
Never Go Back Quotes

Never Go Back by Lee Child

"All as expected. Nothing he hadn’t seen a thousand times before. But still dismal."
"Reacher’s mantra: get your retaliation in first. Especially when outnumbered two to one against guys with youth and energy on their side."
"Lifting your leg like a dog at a hydrant was just begging to get beat."
"That’s how I took it. Like I was being extradited out of civilian life. To face the music."
"A personal relationship was not on the agenda. Army defence lawyers were diligent, intelligent and professional, but they were on nobody’s side but the army’s."
"There's enough electronic data to float a battleship."
"I'm what they're giving you, so get used to it."
"Man-portable military weapons don't end up on the streets by accident."
"SAWs were Squad Automatic Weapons, which were fearsome fully automatic machine guns, with fearsome capacities and fearsome capabilities."
"If I'd done it he wouldn't have made it to the hospital. He was a useless tub of lard."
"They couldn’t find you before. They won’t find you now."
"Crimes come down to love, hate, or money, and unlike what it says in the Bible, the greatest of these is money."
"Being a father seemed both straightforward and infinitely complex."
"I wasn’t in southeast D.C. today. Or any other part. I didn’t even cross the river."
"If you ever reveal your feelings to a woman, she’ll have you eating out of her hand."
"The last I saw of him he was walking out of the dining room. About two minutes after you."
"Sometimes you have to put the gun down and pick up the donut."
"You ever been wrong? Doesn’t matter. What matters is, am I wrong now? And I don’t think I am."
"No one could explain exactly why, but the phenomenon was easily observed in experiments."
"They’ll find your clothes. It won’t be difficult. Last in, first out."
"You’re facing a homicide charge right now, is that correct? From sixteen years ago?"
"I’m very pleased to meet you too. But what exactly are you doing?"
"The chances of three yes-or-no propositions working out right are about twelve in a hundred."
"Then that’s what we’ll do. They’ll expect something different."
"Unless your Captain Edmonds fell asleep waiting."
"We're looking for work, so pretty much any place will do."
"A person either runs or he fights. It's a binary choice, and I'm a fighter."
"A fast car, some money in my pocket, and a little company for once."
"I might get used to it. But I would like a choice."
"We have an apparent anomaly, and we have a definite piece of procedural information. Which together might suggest a preliminary conclusion."
"An unknown American officer was seen heading north to meet with a tribal elder."
"We’re all animals. That’s what makes things interesting."
"You’re going to be a two-star general, if you want to be."
"Then maybe it's an old West Virginia folk tradition."
"That doesn't invalidate his overall position."
"Remaining unseen was not an available option."
"We'll only be out there a couple of seconds."
"The key is not to spend too much time on any one individual."
"I'm happy to do this by myself, if you like."
"We need to find a way of getting you guys home before you get hurt."
"We have records and transcripts in the file room."
"We’re about to have a privileged conversation."
"Black windows. Predator and prey, motion and stillness. An old evolutionary legacy."
"She had no friends who looked like you. Not even close."
"This is why you made me buy a sweater, right? You're going to meet your daughter. And first impressions count."
"I'll start in her lawyer's parking lot. That's one place she won't get moved on."
"Prevention is better than cure. Get your retaliation in first."
"If you're hungry, you work out a smarter way to get the next woolly mammoth, today, not tomorrow."
"Not really, you're most welcome, major. Absolutely my pleasure. I don't mind risking my entire career by entering in where JAG captains should fear to tread."
"She looked like a grade-school teacher, about a year out of college."
"They can't afford to be seen caring, but they can't afford not to care."
"Life is a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan."
"Every day is a new opportunity to be amazed at what one does not understand."
"Fear is a response to physical and emotional danger; if we didn't feel it, we couldn't protect ourselves from legitimate threats."
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear."
"The universe is a vast system of cycles, the wheel of life, of inevitable return."
"People reacted to it in all kinds of different ways. Some people bottled it up, and some talked it out."
"I need you to move the body. I can't lift it."
"Fortunately, I’m a professional soldier, and won’t need counselling."
"You should cut their heads off with a butter knife."
"His name had been Jason Kenneth Rickard, and he had finished his earthly sojourn a month shy of his twenty-ninth birthday. He was not an organ donor."
"Public service is something she could think about."
"They were the best thirty dollars I ever had."
"We're assuming a powerful profit motive here. We might need to downgrade that."
"No point in being a pedant, unless you got it exactly right."
"Fighting in the dark on the edge of Lafayette Square was not a civilized sport with rules."
"They probably sent him searching elsewhere. In which case they won't expect a call from him, not until he has news."
"I don't want any trace of Morgan left behind."
"A gentleman's relish, as sweet as organic honey."
"It didn't matter who was coming up the stairs. You or us or anybody, they were going down like gentlemen."
"Opium was the authentic product, heated to a vapour, the vapour inhaled."
"This was my thing, not yours. I came here. You didn't come to South Dakota."