
Jason Quotes

Jason by Laurell K. Hamilton

"It was tricky sleeping with someone who was actually your friend but never quite your boyfriend, a thin line to walk between true friendship and hey, baby."
"Most of us have our blank face, a version of the cop face, and Jason hid behind a grin usually, but since he also spent a lot of time actually smiling, laughing, or grinning, it was great camouflage for whatever else he was thinking."
"We’d both learned over the years to curb this urge, and were much happier for controlling that part of us."
"If they could have seen this smile full of love and lust and just… Nathaniel, they’d have found thousand-dollar bills to offer him in hopes that he’d deliver on everything that smile hinted at."
"Comfort zones were more like prison bars; they protected you, but they also trapped you."
"Publicly, we were all civilized; privately, not so much, or not always."
"I’d seen too many people die because of territorial disputes between animal groups, or even vampires. We’d put a big sign over our territory saying, Nothing here is worth dying over, but if you insist, we will fucking kill you."
"Rage had been almost my only emotion once, and it was still comforting in that dysfunctional way in which people will prefer something unpleasant, but familiar, to something pleasant, but unfamiliar."
"Sometimes I thought I’d been pushed so far outside my comfort zone that I’d break, and other times I realized that comfort zones were more like prison bars; they protected you, but they also trapped you. I didn’t want to be trapped, not even by myself."
"Old habits are hard to break, but I was trying, and the people I cared about were helping me try harder."
"I fought to stay grumpy at him, but found it impossible as he crossed the golden bars of sunlight, turning his lavender eyes almost blue, as if they were paling in the warmth of all that sunshine."
"The rage had protected me and helped me survive; now I just needed to use it appropriately, and not let it tear my relationships apart like I had for most of my adult life."
"I liked it, because we were each other’s mine; the fact that the word didn’t include an exclusivity clause didn’t make the possessive mine any less real."
"It’s like trying to explain the color red to someone who’s color-blind. You can tell them red is hot, bright, use any word you want, but it won’t really explain to them what the color looks like, it’ll still look sort of gray to them."
"It’s not like in the old days when him having this little werewolf to feed off of was important for his power base."
"I’ve seen you do it with others, Crispin included."
"I had centuries of memories in my head from Jean-Claude of the women and men he’d seduced, or who had seduced him, but I didn’t have the equipment to act on those memories."
"She’s happy, Anita. She loves being with you and she’s beginning to trust men again thanks to Domino, Nathaniel, and Jean-Claude, but she still prefers women, and you’re her only woman."
"We’re lovers, but not the beloved of our lovers."
"Maybe it’s time that you did," he said, softly.
"You both look great," J.J. said, hugging Nathaniel and planting a light kiss on his cheek.
"I wish I could have your curves and be in shape enough to dance."
"I know you do, but mine are like a drive in the country; Anita’s are like a roller coaster."
"Would it piss you off if I said it’s a hell of a ride?"
"Yes," I said, and gave him very serious eye contact out of my dark brown eyes.
"Then I won’t say it," he said; then he laughed, J.J. joined him, and finally Nathaniel did, too.
"I’m not embarrassed about loving oral sex, but lying here naked in front of Jason’s lady love after just fucking our brains out is a little beyond even my usual limits."
"Either you work your issues, or they will work you."
"All fear is the same no matter the cause of it; you conquer or are conquered by it."
"Treat people as you want to be treated, and hopefully that whole karma thing works out."
"Therapy was an inner journey and had to be walked alone."
"I’d learned that when you’re king you can’t always go slaying the dragons, because if the king dies the kingdom needs a new king, and the next one may be a real bastard."
"I wasn’t into losing, not even to myself, maybe especially to myself."
"It wasn’t that I was unsympathetic. It was that I’d been sympathetic for months and months."
"You don’t have to be psychic to pick up on the obvious."
"You could bend your knees in church and lie, but face to face, naked with Nathaniel buried deep inside me, there were no lies. I loved him, well and truly, and wanted nothing more in that moment than to be as close with him as I possibly could."
"You’re all she’s got because you haven’t made her find anyone else."
"It’s okay not to want to look at me right now."
"She is one of the bravest people I know, because when she’s scared, or nervous, or so uncomfortable that she wants to do anything but what she has to do, she does it anyway."
"Once you gave up the idea that sex was different from any other hobby, it made perfect sense."
"I’m sorry that I thought it was just a sort of homophobia."
"It’s not do or die, Anita, you’re just over your comfort level."
"Ah, to be bright and shiny again, when you thought you could actually win the fight against evil."
"I had enough scary shit in my head that I so didn’t need more."
"How could someone who let a man lead her into a Cinderella carriage carry a gun and execute bad guys? It made even my head hurt, thinking about it."
"I’ve worked in law enforcement for six years. I’d thought I’d seen it all, until this."
"Prejudice doesn’t go away just because a law changes."
"You still have the highest kill count of any vampire executioner in the United States."
"My favorite of your sickos are the ones who want you to raise their high school crush."
"Disturbance of a corpse was a misdemeanor for years."
"The penalties are stiffer now, but still not the same as if a real human were involved."
"I don’t make the laws, just help enforce them."
"Sometimes you can’t pull off neutral with a case; sometimes you can’t."