
Once Upon A Marigold Quotes

Once Upon A Marigold by Jean Ferris

"Even though he was as familiar with his part of the forest as he was with the back and the front of his hand, there were dangers when the lights went out."
"Whatever they were barking at must have gone straight up a tree, taken off for parts unknown, or had a coronary."
"The light was fading through the trees, casting long shadows that wavered and fooled the eye into thinking threatening things lurked in the gloom."
"Well, the other squirrels, maybe, but he didn't let himself think about that."
"It's a tradition. I've been here, oh, must be one hundred and seventeen years now."
"Inventing is messy, and that's what I like to do."
"You can throw that stupid velvet suit away. I'm never wearing it again."
"Imperious little son of a gun, acting like some big cheese in a small pond."
"What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the eager beaver."
"Nothing like a little fratricide, patricide, matricide, and infanticide to send a fellow right off to sleep."
"He'd gotten used to that—so used to it that he'd never even noticed the absence."
"The world was full of fantastical creatures."
"And then he wrapped the stack of clothing in one of the big picnic napkins, stashed the bundle in the hamper, and settled down with his briar pipe and the book of Greek myths."
"I think everybody should have six hugs a day."
"The truth is, Mab's overwhelmed and she won't admit it."
"Maybe we can be best friends. How do we do that?"
"Because they had a grand adventure together, and because they knew great love and because they were each other's companions and best friends and bulwarks."
"Ed's arms around him were the best shelter and protection he had ever experienced—better than any number of high walls or locked doors or moats."
"Maybe that's how Marigold felt about her father, too."
"At least once a week Marigold sent him a joke. They were all awful."
"Can the Three Little Pigs keep a secret? No. They squeal."
"Do you ever feel as if you're in the wrong place, even if it's a nice place? As if you somehow don't fit, even if you try hard to?"
"You need more. You're grown-up now, and you need to know more about the world."
"His heart was beating so hard he was sure she would be able to hear it."
"Her hand had felt wonderful—soft and strong at the same time."
"It's time for her to become more ... more regal. And the farther away the better."
"But he stayed where he was. What if Queen Olympia came silently up the stairs again and caught him cowering there like the guilty eavesdropper he was?"
"His heart thumping, Christian stepped out from behind the curtain, holding his basket carefully so the tools wouldn't clank together."
"He was surprised to find the luncheon party still lolling about on the terrace, sipping their wine and sponging happily off the generous and dotty King Swithbert."
"Whom else could he talk to about what he'd overheard? Whom else could he trust?"
"As fraught as his current situation was, he felt wide awake and alert in a way he never had before."
"Bravo! So clever! So athletic. So well-trained."
"Accomplished? That was like complimenting someone on their spelling or their dish-washing abilities."
"He was becoming more hot under the collar by the moment. He had to calm himself down."
"Inexperienced as he was, he knew that you couldn't talk someone into loving somebody. Loving had to happen on its own."
"The existence he'd lived with Ed seemed as far away as a fairy tale—one he didn't know if he could fit back into."
"She had turned, aghast, to gape at her mother, and Christian understood that while she had doubtless known she no longer had a choice of suitors, she had known nothing of these hasty wedding plans until that very moment."
"I know about the style of education in the court of Upper Lower Grevania," Marigold said. "Not rigorous at all. Consequently, Prince Cyprian is an uneducated blockhead without even the sense to know what a moron he is."
"Nobody ever gets enough appreciation when they're behaving themselves, but there's no end to hearing about it when they're not."
"He felt as if he'd lived a whole lifetime of emotions in the two days that he'd been at the castle."
"Was this how Ed had meant for him to learn to be independent? By having things like this happen to him and by then having to manage them by himself?"
"I wish you'd try to keep a more positive attitude. We're not finished yet."
"I think the trick will be to build something, not to use the pieces individually."
"We have to find pieces that'll fit together."
"Tell me every way you can think of to make things go."
"Opportunities for good things should be grabbed and not postponed."
"Lucky for him he was a good-looking boy, which made him more acceptable among his royal relatives."
"He'd been a pathetic sort of little boy, orphaned early and passed around from relative to relative, always an outsider."
"You never knew when you wouldn't be around anymore."
"But maybe Marigold wouldn't feel so charitable about that when she was the one who had to be the actual sacrifice."
"Someone who could be a nice companion for Marigold, a good consort who wouldn't give her any problems."
"To him, she was beautiful, but maybe that was because he could tell what her soul looked like."
"Getting away from her had freed them to be smarter and more sensible than she'd ever given them credit for being."
"Mostly, she'd been interested in how they looked, which had always been spectacular."
"You'd need a horse to pull it," Ed commented. "And we got no horse."
"I don't think this thing is supposed to be pulled," Christian said. "I think it's supposed to move under its own power."
"Christian!" she cried, climbing over the broken flying machine. She slid to her knees and took his head into her lap. "Speak to me," she pleaded. "Tell me you're all right."
"He was flying! He was coming to fly me away! Don't you think that's amazing? Don't you think that's wonderful?"
"Most patients prefer to have their arrows removed rather than left in."
"Since he's unconscious, we can't ask him. So I'm using my best judgment."
"Everyone who heard that double cry, without knowing they were going to do so, began to weep from the pure human empathy it made them feel."
"The harder she pressed on the wound, the warmer she became and the more her own pain diminished."
"Even the most powerful person can be dumb about simple things."
"I'm dead, aren't I? And you're so beautiful."
"The only thing I want in all the world is for you to be my wife."
"We were both fire signs, the most confident and dynamic combination."
"Secrets have a way of making themselves felt, even before you know there's a secret."
"Refrain from bad-mouthing somebody when their situation looks particularly bleak."
"Survival depends upon acknowledging reality—and on keeping the necessary secrets."
"We'd have said that person was a lying lunatic!"
"As long as we're with each other—We know we're in exactly the right place."