
The Book Of Form And Emptiness Quotes

The Book Of Form And Emptiness by Ruth Ozeki

"She pulled her raincoat more tightly around her and started walking toward the moon."
"Excuse me!" Annabelle called, hurrying after them.
"Oh, honey," the pink wig sighed, dabbing her eyes. "Good luck with that!"
""Mrs. Oh?" The face was in shadow, but the voice sounded familiar."
""Oh, thank you," she said, breathing hard. "I feel light-headed . . .""
""You’re the rubber duck girl!" Annabelle cried."
""I’m sorry," she said, wiping her nose on her sleeve. "I’ve had a bad day. I’m not usually like this. It’s my birthday. I don’t know what’s happening.""
""What is all this shit?" the Aleph said in a low voice."
""Hey there, young schoolboy. How are you feeling?""
""Thirsty?" Slavoj asked, pushing the mug over to him."
""You are right . . . ! You must write . . . !""
""Excuse me, Officer," she said, consulting briefly the webpage on her screen."
""I’m really mad at you," she said. "Do you know that? You had a beautiful son. You had an okay wife—I know I’m not much, but we were happy enough, weren’t we?""
""I need you to tell me you’re sorry. I need to hear it.""
"It's not much, I said, but maybe I could write a little book about this Zen method of tidying."
"Music is like outer space, Benny. No need for flying to some other place. Everything is so beautiful right here."
"If now is the future, how come there aren't any space missions? Or rocket ships with astronauts in them flying to other planets?"
"Better to make wars and kill each other here on the earth."
"You might want to text your mom," the Aleph said. "So she doesn’t worry."
"Sometimes I just need to disappear," she said.
"It is a good road, yes?" he said over his shoulder.
"It’s a hallucination, Benny. Your brain is causing it. It’s not real."
"It’s the end of dark skies," he was saying. "The end of astronomy."
"She wanted him to be here! He heard her say it, those actual words, and he wanted to say something back to her that was smart and deep and meaningful."
"Great is the Matter of Birth and Death. Life is transient. Time will not wait. Wake up! Wake up! Do not waste a moment!"
"Books have a life of their own, too, Benny. You can’t hide from us, and you can’t shut us out."
"The words were still there, all those words and letters, neatly aligned and serving their sentences, while the page cried out in pain."
"You can try to block us, but the memories are still in you, and we know where to find them."
"If you think your book will help a few people, you should write it."
"Why couldn’t she dispel greed, hatred and delusion with less clutter?"
"Why can't you just try to believe me? What if what I'm saying is true?"
"Once a thought is thought, it cannot be unthought."
"The days of long, narrative, psychoanalytic case histories were over."
"I'm just going through a rough patch, but I'm sure my luck will change."
"We buried the first three crows in the backyard, digging a hole in the dirt with a screwdriver and a large soup spoon."
"You buried them because that's what you do when things die."
"For humans, the word is cremated. And we chose to do that because that's what they do in Japan."
"Why should I try to believe him? What was stopping her from imagining what it would be like to hear the voice of a book inside your head and believe it was real?"
"I would be super excited to get an email from you, but if you did write, then you'd become real in my mind, and it would be a lot harder to confide in you."
"The Buddha said that responding to email and Twitter is like sweeping the sands from the banks of the Ganges River."
"If a story breaks, does it mean it's broken?"
"So much had happened in the world while she was recuperating."
"Just sitting there on top of that old paper cutter, singing to himself."
"One day, when I was serving tea to my teacher, the teacup slipped off the tray and fell to the floor."
"It is the nature of a teacup to be broken. That is why it is so beautiful now."
"Life is even more beautiful this way, don’t you think?"
"The arresting officers spotted track marks on the naked boy’s arm."
"I’d like to suggest that you seek counseling, as well."
"Knowing this, we can appreciate each thing as it is, and love each other as we are—completely, unconditionally, without expectation or disappointment."
"American viewers wanted proactive solutions. Not buying was not proactive."
"We were singing the round, the same canon perpetuus that your parents used to sing."
"The ground was lurching beneath me, tossing me from right to left."
"So, the first thing is to get this place cleared out, right?"
"She pictured her mind as a clenched fist and then allowed the fingers to relax and open."
"Your life is not a self-improvement project! You are perfect, just as you are!"
"Our beautiful blue planet is so intricately alive."
"The truth is that everything depends on everything else."
"In the end, it's a problem of distribution. You have too much, but others have too little."
"Books are eternally hopeful. That is our nature."
"According to the capabilities of the reader, books have their own destinies."
"The notion of 'a book' is just a convenient fiction."
"You are our collaborators, our conspirators, breathing new life into us."
"Maybe I don’t. And anyway, the doctor won’t believe anything I say. They never do."
"That’s okay. We can go when you feel better. Just stay here and rest."
"The Aleph’s my artist name. My real name’s Alice."
"I have my own story, Benny. I have to get better. And so do you."
"I had to go home. That my mom needed me, and I needed my mom."
"We are ze stories we tell ourselves, Benny-boy. We meck ourselves up."
"Earth to Dad. Earth to Dad. Do you read me? It’s me, Benny."