
Storm Prey Quotes

Storm Prey by John Sandford

"Without the coke, without money for the coke, he was living a drab, colorless existence, a life of shades and tints. The coke brought life, intelligence, wit, excitement, clarity: primary colors."
"Whenever this is done, we get the media, because of the drama and the sympathetic aspects."
"As part of the eleven-hour operation, Weather had hooked up two nerves, two tiny arteries, and two even smaller veins—veins the size of broom straws."
"He’d been sober for three days, and he didn’t like it."
"She grinned at herself, turned to make sure the slacks didn’t make her ass look fat—they didn’t—switched off the light, opened the bathroom door and tiptoed across the bedroom."
"When the door opened, he found a short, attractive blond woman inside, who nodded at him. He nodded back, poked "1," and they started down, standing a polite distance apart, with just the trifle of awkwardness of a single man and a single woman, unacquainted, in an elevator."
"He blacked out for a moment, then came back, realized he was on a gurney, that they’d put a board on him, they were moving down a hallway."
"He’d had heart and circulatory problems, clots, and he didn’t need a clot breaking free, but his heart was pounding and he was sweating and something was going more wrong than it should be, more wrong than rolling around on a tile floor gagged and blinded and beaten."
"Weather didn’t think it, but she felt it, felt the excitement and the tension starting to build."
"The door was locked, Marcy said. It locked automatically, and to prevent that, it had to be deliberately disabled."
"Yes. Plus, the fourth man stayed out of sight until both Baker and Peterson were blind."
"Hard to believe it's a doctor," Weather said. "Why? I've known a couple psycho doctors," Lucas said.
"Weather slept less well, with the anxiety of the prior day weighing her down."
"The world slipped away—work, history, memory, dreams, everything—until he was nothing more than a piece of the unconscious landscape."
"He groaned again and rolled over and straightened out, his back muscles aching, pulled the blankets up to his chin, and listened: too quiet."
"Today was his birthday, he thought. One more year and he could legally buy a drink."
"He smeared shaving cream on his face and thought of California; or maybe Florida."
"Cappy, his voice flat: 'Ten thousand dollars?'"
"Honey Bee liked it, and so did her three horses."
"The ride was the thing. The world slipped away—work, history, memory, dreams, everything—until he was nothing more than a piece of the unconscious landscape."
"If there were prints on the shells, Lodmell will pull them up."
"You don't send somebody out with a man-killer and a crotch rocket if he's a virgin."
"Lucas, I don't want Shrake or Jenkins bumbling around the house."
"I’m pretty sure," she told him on the phone. "Whatever it was, the gun, if it was a gun, he dropped it, and then he took off."
"You know, maybe we're not smart enough to pull this off."
"You're in no shape to read a watch, even if you were wearing one."
"I've been thinking about it, and thinking about it, and thinking about it."
"This means nothing to you Americans, but to us, it meant that we had to struggle."
"Never hurts to have a little more IQ on the job."
"If the information is good," Shrake added. "If it's not good, we might talk."
"Saturday night, they were hanging with Anthony Melicek and Ron Howard. Drank a few beers."
"If you hear anything, it would behoove you to call me."
"Anybody here know Mikey Haines or Shooter Chapman?"
"Being a tough guy is just fine, but if somebody's shooting you in the back of the head with a shotgun, from an ambush, tough isn't good enough."
"My shoulder's frozen all the way down to my ass."
"I've done hospitals before," Shrake said. "You know what the problem is? Doctors."
"Nobody really knows. Street value, maybe anything up from half a million."
"That's bullshit." But he said it with the peculiar downcast despondency that said he did do it; and that they all knew it.
"Who was it?" Donna asked. "We spent some time interviewing the Macks, who... described who was talking to whom last weekend."
"I'm going to e-mail you a .jpg. Get your mom to look at it."
"It's quiet," Virgil said. "Weather's in bed. What's the story on the photo?"
"I want to hear back inside of ten minutes. I mean, like now."
"Don’t let anybody get near them: we’ll want some photos, and some crime-scene guys. I’ll make the call."
"If Joe Mack did anything to that little girl’s mom, I’ll kill him."
"Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose."
"The longer we go without hearing from MacBride, the more likely it is that he killed her. Goddamnit."
"January in Minnesota, how far away could summer really be?"
"Dead is just another word for nothing left to lose."
"Lighter twisted round and round, and Lucas hung on, best he could."
"Lucas didn’t know what had happened except that he was on his own, ducking and rolling, faster than the other man."
"Tap dancing with a steroid freak," Lucas said.
"We gotta call somebody. I’m not hauling this asshole back to town."
"I’ve got to take it easy through here—the place is a speed trap."
"Weather’s headed out to the car when her cell phone rang."
"Mental note: don’t hire Jenkins and Shrake when Davenport finally fires them."
"I have no idea. Maybe more people are involved than we thought."
"When they did this, somebody was sitting in that chair, looking right down at his face."
"We’re still on hold, but the kids are getting stronger."
"I’m trying to reach Ike Mack on a family issue."
"I wonder if the Macks had anything to do with it—the robbery, and all of it."
"They cut on him until they got what they wanted, and then they stopped and killed him."
"We got DNA from Joe, and from the killer, and Joe wasn’t the killer."
"I thought your driver’s license said thirty-seven or thirty-nine. Like that."
"The question hasn’t had time to metastasize."
"If it doesn’t work, and there are too many complaints, we’ll reprimand him and tell everybody he’ll be required to go to sensitivity training."
"Sometimes, the two of you think you’re being funny, but you’re not that funny."
"They’re just like us, but they don’t understand."
"It’s gonna work out. That’s the karma here ... it’s going to work."
"You should be calling you in about two minutes."
"They were talking all over the hospital yesterday about how he was looking for an Arab, and see what happens?"
"They’re gonna want one thing from us, and that won’t be neatness."
"What is it you don’t understand about hand grenades? You think this is a fuckin’ talk show?"
"He is one scary little motherfucker. He’s got eyes like a snake on Animal Planet."
"You still have residual effect from the local anesthetic. It will get worse, believe what I say."
"It’s snowing so goddamn hard you can’t see your own feet."
"The whole problem was, we're stupid people. That's what caused all this trouble."
"The clouds were going out, and the cold was coming in: minus ten, that night, maybe fifteen below the next."
"Old dreams, dead ambitions and lost lives, remembrance roses and spring lilacs, went in the dump trucks all together."
"Two dead girls grinned back at her through the plastic, their desiccated skin pulled tight over their cheek- and jaw-bones."
"Most cops were willing to bullshit endlessly about possibilities, including alien abduction and satanic cults."
"That month had been as contentious as their hands-off relationship since then."