
Seduction In Death Quotes

Seduction In Death by J.D. Robb

"Pain was everywhere, radiating through her in stupefying waves that had no beginning or end, but circled, endlessly circled, into every cell."
"She could see her own breath as she panted. Little ghosts that told her she was alive."
"And his eyes, open and staring, fixed on her. Smiled."
"They flashed on, chasing even a hint of shadow out of the huge, beautiful room."
"She sat, Lieutenant Eve Dallas, eleven years a cop, and comforted herself with the cat as a child might a teddy bear."
"In the gorgeous spring of 2059, death continued to draw an audience from the living."
"He may be irritating, but he's good. He'll nail it. And if it's taking him this long, that tells me our suspect is an above-average hacker."
"Then again, Eve figured if you were stupid enough to believe you could buy a Rolex for the same price as a large pizza, you deserved the skinning."
"No matter how many were loaded up, cremated at city expense, more came to replace them."
"She didn't break the cycle either, but she made the spin on it a little less painful for some."
"You ever get tired of him, I'll take him off your hands."
"I'm Lieutenant Dallas, NYPSD. This piece of shit is my official city vehicle."
"Don't contradict me, Peabody. Do you forget I am the supreme bitch cop?"
"All I know is the kid tagged me, asked me to swing by here so he could fill us both in at once."
"Don't you tell me how to run my division. I trained your ass and I can still kick it, so don't you start thinking you can tear a strip off mine."
"But if I catch you looking smug, I'm kicking your ass."
"Let's pretend we didn't hear her." Roarke nibbled at her mouth. "That we can't see her." Traced it with his tongue. "That we don't even know her name."
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you're talking about it."
"Hell you don't. You shuffle, Peabody clomps, McNab prances."
"It's not the same as loaning me twenty till payday."
"You're such a study, standing there -- all cop. Cool-eyed and grim with your weapon strapped on. It makes my mouth water."
"Clever boy," he reflected. "Clever, clever boy."
"Eventually. The units in this club are designed quite well to shut down and lock at any attempt at contamination."
"Oh, I am. Considerably impressed. Your man has a brilliant talent."
"He's making sure the environment's stable," Eve said. "And he's hunting."
"In the private sector, he or she could name any price."
"The higher the risk, the greater the thrill."
"She's so sexy. Moniqua. Even her name reeks of sex."
"It's really just fate, isn't it? And all on our side."
"You must be sharpening your wits on all those bimbos you're bouncing on these days."
"She'll be young," Eve said. "Early- to mid-twenties."
"Because my ass is approaching the same mass as Pluto."
"But when things had gone wrong, there was fear and panic."
"You put your piece down or I cut her from ear to ear." He leaned in, running his tongue over the terrified woman's cheek. "And drink the blood."
"Okay. Looks like you've got me." She lowered her weapon, watching his eyes follow it down. Then watching them jitter as Peabody stepped in from behind and laid her stunner against the back of his neck.
"Stun him again!" Eve shouted as the drug-induced strength had the knife jamming toward her throat. She felt the prick, that hot sting of metal against flesh.
"Yes, damn it. Get that one." She pointed at the first man, still weeping, trying to crawl away.
"They've got stuff that'll take the blood right out," Peabody assured her as they drove uptown. "My mother always used salt and cold water though. Does the job. Mostly."
"See if you can put a hook in McNamara. I'd like to work him into my day, see what he has to say about the partnership, scandal, and sex drugs."
"Dr. McNamara's off planet, sir. Isn't expected back for a couple days. I've left a request that he contact you with his admin, and on his voice mail."
"Some people are still uncomfortable with alternative sexuality, even when it's theirs."
"He can't just start telling me who I can see, who I can be friends with."
"And if I had been having sex with Charles, which I wasn't, it wouldn't be any of his damn business."
"Once an asshole, always an asshole. Good to remember that."
"Men who know who they are and don't pretend otherwise."
"No. Kevin. I want to hear you say it. Kevin. I want to hear you scream it."
"Because, Lieutenant, you need to sleep. Not at your desk," he added as he stepped into the elevator in her home office. "In a bed."
"You're in my office. It appears I am cooperating."
"Any woman who agrees to meet a man she knows only through mail is soliciting a sexual advance."
"It's more likely these women invited, even encouraged the use of the drugs."
"I hope his balls shrivel up like over-baked prunes then fall off in useless husks."
"No candlelight and music to romanticize the exercise. No indeed. No muss, no fuss. Just a clinical process hyped by sexual enhancement drugs with one purpose. Us."
"A lab rat is a lab rat and an acceptable sacrifice." - Lucias
"I live as I choose to live now, and there's nothing you can do." - Lucias
"I won't clean up your mess this time. I won't pay to have you protected, nor will I sacrifice myself to shield you." - McNamara
"If you're going to be sick, get it over with." - Lucias
"Don't even think about trying for a second round. I want that data, pal." - Eve
"I supported the worthless bastard the last six months we were together." - Stefanie
"You've got a clear path. Try not to stumble off of it." - Charles
"He plans to drug you, with a very potent sexual illegal. You'd bring him back here because you'd think it's your call." - Eve
"Just like rules. You broke a number of rules, Grandfather, in the name of science." - Lucias
"I gave you all that was in my power to give. Every advantage. And it was never enough." - McNamara
"I'm always kind of busy. You're not using the eye gel I gave you. You can't find a minute twice a day for eye gel?" - Trina
"Maybe you don't think we've got anything going on, but you're wrong. That's it, you're wrong."
"You break up with somebody, you do it square."
"Exclusive this time. And we can, you know, go out to some fancy places."
"Hell it doesn't. If it helps any, I think he was really sorry."
"I didn't get the tag from Central. I'm not looking to trespass on your turf, Detective Renfrew."
"I'm interested in finding out why a man I had scheduled for formal interview tomorrow ends up dead in the river."
"I'm not interested in screen time, in pulling rank, or in taking over your case, Renfrew."
"And right now someone's killing women who think they're going out for a pleasant evening."
"Despite male propaganda, I can officially attest that one man's balls are pretty much the same as another's."
"Why do they go out of their way to make official vehicles so ugly?"
"What is this, you never sleep so no one else is allowed to?"
"Feeney's doing his e-thing with all the 'links and computers we confiscated from the townhouse. He'll find something."
"In the end, we'll dump all the evidence -- physical, circumstantial, forensic, the psych profiles, the statements -- into a box and wrap it up for the lawyers. He won't walk away."
"There's always another, Roarke, and if I don't walk away, I can't face the next."
"I need time with you, Eve. Alone, away. No ghosts, no obligations, no grief."
"When she was loaded with Whore, begging for the one thing women truly wanted, he wouldn't even fuck her."
"Women were, by nature, weak and submissive. They required direction and a firm hand."
"God knew women should never be put in positions of authority or power."
"With any luck, you'll be picking Dunwood back up tonight. I intend to go with you."
"Without it, you forget why you do what you do. Why it matters that every time you close a case and put one down, there's one less."
"You'll never beat me, Lucias. I'm better than you are."