
Ruin Quotes

Ruin by Samantha Towle

"I’d say it’d make me a god, but I already am."
"And every fucking thing I’ve lost and had to sacrifice to get here will be worth it."
"Forget my regrets, my mistakes. I forget her."
"I see one thing. The ring. And the person waiting in it for me."
"But life throws curveballs at you, and you have to go with them."
"But I have to be grateful for one thing—his donation of sperm—because it gave me Gigi, and she is the best thing that’s ever happened to me."
"Sometimes, it’s the simplest of touches that can make you feel better."
"I’ve missed you," he murmurs. "You mean, you’ve missed being inside me."
"But you weren’t. And, if I’m being honest here, I was going to go after custody of you anyway if she hadn’t died."
"You’re thinking I’m a bastard to fight after what happened with Scott. You’re also thinking that I’ll be at training camp to intensively prep for this fight with Dimitrov, so I won’t have time for Gigi."
"But I know for a fact that you won’t have time for Gigi in the lead up to this fight. And I’m not introducing you into her life now, only for you to disappear on her in a few weeks."
"Gigi doesn’t know that Rich and I are seeing each other. She thinks he’s just a guy I work with."
"I know I’ve messed up in the past…but I have to know her. She’s my flesh and blood."
"Gigi’s always well cared for," I state defensively.
"Well, you don’t need to now. I’ll be giving you all the money you need for Gigi. So, you can quit both jobs."
"I watched as her eyes rake over Zeus, and I don't like the feeling it leaves in my stomach."
"The only thing between us now is that little girl sleeping upstairs."
"It's too late, Zeus. We're different people now. I'm different."
"Because, when you love someone—really love them—you fight for them. You fight hard and dirty, no matter the cost to yourself. And not once have you ever fought for me."
"I haven’t been able to forget about you in the last five years, so I can’t see it ever happening."
"Letting you go was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do."
"I can’t talk about last night. Or think about any of the things he said last night. Because today is too important for anything else to come in the way of it."
"This is it. Time to woman up and tell my girl the truth."
"Well, what would you say if I told you that I was your daddy?"
"You’re not getting rid of us now, you know. We’re here to stay."
"Life would be a hell of a lot simpler if things weren’t though, right?"
"Tell me you love me, and I’ll give you what you want. My cock deep inside you."
"I’ll stop when you stop fucking lying to yourself!"
"I fucking love you. I’ve loved you since I was seventeen years old."
"Avoiding someone when you have a kid together is as difficult as you think it would be."
"Just because I’m letting you go…doesn’t mean I’m letting you go."
"I’ve never lost a fight, Dove. And I don’t intend on losing this one."
"We have history, Dove. But we have a future together, too. And our future is in this house."
"But fear is a cruel thing. It strangles you. Cripples you. Stops you from saying the words you wish you could say."
"I can't prove it to you unless you give me the chance to."
"I want to hear you say it while I'm deep inside you."
"You think I'm going to walk out on you again and never come back."
"You think I don't know that? You don't trust me to stay."
"That's all I care about. You're smart. You always have been."
"Our wet clothes are drying in front of the fire that I got going while he did his birthday-suit dash."
"You're just hurt and scared, and I handled it badly."
"All of our important moments in life seem to happen in the rain."
"You never need to thank me. There isn’t a thing in this world that I wouldn’t do for you or our Gigi girl."
"You’re my daughter, Cam. You always have been. You always will be."
"You’ve…I’m just happy right now. I’d rank this as the second happiest day of my life."
"Joint first," she tells me. "I’m not going to choose between my girls."
"Let’s stop before you have me bawling, and I wreck my reputation as the station’s hard-ass."
"But I’m the one who’s going to be doing the amazing things with my tongue to you. You deserve it."
"I impregnated you twice while you were on the pill. I’m a god."
"You’re the love of my life, Dove. It’s always been you. From the first moment I saw you at the fair, I was a goner."
"It was my mother’s," he tells me. "It might not fit, but we can have it resized."
"I say…that Gigi is going to make one heck of a beautiful bridesmaid."