
Storm Glass Quotes

Storm Glass by Jeff Wheeler

"Everything since had been a blur of misery. It had all brought Cettie to this moment, darting through the streets of the Fells, searching for a glimpse of her missing friend."
"Cettie had heard people whisper tales that the Fells had once been a thriving industrial center with happy inhabitants, but she only knew it as a smoky, crowded series of mismatched tenements—a place where everything was part prey and part predator."
"She lived in a busy area, and the noise and commotion made her ears ache."
"Cettie hadn’t realized her hands were behind her back. She unclenched her fingers and displayed her dirty palms."
"I will go quiet the children, if you please."
"She felt as if the flood of concerns would knock her down."
"The wind was bitingly cold, but she was too intent on soaking in every detail of the journey to pay it any heed."
"But deep down, the spark of rebelliousness began to sizzle."
"There were a thousand places to explore, and her heart craved to do so immediately."
"No, she couldn’t let that happen. She would find a way to make them like her."
"I cannot allow anything to distract him from this opportunity. Especially a poor, unwanted waif such as yourself."
"The enormity of the grounds, visible by moonlight, made it difficult to take everything in."
"It felt like the substance was alive and wanted to escape her hand and leap back onto the table."
"If falling from a tree felt like this, what would falling off one of the floating manors do to someone?"
"It’s not magic, Cettie. It’s an understanding of certain laws and powers."
"You are welcome here at Fog Willows. You’ll be safe here from those who hurt you."
"Sometimes the only way to escape is through my mind."
"What good can that do? But does it stand to reason, Hugilde, that because you cannot serve all you shouldn’t serve any?"
"You can choose your actions, not the consequences of those actions."
"This isn’t a dinner party. I am young, but I still have thoughts. I still have ideas. I want to talk about things."
"Lockhaven is built on nothing but wind and promises."
"Sometimes her interruptions provoked her father; sometimes he was amused by them."
"You think curiosity is grounds for indulgence?"
"To be honest, I think you could do some good for Anna."
"Before we can be old and wise, we must at first be very young and foolish."
"I wish you didn’t have to go to the City. You know I couldn’t live there, Brant. Not after what happened."
"It takes a great deal of work to mine it. It’s backbreaking work, and most of the laborers here in Dolcoath have been at it for generations."
"I owe Fitzroy everything. But the more I have gotten to know him and understand him, the more I wish to emulate him."
"Trust is as fragile as an egg. But I have gentle hands. I won’t break yours."
"No one truly belongs anywhere, Cettie. We each are given a life to live. And we live it as best we can."
"It’s not your fault," Fitzroy said, shaking his head. "There is no way you could have known how to release it."
"You are a bright, intelligent young woman. You are a true friend to my daughter, unrelentingly compassionate, and fiercely loyal. And you have a determination I find very rare in someone so young."
"The longer I have lived, Cettie, the more those words have rung like a bell in my heart."
"You fall off a bridge by going off either edge. Try to steer in the middle."
"I will never lie to you again, Fitzroy," she promised.
"It struck her forcibly that she knew so, so little about the lives of other people... about the very empire that she was in line to serve."
"You cannot trust a child to act in its own best interests."
"The thought filled her with dread. Not that Father would do it to her—he was too conscious of his reputation for that, and, besides, he loved her—but because he could."
"Trust is as fragile as porcelain. It is beautiful and shining when it is whole, but it is worth nothing when it is broken. And how easily it breaks..."
"Being naughty was always a little thrilling."
"War is a terrible thing. It is great but terrible."
"I have lived my entire life surrounded by adults. I’m not allowed to see my cousins except on rare occasions, and even then, I’m chaperoned."
"I want them to be as fond of you as Lady Maren and I are."
"For the first time in her life, she realized what that special mixture was called. Love."
"Not all decisions are a matter of cost and calculation."
"Interest never sleeps, sickens, or dies. It neither visits nor travels, it takes no pleasure, and it is never discharged from its employment. Interest has no kinfolk to watch over and care for."
"The greatest risk a soldier takes is being aloft during a storm."
"Nothing is more powerful than the raw force of nature. No one knows when one will come, and they can shake a ship to pieces."
"The sky can be clear in the morning and then violent before dusk. The winds are a risk in every operation we undergo."
"The impulse to sneak into the maze with Will was overpowering. Maybe it was the sudden chaos of the wind. Maybe it was her disobedient spirit. Maybe it was too difficult to endure the utter boredom of her life."
"Trust me, Will. I know how to get out of trouble, too."
"You’re not afraid of a little water are you, Midshipman Russell?"
"I’d rather know the truth. And you will keep it discreet? Can I trust you to?"
"Never, never, never explain yourself. Not to anyone, even to me."
"You are who you are, and that’s that. End of story."
"Imagine the chaos that would ensue! The expense!"
"It is the law," replied the chancellor helplessly.
"You cannot prevent Durrant from speaking to those witnesses he must speak to in order to do his duty."
"You have always favored the Mysteries of Wind, which frankly I know very little about, so you did right to seek my advice."
"This is outrageous," Father grumbled, scowling at the man.
"But you cannot legally deprive your daughter of an education."
"My only condition, Sir Harding, is that you do not mention my involvement in your public disclosures. I seek no recognition and would prefer this were handled with discretion. Do I have your word, as a gentleman?"
"Sorrow wrenched her heart, larger and vaster than anything she had experienced in her life."
"Her body felt as if she had climbed a hundred thousand stairs."
"Dearest, something happened last night. Something very rare."
"A long time ago, I was very sick. I almost died."
"Because it asks the age-old question—where does the wind come from?"
"What you are inferring, then, Cettie, is that there is a force that we cannot see that pushes down on the quicksilver."
"It means, my dear, that it may well be possible to predict when storms will come and go."
"I’ve tried everything to find her. But still she eludes me."
"But through persistence and kindness, I won her heart."
"If I could change their circumstances, I would."
"I’ve come to care for you quite strongly, Cettie. I want you to have a happier life than you’ve known."
"The air contained the shiver of autumn, and every day, the manor in the clouds was a little colder."
"You are all precious to me. I cannot return soon enough."
"She felt her tongue already swelling. But she defied it, nodding yes."
"Perhaps her hope and the love she felt for Fitzroy and his family kept it from totally engulfing her."
"She hated the Fells. And now she was back there. Maybe forever."
"Crying wouldn’t solve her problem. Thinking would."
"Her voice was trembling, but she spoke up anyway: 'How long is the deed for?'"
"It’s a scam, Cettie. They want to shackle Fitzroy through you."
"I don’t care what Clayton does to me. I’m getting you back to a real home."
"Hold there!" he barked in command, but Joses let go of Cettie’s hand, and they dodged around him on either side.
"Turn!" Joses called and abruptly fled down an even narrower street.
"See that... broken crate?" he whispered, gasping.
"Approaching Fog Willows," said the pilot from his perch.
"I’m afraid," he whispered. "I’m afraid of becoming a ghost."
"That was quite a chase, Cettie of the Fells. In the end, his blood led us to you."
"I think we are going to be great friends," Sera said.