonderful thing. It’s a flickering candle flame in your chest, warming you from the inside."
"My whole life has been one problematic situation after another, after another, after another."
"You’re currently not yourself, and we’ve decided we want the old you back."
"Every bright and shiny memory from my childhood was because of my mother."
"I’ll die an old man in my bed, all of my other memories eaten away by the ravages of time, but that memory will still be burning fiercely behind my eyelids when I go."
"Elodie is mine, and I’m not fucking letting her go."
"Do what you gotta do," Pax says, snapping open another beer.
"In the meantime," Dash says, eyeing me sternly. "Mercy's asked if she can move in here."
"I spray IPA across the kitchen counter. "What the fuck did you just say?"
"I haven’t put a single scratch on that car," Pax growls darkly.
"Having a sister’s like having an annoying case of hemorrhoids that won’t fucking go away."
"Enough. Enough. God, it’s a miracle you guys haven’t given me a nervous breakdown by now."
"Our sincerest laughter, with some pain is fraught."
"You don’t know if there’s been any harm yet. You won’t know until you’re lying on the floor in a pool of your own blood. That’s how Pax works."
"Because it’s less difficult being honest without having to worry about someone’s reactions, right?"
"I do want you. I want all of you for myself. And... I want to be your girlfriend."
"Nothing wrong with calling someone on their shit if they’re misbehaving, either."
"I’m arrogant. I like to fuck. I’m intense as hell sometimes. It’s all or nothing with me."
"I’d give it all away," he says morosely. "Only my father would find out and send more. For the Jacobis, money’s an infinite resource."
"The strangest things tend to turn me on now."
"Then you probably ain’t from that school, either. I don’t know where he found you, pretty girl, but you look too nice for him. My advice? Get out now while you still can."