
Gunner Quotes

Gunner by Lola Wright

"Don’t ever want to let them think you’re intimidated. By them, I mean cops, men, bullies, people in general. A trick I learned in foster care."
"No, he hasn’t and he’s in the backyard. I put him there when Ralph starting screaming that he was calling the cops. Look, I don’t need or want a problem with the neighbor or you guys, but Ralph is nuts."
"And none of them have ever been aggressive toward anyone either. The bird wouldn’t say anything to Ralph if he wasn’t standing on the sidewalk in front of my house screaming at the cat all the time. Mac is just repeating what he hears."
"I’ll answer the phone, but the coffee is a no-go. Sorry but I don’t date right now. Too busy."
"You know, Ralph, if you didn’t stand directly in front of the window and holler at Mac, he wouldn’t swear at you. It’s not hard to figure out. You just need to be smarter than the bird."
"No Mac, I’m not going to be a jailbird. It was just Ralph being Ralph again."
"Good coffee should be tasted and not covered up with all that other stuff."
"You try to put your hands on me again and I’m going to throat punch you and put you down like a dog!"
"He’s always been a pain in everyone’s ass. Go do what you have to and I’ll see you and that dog in a while."
"And your food is stellar. Thank you for taking the time to cook an old man dinner and sharing that time with him."
"She’s doing this club a huge favor, and she’ll not be treated like a club whore or hang-around while she’s doing it, understood?"
"But I second what the Prez said, and anyone giving her shit will answer to me after Gunner is done with them."
"She frog marched Ralph across the road to his yard yesterday when he tried punching her. I think she has some skills we haven’t seen yet."
"You think she’s hot, you ought to see her when she’s pissed off and standing up for herself. Now that was bone making stuff. She’s a little spitfire."
"I’ve never thought that about another woman in my life."
"She reaches me, stops and puts her hands on her hips and states, 'Last night did not happen. I didn’t say anything embarrassing and we will not be discussing it if you remember things differently than I do. That clear?'"
"You be nice, I’ll be nice. Cookies and pies and all sorts of sweets appear for those who are nice. Not so much for those who aren’t."
"It’s much nicer and laid out better than I expected. Especially after hearing about the cooking skills of the club women."
"Yes, I can. For a little more than that, I can feed seventy-five biker type people some awesome ass food that will not injure anyone, I promise."
"He’s very talented with computers, and he’ll be able to find out more than I can on my own."
"Don’t like it, leave. Dancers are a dime a dozen and you’re not special."
"I’ll let you make it up to me anytime you want," I smirk.
"Damn! I wish this shit was on video for our viewing pleasure. The Prez taken out by a tiny, blond baker," says Pooh, smiling huge.
"I know I’m attracted to Gunner. You’d have to be a nun not to be, and they probably still would be, but would never admit to it."
"He lit me up like nobody has ever done before."
"I will admit you do have the best moobs in the room, but I will get you again when you least expect it."
"I know that Ava will be here early today to get most of the cooking out of the way for the poker run tomorrow. I’ll find time today to spend with her and have a chat."
"You’re the caterer, so cater," snips Katey. And then goes on to say, "You served Petey, you can serve me."
"My job is to cook for the poker run. Not serve coffee and rolls to sluts, cunts and wannabe women."
"It’s only fair to warn you, before you do something stupid, that I don’t fight like a girl."
"Nobody touches me. Nobody hits me anymore without feeling a shit ton of pain."
"I will always say something. You are mine. Mine to care for, mine to protect."
"I want you to try one too. With me. I can’t make promises that we’ll be together forever and never have a bump in the road but I can promise I will try damn hard to make us work, be faithful and treat you with respect."
"I’ve never been on a date period. But if you want a date, we’ll go on dates."
"Numbers don’t matter. You’re real, and regardless how you see yourself, you’re gorgeous to me. Down to the bone. No fakeness, no bullshit."
"I will fuck up in the future too but I will never lie to you and I would never cheat on you."
"Why me, Gunner? I’m not looking for empty compliments. I want to understand why a ten would want a five?"
"I’m scared to rush into this and then regret it later. Sex hasn’t always been a good thing for me."
"I’ve never had a woman, ever, on my bike. Most bikers only allow their woman to ride with them."
"Petey is injured and Chubs is my best buddy."
"You wrote a song? And it sold and was recorded?"
"You’re not alone anymore, Ava. You have me. You have Petey and Axel and Vex and Chubs. You have the club at your back."
"I’ve written tons of songs, but it has always just been a way of expressing myself, not to try to sell."
"I don’t want to rush this, baby. Let me enjoy you."
"No scar is going to scare me away, honey. Scars or not, you’re beautiful to me. You’re perfect for me."
"This isn’t on you, Ava. Javier was looking to create a scene, to cause a bigger rift between the clubs."
"I kind of wish you had kicked Javier in his boy parts."
"I guess it’s truly possible to get your brains fucked out."
"I’d rather die standing than begging on my knees."
"My girl has had way too many shots of Jack and I see hair holding and projectile vomiting in our future."
"His name is Magnum P.I. —G. I call him Gee for short."
"Your ass would be a cum dumpster in prison, Nancy."
"I could kick anyone’s ass that tried touching my goodies."
"You wish you had this ass! It’s tight! No jiggle in this wiggle!"
"And something else that makes zero sense to me is why would any man eat Rocky Mountain Oysters?"
"I’m hoping that they think that I would take the easiest route and that would be downhill, on the road and leave for that direction soon."
"No reason to be. Just relax," I say. "I'm not going anywhere."
"I trust Gunner. If this is something the club does together, I don't want to interfere," she responds calmly, while going back to painting her toenails.
"Oh, okay. Do you want dinner before you leave or will you get something to eat with the guys?" she asks, after staring quietly at me for a moment.
"It's okay, baby," I say soothingly while cupping the back of her head.
"You're going to be my Ol' Lady and my wife," he states.
"Naturally, adopted and/or fostered. Don't care how many. Just need you, baby. Need you now."
"It’s just us here, baby. Nothing is wrong between us if we both enjoy it. I won’t ever make you do something you don’t want to, but I would love to see you try it before you say no."
"When things are done with the Banditos, I’m buying you a ring and we’re having a short engagement. Short, as in about two months. Yeah?"
"You’re wearing a ring too. And a tat on your forehead that reads, ‘Ava’s Property. Touch and die!’"
"We’re getting our ducks in a row because we’re planning a move on the Banditos."
"Keep that within reach, Ava. Everything should be fine, but I want you to have that in case shit goes sideways."
"Proud of you, Ava. I would’ve pulled that trigger and ended his miserable existence, but you did the right thing. Prison time will not be good for him, for either of them."