
The Land: Founding Quotes

The Land: Founding by Aleron Kong

"The Universe had long ago exiled all the members of the Dark and Light Court to this small shard of reality."
"Every human was born with a small seed of Chaos in their souls."
"When enough of the Earth humans were in one place, destruction inevitably followed."
"Who wouldn’t accept wealth and power in exchange for something they didn’t even think existed?"
"In front of the arch was a short column with the indentation of a hand print on top. In the rest of the room there was… nothing else."
"The pain of growth was always less than the pain of regret."
"The choices in your life led you to a critical point. A nexus of opportunities were laid before you, many leading to disaster!"
"Always true of a human, looking to take as much as he can."
"It is the application of power that rules the day, not the simply having power."
"The Wood Sprites of Nadria honor their commitments."
"He has no love for humans, it is true, but his heart is stalwart, and he will stay true to a friend through death."
"Live well, and may these gifts protect you and heal the damage between yourself and my people."
"Watching another in pain without offering aid is not our way."
"You cannot simply take from nature and expect a positive result."
"Nature cannot be judged, and does not fall into petty roles of right and wrong."
"I take no joy in slaughter, but I will not shy from it either."
"You are in the Forest of Nadria, filth. Answer instead why you, a fire goblin from the mountain tribes has come to sully this ancient place. What is your purpose?"
"The only known way to the surface is the direction they are coming from. Personally, I have no interest in dying alone in the dark at the claws of some subterranean monster. I will stand or fall with a friend!"
"This is our land! We will nourish it with your blood as we did the blood of your comrades! The Land is always thirsty!"
"The type of laughter that can only come from the mouth of one who has passed through the shadow of death’s domain and come out alive."
"Through hard work you have moved forward along your path. Crush your enemies, honor your allies, LIVE!"
"Power that other’s will take if they can. You are now a player in the great game, but you are a target as well."
"Don't complain. It could always be worse, and nobody likes a cry baby."
"The last thing he had to decide was where to put the proficiencies. He had a total of 100% to increase any skill, in groupings of 25%."
"Congratulations! You have reached skill level 2 in Imbue Arrow. +5% damage. +5% speed of mana flow."
"Subskills were dependent on another main skill. As such increasing the subskill would increase the main skill slightly, but the subskill could never be of a higher level than the main skill."
"Despite the somewhat threadbare status of the treasury, this was certainly a start!"
"You have access to the village interface, my Lord. You simply need to focus upon the options which are available."
"The enchantments were passive, but he could easily see the power of them."
"If I ever find out that you’re messing with me, I will find a way to turn you pink!"
"It wouldn’t be very good at either if it could be defeated by, skipping."
"Don’t let the ghoul touch you, it can paralyze."
"Flank it," Richter shouted, not letting up on his rate of fire as he moved to the right.
"It was a race to see who would run out of mana first, the Companions or the skeleton mage."
"With another flare from its staff, the shield grew into a sphere covering it from all directions."
"The eruption knocked both Sion and Richter backwards to the ground."
"Your options are Life, Dark, Air or Water. Make your choice to close the quest."
"Richter’s exhaustion was overwhelmed by his excitement!"
"He knew he could cast the spells as if he had studied them for a great period of time."
"This was a no brainer. Even if Sion wasn’t cuckoo for this thing, it seemed like a good cause anyway."
"Even running from the skeeling was more satisfying and exciting than almost anything that had happened to him back on Earth."
"Excuses are monuments of nothing that build bridges to nowhere."
"I reacted, I did not think. I brought dishonor to my Hearth, not honor."
"I'm just a man who wants to offer an apology."
"If you want my help and trust, you need to answer some questions and prove yourself."
"By the laws of the King, magic can only be taught to and by members of licensed guilds. But laws don't put food on the table, right?"
"Even high-level enemies could be affected indirectly by spells that changed the environment."
"I'll take them all," Richter said, practically salivating thinking of increased capabilities.
"Leg bone of a frost giant… Steeped in waters of Great northern glacier… Must have been enchanted by…"
"Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Trade. Bargaining has afforded you a better price."
"We will try to disable anyone we find in the tunnels quietly."
"This is going to require trust on all of our parts."
"I finish what I start," Richter said with determination.
"They strained for a moment, Richter struggling to control the thief’s blade hand."
"Congratulations! You have reached skill level 5 in archery."
"I will help you," Richter said, committing to aid in a noble cause.
"Where I am from horrible things happen every single day. No one helps."
"I don't regret killing that man. I am happy the world has a bit less evil in it."
"I owe you, my Lord," said Nil, acknowledging a debt that could not be ignored.
"That entire chest is a decoy. It has a powerful sleep spell bound to it."
"When my hand is out, I expect your reference to be placed in it. I do not work with people I do not know. I have found it to be a waste of my time. I do not like wasting my time. I do not like people that waste my time."
"Listen to the advice you got, you don't want to lie to Mama!"
"I need good people to live in, work in and grow my village. I am willing to pay a fair wage, and any that can open and maintain a business can keep the fruits of their labor as long as they pay a tax and also contribute to the overall defense and productivity of the village."
"It takes a lot for someone to sit on a stone floor with no real promise of obtaining what they desire. It normally takes either desperation or dedication."
"Every man or woman that gets a contract through me is paid and treated fairly."
"Now because of this my workers apply themselves and work harder than others which makes the employers happy."
"I make no promises for the future, but I do promise that if you come with me, we will meet it together."
"It was amazing what being clean, warm and fed could do for your attitude."
"It required another five gold to arrange transport to be waiting in Leaf for these supplies. It seemed steep, but Hafiz assured him it would cost a large amount just to convince a ship captain to let animals ride in his hull."
"Congratulations! You have reached skill level 5 in Analyze!"
"Do you continue to live here being forced to kneel, or do you take a chance to come with me and stand on the merits of your own skills and hard work?"
"Richter was acutely aware that the greatest defense of his village was its obscure location."
"Knowledge was guarded jealously in The Land."
"I promise I meant everything I have said before. Everyone that comes to my village will be treated fairly."
"We did not expect anything else. That brings us to the main reason we are helping you. If we are going to make your village a home, then the more prosperous it is, and by extension you are, the better off we all will be."
"I can give you many reasons why coming to my village is the smart thing to do, but only you can truly answer that."
"The only consolation was that Richter was sure everyone would be so distracted by the garish clothes, that no one would remember their faces."
"To know how difficult it was imagine having to pee really bad and also walking away from a growling dog."
"Humans are one of the shortest lived, but most prolific breeders in the Land."
"The hardest part was remaining calm, and keeping an unhurried pace."
"Richter could only assume the mage had deemed him a non-threat."
"Through hard work you have moved forward along your path."
"As long as I live you will have a home there."
"The real benefit though was that finishing the quest set the stage to gain another Companion!"
"A serious look came over her face, 'I will not stand by and watch the Forest of Nadria become like the Whisper Woods, overrun with evil creatures. The Forest will be protected, no matter how many battles it takes.'"
"The Forest will be protected, no matter how many battles it takes."