
Point Blank Quotes

Point Blank by Catherine Coulter

"There were the two fraudulent maps that had sent her after the guys who’d sold them to her; they’d known she was a cop, the morons."
"Problem is, Tobin had said with a shake of his head, we’re all suckers."
"She was disappointed, but she knew that was a fact of life for a treasure hunter."
"She knew one thing for sure now. The accumulation of dust in that grooved arch was decades older than she was."
"The air wasn’t stale or dank, which one would expect in a cave chamber sealed for 150 years."
"I’m in the middle of a void and there’s no way out because I’m trapped in a black hole larger than anything I can imagine."
"She wanted to find it. It wasn’t a huge serpent—no, that was ridiculous."
"She had to think her way out of this. There was an answer, there was always an answer."
"They meant to kill as many of us as they could. The bomb was powerful enough."
"She laughed when she said Rolly really liked it, told her it was the new century and you had to move forward with the times."
"He was getting real tired of the long winter nights."
"Given those raging hormones, it was a blessing there were fathers like Mary Lou’s."
"You wonder what she would have done if she’d lived longer."
"The house smelled of fried bacon, eggs over easy, brown sugar on oatmeal, and blueberry muffins."
"The snow was so lacy and soft it dissolved the instant it touched his face."
"The only thing is, this snowstorm has been forecast for a while now. I can’t see you wanting to hike in a blinding snowstorm."
"It’s beautiful, and it feels familiar down to my bones, so I guess I’m not from Arizona."
"I don’t like to curse so I hum when I’m unhappy about something."
"Yeah, I think so, too," Penny said as she jammed five more rounds Emory handed her into the Remington. "Hey, Emory, nice gun. This barrel is heavier than my mother-in-law."
"We’ve got to get closer, Sheriff. I can’t see well enough to hit a tire."
"Dix prayed as he lifted his foot off the brake and steered into the skid, and slowly, finally, straightened the cruiser again."
"Dix thought his heart would stop. A flaming tire was rolling toward them at a manic speed."
"I’ve died and gone to heaven," he said, eyeing the biscuits.
"It’s Sunday morning, the only day of the week your arteries are immune to cholesterol."
"Did you get those guys who shot at Madonna? Where’d the blood come from?"
"You were protecting my boys, keeping them safe and distracted. I really appreciate that."
"Try not to be scared, Madonna. It won’t be long now until you know who you are."
"It’s so good to be me again," she said, "as in back in my own brain."
"I’ll bet it wouldn’t have been a problem. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Maitland has a golf crony who’s a higher-up in the Park Service."
"I don’t think he’s one of the bad guys," Dix said. "Look around you, it doesn’t get more beautiful than this."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Dix said, "you’re a regular PR guy for Maestro, and here you are, a city boy."
"Thanks for pointing that out," Chappy said. "Makes me feel all warm inside. Beautiful, though, isn’t it? Too bad some people can’t leave beautiful things alone."
"She felt like she was buried alive and the air was running out and she would suffocate."
"Good, she could do that. She was being ridiculous."
"I found my compass. I remember I dropped it here. This is the chamber all right."
"Listen to me, it’s okay. Whatever happened in this chamber, you survived it. It won’t happen again, all right?"
"Even a hard-ass can take a beating now and then."
"She’s been posed. Look how her arms are crossed over her chest, her legs straightened out, her dress smoothed down."
"Must be some crazy loon here, guys. He kills her, poses her, entombs her here for all practical purposes."
"I suppose you’re too far gone for any drugs to help you?"
"Me? Not well? Just a little tobacco cough, is all."
"The good Lord can take care of His, and I’ll take care of my own."
"You hurt her, boy, hurt her so bad she was screaming with it."
"You couldn’t find me if I drove up and waved in your face."
"You know my Claudia still wants you, don’t you?"
"I’ve seen my little sweet cakes diddle a woman before I told her enough was enough and to dig out the old girl’s eyes then kick her out of the van."
"Let me tell you, you’ll change your mind if Claudia has a shot at you."
"I got more hate for you stored up inside me than Lucifer."
"Elsa said Moses Grace is as old as he sounds, at least seventy. His face is all leathery from too much sun, which suggests he could have spent a good deal of his life on a farm, an oil rig, a chain gang—take your pick."
"She actually started crying, and only got ahold of herself after I reminded her how important it all is, now that Erin is dead."
"Being with her had been sort of like attaching himself to an ancient blessing that had lost its power over the years, and now it was suffocating him and he couldn’t continue to be intimate with her."
"Imagine, a man my father’s age believing I was too old to sleep with."
"Usually if more than two people know about something illicit, particularly something as juicy as this, it starts coming back to them in embarrassing detail."
"I tried to wake her, but of course she didn’t move, her eyes just kept staring."
"Because he was crying before you showed up, croc tears."
"I was depressed and angry because some maniac murdered Erin."
"I kept thinking of her, couldn’t get her out of my mind."
"You’re young enough to still have a chance, Claudia. Stay out there and you’ll end up a drugged-out hooker. All that booze will make you look as old as Moses in a few years. Is that what you want for yourself?"
"You are my wife and I would protect you with my life."
"Because you enraged her, you baited her, and you have her promising to come after you. How could you do that?"
"I’m thinking the next stop should be a bank, Moses. What do you think?"
"She’s certifiable, and what makes it worse is that she’s so young."
"They don’t think Moses Grace believes anyone can touch him. He thinks he’s smarter than everyone and can do as he pleases."
"Chappy makes me so mad and I mouth off just to get back at him."
"Christie could have talked him into leaving, but I can’t. I wish she wasn’t dead, Dix, I really miss her."
"Goodness, that was when you found Ruth, wasn’t it?"
"Making me a very happy woman, at least after about ten o'clock Friday evening."
"It’s a toss-up, Dix, between your stew and spaghetti Bolognese."
"He wanted to be with me right away, so we went upstairs to bed."
"You little ingrate, what did you want that I didn’t give you?"