
Beneath Devil's Bridge Quotes

Beneath Devil's Bridge by Loreth Anne White

"We spend most of our lives afraid of our own Shadow... This is what gives the Shadow its power."
"Don't screw this up. This is what you've been waiting for..."
"People who don't want to talk have the best things to say."
"I don’t even know when it started... By the time it happened, there was nothing any of us could do to stop it."
"Gulls have moved inland everywhere... Scavengers. Survivors."
"Interview subjects who eschew social media and society in general usually have something good to hide."
"The truth is never as dangerous as a lie in the long run."
"If it takes a village to raise a child, does it also take a village to kill one?"
"We all have our darkness. That shadow. Even you."
"We think we can keep them safe if we order them what to do, if we control them."
"To be cast out of a group, or a herd, can mean death."
"We desperately wanted to find the girl, but at the same time you don’t want to find her under there."
"We spend most of our lives afraid of our own Shadow."
"This is what fuels the Shadow—our inability to look."
"He believes in me. It’s the one thing that keeps me holding on."
"It’s all very well to want to leave, but I need an exit plan that is more than just an exit."
"Murder and the legal process that follows is a kind of theater, a theater of the macabre."
"The act of murder forces a spotlight onto the pathologies in our communities."
"Sometimes it’s left to a citizen journalist to find the truth."
"The telling of a story influencing the story as it’s unfolding... It’s unfair to the listener." — Mark Pattinson
"The sound of the voice she once knew sucks her down, down, down, into the past."
"What if he didn’t do it? And like Trinity Scott says, if he didn’t, who did?"
"This is so fucking stupid. It’s gratuitous. It’s exploitative."
"The fewer people who talk, the more it’s going to fuel a person like her."
"Perhaps he’s been comfortably hiding from the real questions all these years."
"The silence of the living room is heavily laden with dust and memories."
"Clayton Pelley’s words echo in her head, getting louder each time: 'Her killer is still out there.'"
"Once more he feels a sense of power. He smiles. It’s been a long, long time since he’s had this feeling."
"We spend most of our lives afraid of our own Shadow. He told me that. He said a Shadow lives deep inside every one of us. So deep we don’t even know it’s there. Sometimes, with a quick sideways glance, we catch a glimpse of it. But it frightens us, and we quickly look away."
"The minute you’re down, the second you grow tired, it starts to grow again, and it catches up with you."
"It’s not too late... The truth... sets you free. It’s... the secrets that fester."
"Either he’s playing me like a fiddle. Or it’s the truth."
"Sometimes, secrets are too great and too heavy to keep inside forever. The body needs to release them. The body finds a way even if the mind is unwilling."
"Follow the truth, Rache. Even if it hurts. Even if it takes you where you don't want it to go."
"I don’t pretend to understand the deviance that can afflict people, but I think it can be useful to try."
"Maybe I want to believe that monsters can also be human. That a bad man can do things that are good."
"If there has been a miscarriage of justice, I think you all deserve to know it."
"Understanding the enemy, knowing him, is always better than the unknown, the unseen."
"The deeper you bury secrets, the more collateral damage they do when they’re finally ripped out."
"I can’t do this anymore. The guilt, the secrets, it’s killing me."
"The whole truth. Luke was right. There were, and still are, unexplained loose ends."
"I need to finish this once and for all, so I can let it go."
"Truth is my driver. Only the truth. I want the truth of what happened."
"Sometimes we just don’t know what’s good for us, do we?"
"Forgiveness is about freeing yourself from anger that can be crippling."
"All we can do is acknowledge our past mistakes and use what we’ve learned in order to do our best going forward."
"I believe we all have a lot to thank you for, Trinity."
"Let this podcast be our homage to Leena. A girl who shall not be forgotten."