
Pretty Girls Dancing Quotes

Pretty Girls Dancing by Kylie Brant

"A surge of courage rose, and she texted back. Be there in a few."
"You? I’m the one with a cop for a dad. Solitary for me."
"If that’s what you want, we can’t prevent it. But open that door, and they’ll never give you a moment’s peace."
"And how that could ruin her memories of her sister if she let it."
"Because it didn’t take much these days to spin Claire Willard off her carefully constructed orbit."
"You can’t consider the meds a crutch and not realize cigarettes are serving the same purpose."
"The aftermath of Kelsey’s kidnapping was a carousel of horrors they could never escape."
"That tragedy changed a family. Sometimes it shattered it."
"Because most of the time that suited her just fine."
"I may use the bed from nine p.m. to seven fifteen a.m."
"I’d make dinner every night. I’d do all of Ryan’s chores forever, if I could just go home again."
"I hoped bad things happened to him there. I hoped someone killed him in prison."
"Because he was a fucking asshole, and she wished he was dead!"
"Privileges are earned for good behavior and punishment for bad."
"The days of you getting a free pass because of your poor dead sister are almost over."
"She clamped her hands around Heather’s wrists, struggling to keep the other girl’s nails from raking her face."
"The rules are ranked in ascending order, up to the most important."
"But Brian says we have to pick our battles, and a clean room and made bed are pretty trivial in the grand scheme of things."
"She’s got a million great qualities, but organization isn’t one of them."
"Monsters looked just like the rest of us. And somehow, that made them even scarier."
"Because he hadn’t lied. It was true, all of it. Her family was dead. She wanted to be dead, too."
"And it’s killing him. He doesn’t let anyone see, but he’s dying inside. Because he’s her daddy, and he didn’t protect her."
"The memories of the photos of their posed, decomposing bodies had acid churning in his gut."
"Her family would never believe she ran away. They wouldn’t go to California with her missing."
"I don’t know how she gets the place in such a shambles in the space of a few days."
"He needed time. Time to tuck the guilt away, to feel normal again."
"Despite the man’s attempts at sympathy, David knew there was no chance Mark wouldn’t follow up with her."
"The elevator pinged, and he walked into it as he slipped the cell into his pocket, relief filling him."
"The tug-of-war of hope and desolation had been won for the moment."
"There’s no shame in any of that, Janie. You’ve come so far."
"He’s a liar," she whispered. It did little to push aside her fog of grief, but the sound of her voice comforted her.
"Maybe someone had broken it for him. Whitney found herself hoping that was the case."
"The admission had his chest going tight. Maybe he’d handled it all wrong from the beginning."
"Their marriage was in trouble and had been for a while."
"There wouldn’t be much a parent wouldn’t do to save a child, even going into massive debt."
"My name is Kelsey Willard. If someone’s reading this, I’m probably dead."
"There was a chasm between them, one he was helpless to breach."
"Just one yellow pill and the busyness of the subsequent hours had kept her engaged and focused."
"You’re not going anywhere, young lady. Not with that attitude. And not on a school night."
"Honestly, you’re just so mercurial these days. I don’t see—"
"That’s just it, Claire, you don’t see. You don’t see anything, because you’re blind!"
"You knew how desperate we were for every detail. Not sharing this with us... it was cruel."
"We only can go on. I’m attending Janie’s conference. Why don’t you stay home and lie down for a while? I’ll fill you in when I get back."
"It’s not enough to say you’ll do better; you have to make a plan. What will be different about tomorrow?"
"He can control everything about me except my mind. The way to beat him is to let him think he’s broken me, so I’m letting him think that."
"All spoke of planning. He’d done this before. And maybe Kelsey Willard hadn’t been the first."
"But failing at something is not the worst thing you can do, Whitney. It’s letting people down. That requires a consequence."
"And it made me think. His learning all about me is what got me into this chamber of horrors. Maybe learning all about him will get me out."
"Sometimes cheaters win. Sometimes crimes aren’t solved. And sometimes people don’t pay for what they’ve done."
"No amount of practice would magically gift her with an ease for social discourse."
"Time—which was said to heal all wounds—was really a sneaky bitch."
"Write down your memories of your brother. Every single thing, no matter how small."
"I hope you realize you’ll have to do a verbal presentation. The days of you getting a free pass because of your poor dead sister are almost over."
"Nothing beats nicotine in the morning. Unless it’s tequila."
"Being certain that Heather was cheating her way into the university of her choice burned."
"Did your foster parents lift the ban for you riding in friends’ cars?"
"Sometimes the memories faded more than the pain ever would."
"Once children are old enough, they should contribute to the family unit. Love and acceptance must be earned."
"The only hours he couldn’t observe her were at night. In the dark."
"If you learn your lessons well enough, perhaps in time you will be given that opportunity with our family."
"It was going to take brains and cunning to get out of here."
"Sometimes I miss my family so much, it’s like my heart is ripping in two."
"What do you have, Sergeant?" Mark started the car and nosed it out of the motel parking lot, heading south for the address DeVries had given them.
"Thanks for the call, and I’d appreciate being kept apprised of your progress."
"Well?" Sloane drawled. "That was the locals, I gather. My mind reading’s a little rusty. You’re going to have to share what that was about."
"He was with Janie Willard and another girl. Janie is Kelsey Willard’s sister. The guy claims to be some sort of photographer with contacts at a modeling agency. They provided a recording they’d made of the man admitting he’d taken pictures of Kelsey Willard before her death."
"We will. I want to double-check whether he was ever interviewed seven years ago."
"You omitted Dane Starkey’s name from your list of acquaintances."
"You failed to tell us about a potential suspect in this case. A man with reason to seek revenge on you."
"Yeah, let’s talk about him." If Sloane’s tone was cotton batting, Mark’s was granite.
"It wasn’t rape, and I stopped when she started struggling."
"You could have told Agent Foster that. Innocent until proven guilty, right? But hiding it . . . you have to know how it looks."
"Go home, Brian." Mark was suddenly weary. "Waiting for news on your daughter is the worst kind of torture, but that’s what you have to do."
"What should we do as an encore? Find some puppies to stomp?"
"He put himself into this situation. He’s hardly blameless."
"There’s something inside. We’re not sure what. Could be some sort of contraband that’s been hidden away. But we called the coroner. Because whatever’s in there sure looks like it’s in a body bag."
"She lay on the mattress, silently counting away the hours."
"Without hope, what would be the use of going on?"
"I was mostly concerned about my mom. Newman admitted on tape that he’d taken pictures of my sister seven years ago. That was hard for her to hear. She hasn’t really been the same since Kelsey was kidnapped."
"I don’t know what I’m supposed to be feeling. It sucks to be wrapped in this crappy mourning period, but whenever I catch myself having a good time, I feel guilty, you know? Like I’m betraying Garrett by enjoying myself."
"Know what I was doing two years after my sister was kidnapped? I had just started back to school. For a year and a half afterward, I couldn’t leave the house."
"I thought we’d have heard something from the sheriff’s office by now."
"I’m not the only one who used it," the man said triumphantly. "I’ve loaned it out a few times to the churches. I do janitorial work for three of them in the area."
"But sometimes I think you’re the sanest person I know."
"Grief is like a stairway, and I’ve been perched halfway up it for seven years. I’m not starting on the bottom tread this time."
"Closure can be pretty horrible, especially under circumstances like these."
"Fear that wherever he takes me will be even worse."
"All I need is one instant when I’m not being watched. Any risk is worth taking if it gets you home."
"Every tiny detail in her prison had been planned with one thing in mind . . . allow no escape."
"You must eat to keep up your strength, Whitney."
"But I’m not going to take a fall for the drugs or a dead body."
"I’m here to help you reach your full potential."
"Fathers take care of their families, but they love them, too."
"Closure doesn’t help you heal. It just stole away your last reason to live."
"The truth is—and you’re not going to like this answer—it’s hard to tell."
"I don’t pay much attention to the ones where no bodies were found."
"I’ve given you so many chances. And always you disappoint me, Margaret."
"You have a duty to maintain your own health so that you aren’t a burden to others."
"Fly high, Janie. That’s what I always told her. Fly high, and you’ll find your voice."
"I taught her to pump with her feet, and after a while, she’d let me give her underdogs."