
Someone Else's Daughter Quotes

Someone Else's Daughter by Linsey Lanier

"The world could be a dangerous place for the young, even in the shelter of well-to-do Buckhead."
"Some people think I'm obsessive about physical jobs. Not only does it give you muscles, it thickens your skin."
"A woman can never make herself too tough or too strong."
"She had a couple hundred in her bank account. That ought to get her to Buckhead and put her up until she could get another job."
"She’d pack today, say sayonara to Sherlock and the wrecking crew and be off."
"I don’t need a lesson from you. And I don’t need an old man."
"The stubborn hope that had risen from the ashes of her heart so many times before began to rise again."
"After years of frustration and disappointment and dead ends, could this piece of notebook paper lead her to her baby?"
"With all his heart, he wished he could bring the girl home to Jackson and Cloris tonight. But experience told him it could be days or weeks before that happened."
"Yeah, so? It wasn’t like they gave out medals for taking on jerks in a bar."
"Even the high-class ones can be dangerous at this hour when you’re alone and, well, all dressed up."
"I didn’t mean you shouldn’t play piano. You just need to be careful."
"If she could get to her car, drive away, and be on her way to Mockingbird Hills in a few minutes."
"If only she’d had time to clean up before coming here."
"She hadn’t seen death like this. So close, so stark, so…undeniable."
"They had to bring in the big guns for a case like this."
"I had nothing to do with that little girl’s death."
"You came all the way to Atlanta just because of a letter?"
"Don’t tell your cop friends I’m looking for my daughter. They’ll try to stop me."
"I’m running late this morning. Atlanta traffic, you know."
"You’ve got one now. If you’re smart, you’ll take the gift, keep your mouth shut and let me do the talking."
"Make sure you don’t leave town while this investigation is going on."
"Adoption cases are some of the hardest to solve."
"So I have an entry level slot as a detective open."
"Conditions in my office are much more comfortable. But many of our associates spend quite a bit of time on the street."
"You’ve got raw talent, Ms. Steele. And from what I just saw on I-85, you’ve got a lot of intestinal fortitude, as well."
"Covert surveillance is one of the techniques you’ll learn when you come to work for me."
"It’s a trainee position. You’ll learn to be one."
"I require regular workouts. My team has to stay in top condition."
"The more time I have to spend looking for a recruit, the less I’ll have to find Madison Taggart’s killer."
"The placement of the body, the ribbon around her neck, everything points to a ritualistic murder. A signature. A serial killing."
"Nothing worse than a contaminated crime scene."
"Kidnapping for ransom is rarely committed these days due to stiff penalties."
"We can’t get the whole picture from this image. I’d say a visit to the crime scene is in order. Would you like to join me?"
"Every detail could be relevant or mean nothing. It’s important not to let yourself jump to conclusions."
"Not right away. It wasn’t easy, but after a while, we came to see eye to eye."
"I can handle it, just like I’m handling these peppers."
"My senior year in high school, a girl I was close to was raped and murdered. They couldn’t find the killer. I wanted to do something about it, so I joined the police force when I graduated."
"The court refused to open her records for me."
"They were there. They were physical. I wanted to prove I could make it. They didn’t tie me down."
"Brains weren’t that important. People who were strong, who knew how to defend themselves, didn’t."
"I don’t have the cash for a new wardrobe. Guess I’m outta here."
"You’ll find that’s already been taken care of."
"Who said it was charity? Ten percent will be deducted from your paycheck each week until the advance is paid."
"This detective thing was going to be tougher than she thought."
"Before she knew it, Miranda’d had two weeks of elementary PI training under her belt."
"If she couldn’t help solve Madison Taggart’s murder and she couldn’t use the Parker Agency’s resources to look for Amy, what the hell was she doing here?"
"She hadn’t seen Parker since her first day and there was still no computer access."
"What was it about a woman like Miranda Steele that he found so alluring? That made him want to reach under the table and run his foot up her shapely leg?"
"I’d give you an A. You displayed good instincts, persistence, and intelligence."
"I don’t mean to make a case out of it, but I meant what I said."
"I’ve always considered Chef Basardi a true artist."
"Hours of boredom interrupted by moments of sheer panic."
"So you said. And since you’ve made it so abundantly, so unabashedly clear that you don’t need a man, I just have one question for you. Do you want one?"
"I’m not in the mood for a one-night stand, Parker."
"I’m good at straightening out fucking messes."
"Relationships weren’t an option for her. Her brain was too jumbled, her heart too numb."
"Something inside her seemed to awake, like the first bud of spring breaking through hard ground."
"Her mind churned with restless thoughts, but at last it tired, relaxed. The thoughts melted away. And she fell asleep."
"She had to set them free before it happened. It was his duty. His calling."
"Even a dysfunctional relationship with her was better than none."
"Every thought of her rang with solidity, with permanence, with happiness. Was this…love?"
"Her own weak, foolish desire suddenly enraged her. What the hell was she doing?"
"What in the world am I going to do with you?"
"You have to shape up, Miranda. You're giving the Agency a bad name."
"Guess it pays to have friends in high places."
"I think there's something in there that belongs to me."
"Why couldn’t they just have sex and be done with it?"
"A job isn’t just about the paycheck; it’s about following your path, wherever it leads."
"Relationships didn’t last. For her, closeness could only end in disaster."
"You're not the only one who's been acting lately."
"It’s as if every available female in town has to have a chance at you."
"Tonight makes me think of when I was a little girl sitting on the stairs watching you."
"Oh, Daddy, what are you doing? How can you be so unfaithful to Mama’s memory?"
"I love you, Giselle. Why didn’t you come to me today?"
"The same place, or near it. Out behind the Ingrams’ house."
"That’s what happens when you start to care for people. You get hurt."
"In an hour, she had everything in her car, had things squared with her landlord and was ready to go."
"Parker didn’t need her. She was just a charity case for him."
"I lied about so many things. I’m not adopted."
"I know. Just be still and let me get you out of here."
"It wasn’t me who killed them. I just got them down here. For him."
"I don’t know how I’m going to fill that vacancy at the Agency."
"Maybe we could discuss it over lunch. I think they serve jalapenos."