
The Frog Princess Quotes

The Frog Princess by E.D. Baker

"Even as a little girl, I had thought that the swamp was a magical place where new lives began and old ones ended, where enemies and heroes weren't always what one expected, and where anything could happen, even to a clumsy princess."
"Unfortunately, being born a princess doesn't automatically make a girl graceful or confident, a fact I've lamented for most of my fourteen years."
"I've been told that kissing a frog is good for the complexion."
"A princess's laughter should sound like the tinkling of a bell, not the bray of a donkey."
"I haven't eaten a thing all day. My mother invited Prince Jorge to visit and I left home before he arrived. I couldn't bear the thought of spending an entire day with him."
"You can't imagine how much of a relief it is not to be asked to slay a dragon or behead an ogre or shut down the troll extortion rings under the bridges."
"I don't want to be a witch!" I said for the hundredth time. "I know you think I should, but I'd be terrible at it."
"The difference between my aunt's room and the rest of the castle was wonderful. Whereas the castle itself was cold and damp and generally gloomy, Grassina's room was warm and inviting."
"I may not have been the happiest princess, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life as a frog!"
"Gone for good, which is probably just as well. You wouldn't be able to carry it now anyway."
"There is no royalty in the animal kingdom. All frogs are created equal."
"It's funny, he's finally getting his kiss and all he had to do for it was oversleep."
"I was kissing you only because you've been asleep since the day before yesterday!"
"If we don't stop talking and go catch some fireflies, Eadric'll eat them all himself!"
"Who did this? Who freed my creatures and ruined my spell?"
"I don't think she's ever thrown anything away in her whole life."
"I think the biggest danger we'll face just invited itself along."
"You think that everyone is going to be your friend until you learn otherwise."
"You're a frog. Now go away. This is my pool and I don't allow frogs here."
"You're a much better swimmer than you used to be. It won't be long before you're almost as good as I am."
"The rosy glow of the sunset outlined the castle and made it seem all the more inviting."
"Traveling across the uneven ground was slower than it had been on the hard-packed dirt, and night fell before we reached the castle."
"I'm sure you'll find plenty of places to hide, but why don't you go see if you can find my aunt first?"
"Thank you for being there all those times. You were right—we did need you."
"If you are feeling such an affinity for me, you must know that my heart is engaged elsewhere."
"The drawbridge was already up. It wouldn't be lowered again until morning."
"You can't do it if you don't believe you can."
"Imagine yourself doing it. Picture yourself swimming across and climbing up the other side."
"It doesn't matter—we're here now! With my aunt Grassina's help, we'll be humans again in no time!"
"Being a frog with you has been fun. Even the bad parts were better with you than when I was a frog by myself."
"It's not that easy, I'm afraid. We have to determine why you became a frog."
"Patience is a virtue and often vital when doing magic."
"It's so good to have you back, Emma. I'd hug you, but I'm afraid I'd squash you flat."
"You drive a hard bargain. Wait here, I'll get the bracelet. The light from the darn thing was keeping me awake at night anyway."
"I'm a better swimmer, that's how. No dog can keep up with me!"
"I promise I won't turn you into anything you don't deserve."
"Careful," said Grassina. "You'll give yourself a headache."
"Princesses should never lie, Grassina, so be honest."
"But you know that princesses must always tell the truth."