
Dance With The Devil Quotes

Dance With The Devil by Sherrilyn Kenyon

"Not that he cared. There wasn't much in life or death that Zarek had ever cared about."
"For Sunshine Runningwolf's happiness, Zarek had crossed a god who was sure to make him suffer even worse horrors than those in his human past."
"It was the only time in his life anyone had given him anything he didn't have to pay for."
"They waste their time over a rag doll and it becomes very important to them; and if anybody takes it away from them, they cry…"
"If they didn't kill him on the trip in, he'd go out with a good fight, and good fights were all too few and too far between in Alaska."
"Like an errant child, Artemis loved nothing more than to push him just to see how far she could go before he called her down."
"Without her, he would become a soulless killer even worse than the Daimons who preyed on humankind."
"You're still weak, Acheron," she said quietly, "and in no position to make demands on me."
"I know you're tired, Astrid. I know you want to quit, but I don't trust anyone else to judge him."
"It is only with the heart that one can rightly see. What is essential is invisible to the eye."
"Eyes could deceive. They judged things very differently from the other senses."
"Olympian justice didn't operate quite the way human justice did. There was no assumption of innocence. On Olympus, once accused, the defendant must prove himself worthy of mercy."
"The tight muscles under her hands were firm and strong, but she couldn't see them."
"She wouldn't let a man's beauty or charm trick her again."
"Wake up, Zarek," she whispered. "You only have ten days left to save yourself."
"I see by touch," she said softly. "If I don't touch you, I'm completely blind."
"You're not scary to me, Mr. Zarek. So you can just check the attitude at the door and play nice while you're here."
"When you're ready to play with a man, then call me."
"Sometimes understanding is more important than punishment."
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly…"
"You must be very patient. First you will sit down at a little distance from me—like that—in the grass."
"You are worthless, slave. Good for nothing at all."
"Are you all right?" "Yes." But she was lying and she had a feeling Sasha knew it.
"But mostly it was because his dreams never allowed him to sleep for long. The past haunted him too much to give him peace, and while unconscious, he couldn't keep those memories away."
"I have found my star. She is beauty and grace. Elegance and goodness. My laughter in winter. She is courageous and strong. Bold and tempting. Unlike any other in all the universe, and I cannot touch her. I dare not even try."
"Why do you keep calling me that? Are you mocking me?" "You call me 'princess,' I call you 'Prince Charming.' I figure turnabout is fair play."
"The vicious side of him told him to go for it and drink it, she'd never know, but he didn't listen to that voice."
"He'd never known kindness. Never known the warmth of a family. He'd always been alone in a way she couldn't even begin to fathom."
"All good myths are rooted in reality and truth. Didn't your mother teach you that?"
"I am Death to them all and I am now home again with my people. Together, we will rule this earth and all who inhabit it."
"Getting out of bed, he dressed, then went to find her. Zarek stood in the doorway, watching her as she made pancakes in the microwave. She was amazingly self-sufficient given her blindness."
"No one had ever wanted him near them. He thought he'd learned to not care. And yet Astrid's simple words touched the same foreign part of him that Acheron's had."
"Why do you want to live here in this cabin alone?" "Because I hate to be babied. My mother and sisters act as if I'm helpless. They want to do everything for me."
"Here in her arms, for the first time, he felt peace."
"No wonder men killed for women. He understood that now."
"There is only one of you in all the millions of planets and stars."
"Show me the goodness inside you, Zarek. I know it's there."
"Love? Who the hell needs that? I've lived my entire life without it."
"I am a monster. Do you see now why I can't have you?"
"He lives like a slave. For him, this would be a step up from what he was used to."
"Trust me, when you're used to nothing, you expect nothing."
"It's not his way. Trust me, when you're used to nothing, you expect nothing."
"I remember talking to Zarek once. I asked him how he was doing. He said, 'Baking.'"
"I would say it's Zarek's attempt to maintain a shred of sanity while he's locked away up here."
"It hardly seems right that we kill someone who's had to live like this all these centuries."
"If anyone has any suggestion on how to kill this guy, I'm open to it."
"You live, Zarek. For that alone, you deserve some happiness."
"I've heard of Daimons teaming up. Back in the centuries before you guys were born, they used to have warrior Daimons."
"Do you realize, I put my keys in my mouth to pull out my wallet to pay for gas and they froze there?"
"I get bored, okay?" he snapped. "So I carve things. Sometimes in the summer, I run out of wood and I carve the walls and shelves."
"No, princess," he whispered, the lie catching in his throat. "I don't care about anything."
"I'm a slave, Astrid. I've never known hope. I just do what I'm told."
"You want to know the truth, Zarek? I want to be with you because there's something about you that makes me hot and shivery."
"Children are supposed to be protected and cared for. You had no one to hold you when you cried."
"Hope only exists for people who have choices."
"I don't know how you stood the pain of your life. I've always felt alone, but not the way you have."
"Because I need to be inside you right now. I want to feel connected to you."
"I'm smiling, princess. But not broadly. No teeth."
"Tell him to leave me alone, Astrid. Else I'll have to barbecue him and make akri angry at me. I don't want to make akri angry."
"Feeling peckish. Is there any food? Something not too heavy. Maybe a cow or two?"
"What is an ecological disaster, that's what I want to know?"
"Akri is an Atlantean term for 'lord and master.'"
"I would like to barbecue those Olympian gods. They are very tasty."
"I'm the son of a bitch who's going to put you out of your misery."
"Hair of the dog, baby. Sooner or later, we all dance with the devil."
"We're in Alaska, dickhead. Here everything is cold."
"It's okay, princess. I don't mind dying for you."
"Everyone deserves to be loved, Zarek. Even you."
"You have a heart." He placed her hand over his. "One that only beats for you, princess."
"Discretion is easy. It's finding the courage to forgive yourself and others that is hard."
"I want to go lie on the beach someplace warm."
"I'm just thinking, here I am a slave who touched a star who then made him a demigod. I have to be the luckiest bastard who ever lived."