
Distant Star Quotes

Distant Star by Roberto Bolaño

"Dreams often turn into nightmares, we didn’t let that bother us."
"In the end, he always won the hearts of those who came to know him."
"Let there be light, get it? Sounds more like an Italian car to me."
"We are only Chileans, Lord, innocents, innocents."
"Never in my life had I seen so much sadness in one place."
"Read, young man, read the English poets, the French poets, the Chilean poets and Octavio Paz."
"Life goes on. The main thing was to keep active (any kind of activity would do) and to look on the bright side, tackling problems one by one, instead of all at the same time."
"Silence is like leprosy, declared Wieder; silence is like communism; silence is like a blank screen that must be filled."
"If you are pure, nothing bad can happen to you."
"If you are not afraid, nothing bad can happen to you."
"In any case, knowing Juan Stein and his family history, he would have expected them to be atheists."
"In the current sociopolitical climate, committing suicide is absurd and redundant. Better to become an undercover poet."
"With a little ingenuity, my dear, you can find a way to do just about anything."
"Sometimes I think he was the best poet of the three. But usually I see them all together."
"He saw you and me and himself from a great height, and, in his eyes, we were all, to be quite frank, pathetic insects."
"Sometimes, when I think of Stein and Soto, I can’t help thinking of Lorenzo too."
"They understood or thought they understood the pilot’s will, and they knew that although they couldn’t make head or tail of it, they were witnessing a unique event, of great significance for the art of the future."
"When the followers of the critic Ibacache gathered after his cremation in 1986, a letter turned up, presumably sent by someone close to Wieder, announcing the death of the aviator-poet."
"For a moment those watching from below thought he was going to disappear into a cloud again."
"The reports of Carlos Wieder’s activities from that night on are vague and contradictory."
"In space, he said, there are liberated zones, where chance cannot penetrate and the only source of pain is memory."
"Remembering the black night of the crime, she said she had heard the music of the Spanish. When asked to clarify what she meant by 'the music of the Spanish', she replied: 'Rage, sir, sheer, futile rage.'"
"The secret is to provide a decent funeral for people who don’t have much money, something dignified, even elegant: high-class touches for the middle class, a middle-class service for the working class. That’s the key to success, not just in the undertaking business, but in life in general!"
"As you know, at wakes and funerals people really appreciate the physical presence of the young."
"He seemed to be going through a rough patch. He had the face of a man who knows how to wait without losing his nerve or letting his imagination run wild."
"Eyes ready to believe that anything is possible but knowing, too, that nothing can be undone."
"And later still, but I’m not sure when, we went through various tunnels and one of the girls shrieked when the lights in the compartment went out. When they came on again, I looked at Romero’s face; it was the same as ever."