
Light Of The Jedi Quotes

Light Of The Jedi by Charles Soule

"This is Jedi Master Avar Kriss. Help is on the way."
"The Jedi were the shielding, the weaponry, the minds that calculated what the vessel could achieve and where it could go."
"If we fire six missiles, we might save seven people. Let’s see what we can do."
"Yes, Peeples, I know that math is off. I’m mostly worried about a different equation."
"Every Jedi found their own path, and some took longer than others."
"The galaxy didn’t care what you thought couldn’t be broken. It would break things just to show you it could."
"We must begin by believing it is possible to save everyone."
"The Force sang to her, telling her of peril and bravery and sacrifice."
"Lightsabers were designed to end conflicts. They were designed to injure no more than necessary, and in the horrible circumstance where death was the only possible outcome, they would kill quickly."
"Why has the Force called us to fight today? For life and the light."
"We couldn’t have done it by ourselves, either. And the idea was yours. Whether you thought it would work or not, it did."
"We’re all dead if we don’t finish searching the station."
"This was a Republic that valued and celebrated life and those who preserved it."
"For this day, at least, the light had prevailed."
"I have work to do, and it’s important that you deliver a direct report to Chancellor Soh about what you witnessed here."
"The oligarchs and trillionaires cared more for a single durasteel beam in their factories than the people who worked in them."
"They moved like spirits and killed like devils."
"Whether they were actually monsters or just acted with monstrous savagery was unclear."
"Endurance, the imperturbability of nature despite the efforts of sentient beings to remake the galaxy."
"Progress was inevitable and crucial, but was not the only goal. Mindfulness was also important. Choice."
"There was nothing so big it could not be swallowed up. Nothing so strong it could not be humbled. Nothing so tall it could not be made small."
"The Force never began or ended, and it was impossible to use it up."
"The Starlight Beacon symbolized everything she wanted for the Republic."
"What does your eye see for the Nihil? "WHATEVER WE WANT!""
"With the Nihil… all was light and life. Outside… cold, empty death."
"Every Nihil was expected to contribute. Either you made the organization richer, or you made it stronger."
"Either he hated silence, or he was pathologically focused on ensuring no one ever forgot he was there."
"The Paths come from me. So now I’m saying we need to be a little careful about the next stage."
"I’ve always wanted to kill one. That’d be a story to tell."
"You’re welcome to try to kill as many Jedi as you want, Kassav."
"Unless you’d prefer to be a Padawan for the rest of your life."
"The Nihil don’t stop. We need to keep riding that storm."
"All life is precious, and we are all the Republic."
"When someone was hurting, you did what you could to heal them. When someone was lost, you found them."
"If nothing else, a full mouth might mean no one would engage him in conversation."
"Sometimes that was good, because often people assumed people who didn’t speak weren’t listening."
"With the Force, he did what he could to soothe poor Serj."
"Hope was a choice—and not unwarranted, either."
"You’re both being so strong, so brave. We’re so proud of you."
"Everything was sharper, brighter. He could do this. He could do it all."
"Forget the Republic, forget the Hutts, forget anything but doing what you wanted when you wanted."
"What matters are the choices you make in your life, not where you come from."
"Systems and rules. That’s what everything was, really."
"He, Keven Tarr, a farmer’s son from Hetzal Prime, had sliced hyperspace."
"You are a luminous being. There is no pain, there is no fatigue, there is no fear."
"Life was long, and they had the gift of the Force. Why be stoic?"
"The best would be for one of them—Loden, probably—to use the Force to yank the family free of the Nihil, while he and Bell moved on the kidnappers."
"A blaster bolt fired at a Jedi was essentially the same as shooting at yourself."
"Thank you for showing me exactly what you are. Makes things much simpler for me."
"The Force was his ally, and a powerful ally it was."
"You are a luminous being. Whaddya say you and me go do some good?"
"I just think we could do good work together. Bring a little light to the galaxy."
"It doesn’t matter if that wasn’t our fault. Eriadu sure as hell was."
"We’re not just some regional raider crew anymore. We’re a threat to them."
"Fight like the Nihil. Fight free. Fight dirty."
"Being a Jedi was not about saving oneself. It was about saving others."
"You can die in bed just as easily as in battle."
"We are all the Nihil, we don’t just ride the storm. We are the storm."
"Kassav sacrificed himself to preserve the Nihil way of life, as did his Tempest. He showed us the way."
"I am the Eye, Marchion Ro. I am the Nihil. And so... are all of you."
"The galaxy. But when I look at it, I do not see only stars and planets. I see… a storm."
"The Paths make us strong—but Kassav’s numbers were too few, and there was only so much he could do, even with the gifts I gave him. But look what he did. Look what he and his people did."
"Go. Bring me more Nihil, as many as you can… and I will give you everything."
"The Republic needed the flight recorder so they’d figure out where to send their fleet to look for us. If they didn’t have it, I wouldn’t have been able to sacrifice Kassav’s Tempest. Now they’ll think they destroyed us. They’ll relax for a while. They’ll stop hunting us."
"Get your rest, my dear. You have so much work to do."
"Plans can fail, at any step along the way. I have a goal, and goals can be achieved in any number of ways. As long as you get where you want to in the end, the roads you took don’t matter. It’s all the same path."
"You want my grand plan, Jedi? I don’t do that."
"Everything and everyone is a tool," Marchion Ro said, "I will use them however I need."
"They will come for me," Loden Greatstorm said. "My Order. And if I am dead… then they will come for you."
"You know I envision a galaxy of Great Works—connected and inspiring and filled with peace for all citizens."
"I see a galaxy where we use our strengths to shore up each other’s weaknesses, where we understand and celebrate our differences and hold them up as valuable."
"The beacon. The Beacon of the Republic. The sound… of hope."
"Look at us, huh? Just a couple of Jedi Masters, taking a quiet moment together. Can you believe it?"