
The Sinner Quotes

The Sinner by Shantel Tessier

"If you want to be a man, then you take one's life."
"You'd be surprised what a man will do to survive, Easton."
"The point of being a Lord is to do their dirty work for them."
"You become a Lord after three years of initiation, and if you go against your oath, you’re killed."
"What is one person’s heaven is another’s hell."
"What’s done is done. By my oath, you are a brother. But you betrayed us. Therefore, you must be terminated."
"Three years of celibacy can make a man go crazy."
"Kill, take, bleed. It’s a system branded into our brains."
"I’ve watched her in her room. I’ve followed her everywhere."
"I’ve waited years for this—for her—and I’m not going to pass up the opportunity."
"If you’re afraid of public speaking, this isn’t the class for you."
"Not many want to stand in front of a room full of people and tell your deepest, darkest desires."
"It’s amazing that they even let her be my friend."
"In a way, he saved me. He just doesn’t know it."
"My life would be very different if he hadn’t shown up that night at my parents’ house."
"I’m not the kind of girl you stay around to be with."
"I’m the kind a man calls at two o’clock in the morning because he wants his dick sucked."
"I want toxic. I want madness. I want someone who makes me question my sanity."
"Sex is like anything else—an act that can be used, bought, or sold. It’s addictive."
"If you ask me, it’s the most dangerous drug out there."
"An orgasm can cost you fucking nothing. Except maybe a little bit of dignity, but I don’t care about that."
"She's my wife, which makes you my family too."
"You didn’t last night. You told me I was your savior," I remind her. "Oh, wait. That was the other man you thought you were fucking."
"Speaking of last night—I hope your ass isn’t still bleeding. I’d hate for you to attract a shark," I lie, trying to scare her. There aren’t any sharks in these waters.
"Wanna play games with the devil? Let’s see what you got, little demon." He yanks me over to the back of the boat by the chain and out of the water.
"You’re my demon, I’m your devil, and I will keep you chained in hell forever."
"Fuck, I love you," he whispers, his hand wrapped around my neck, crushing the chain into my already sensitive skin. "Remember that when I rip you apart."
"Why? Why is it that the woman is always the whore?" she goes on, ignoring him. "Shouldn’t he be accountable for making me wet? For turning me on."
"I think it's funny that because I have a pussy and he has a dick, I'm the one who should be ashamed. I'm not."
"I wasn’t going to let him be the one who ended it. I was. My choice, my way."
"How do I keep doing this? Put myself in situations that I know are wrong."
"I’m going to spend my evening at home. Alone."
"I’ll take a hot shower, grab a bottle of wine, and lie in bed eating my weight in candy."
"The night you called the masked me to come coddle you. I asked who hit you, and you said it didn’t matter."
"When I burn the world down and they ask me why, I’ll tell them the devil asked me to do it. And I wanted to make him proud."
"Fuck that. I press ignore and then turn it off altogether. I’m not in the mood for him right now."
"I’d take Sin any day over what others would do to me if given the chance. Easton Sinnett may want to break me, but he’s the only one that could put me back together after he’s done."
"That’s what it feels like to love you, Ellington Jade Asher. It’s goddamn fucking consuming. Suffocating."
"And me? Well, I’m no saint or angel. I’m a slave for him. I couldn’t deny him anything if I tried."
"I'd rather not discuss what I did last night."
"Because I wanted you to have a place to come home to. Our home."
"I'm not one of those girls that need to be married. I actually never want to get married. But to live with him? To be his every second of every day? That sounds like heaven to me."
"He wants to live with me. Here in our house. Just the two of us."
"You're an easy fucking lay that he feels sorry for."
"She's mine. And that makes her the most important person in the world."
"Make the call," I say, looking over the house that sits in front of me.
"I'm leaving," Elli announces, lifting her chin.
"Go ahead, run away if that makes you feel better about yourself. But you won't get far."
"Let that be a lesson, Elli. If a man touches you, it'll be the last thing he does."
"My heart is hammering in my chest. A shiver running down my spine."
"Remember, little demon, that I love you. Because what I'm about to do to you has nothing to do with love."
"You're the kind of woman we fuck on the side. Not the one we come home to."
"I'm tired of seeing you." Her bottom lip begins to tremble. "I'm tired of hating myself because of you. I'm just so tired..." She closes her eyes tightly and fresh tears come pouring down her face. They open and land on mine, pinning me where I stand. "I'm tired of being the whore that no one can love."
"Never trust a man unless you know what he'd do to survive."
"You don’t die at Carnage unless the Spade brothers are done with you."
"Her father is alive. Has been for all these years."
"Everyone is different, but she can be experiencing side effects."
"The room has stopped spinning and I no longer have a bad taste in my mouth since I brushed my teeth, but my head isn’t one hundred percent."
"Get angry, little demon. It’ll just make this that much sweeter."
"I need to be owned. Put in my place. Hurt me, fuck me, make me come. I’ll never learn but I want him to think I can."
"Cage a person long enough and they believe they can no longer fly."
"It makes you look like you don’t want to marry a druggie. I don’t see where that makes you look stupid."
"I imagine freedom isn’t as good as it sounds."
"Doing the same thing over and over, knowing that I can’t be saved."
"Hate me all you want, I’m still your husband and no one can change that. Not even you."
"Parents have done it before. I’ve seen it among the Lords. When money gets involved, people go feral."
"You're not touching me, not this time. Not anymore."
"I hope that means she gives up on us being together."
"You don’t get to decide when we’re done! I get to decide that."
"I’ve always owned you so it felt wrong to not give you what was left of me."
"Stay clear-headed. Don’t fog your brain with drugs or doubt. You are stronger than that."
"Sin is going to kill you both," I shout angrily, knowing he will do whatever it takes to save me. After all, the devil thrives in hell.
"Swallow them." The one standing by the couch orders and tears fall from the corners of my eyes.
"Let it swallow you under, Elli." Running his hand down my face, I try to pull away, but I can’t.
"I’ll make sure they kill me. I’ll walk right through their fucking front doors, guns raised and ready. It’ll be a suicide mission, but I won’t live without her. Not anymore."
"I'm fine." I shove the door open, gun raised.
"You deserve a fresh start," Sin tells him. "You and Tamara."
"Some of us actually care about our grades and study."
"I'm not going anywhere," he says roughly, and I feel tears sting my eyes.