
A Killer's Mind Quotes

A Killer's Mind by Mike Omer

"She would be quiet and still. And then they would learn to love each other."
"The texture was smooth, pleasant. He thought she might like its touch."
"The past had a way of sinking its roots deep inside."
"The hell with it. She could do some paperwork."
"She could always count on Taylor to make it all better."
"She had ample time to make herself some breakfast."
"I don’t know," she said. "A week ago, I guess? Maybe more?"
"She’s been gone before. Krista was always disappearing. She had clients who’d pick her up for a day or two. Krista always got the classy clients."
"I’m sorry for your friend," Zoe said. "It was a man who did it."
"We’re looking for him," Zoe said. "We want to catch him before he hurts anyone else, and we could really use your help. But I need you to focus. Can you focus, Crystal?"
"There was something wholesome about waking up in bed with the woman you loved, watching her lie there—her eyes closed, her face innocent, her body warm."
"She had always loved reading thrillers and mysteries, and this was a thriller that had come to life just next door."
"Maybe the woman was from social services. She definitely reminded Crystal of a social worker she’d met once."
"The day before, Andrea had opened the door and run outside with her ball, and their mother had chased her, screeching at her hysterically to come inside."
"She had expected to see a jogger or two, maybe a mother taking a baby for a stroll. There was no one."
"But it was too risky, and he didn’t want to drop his girl."
"The couple went by, not sparing him a second glance, entranced with each other."
"Everyone knew where the whores of Brighton Park worked."
"The places I work in, everybody’s suspicious."
"Anyone under delusions such as you describe would be prone to impulsiveness, acting out his delusions at the spur of the moment."
"The bodies have signs of sexual intercourse postmortem. That happened before the embalming."
"You’re in a pub. Put those things away, okay? I’ll buy you any kind of drink you want."
"I’ll talk with you about the case tomorrow morning. We’ll think about it together."
"It wasn’t chilly enough to give her actual frostbite, and the cold would probably make her weaker and more lethargic, which would only help when he had everything prepared."
"The cold, hunger, and fear had sapped all her strength."
"It’s been a long day, and this list is endless."
"We’ll get you out of there. Here we go. A . . . B . . . C . . ."
"That was what happened. That was precisely why so many couples broke up. Spouses cheating on each other, backstabbing each other, calling the police. Before he changed them, there could be no trust, no reliance. No real love."
"No time to be accurate; he would just have to hope he got it right."
"She had been so beautiful. And so innocent. Or at least that’s what he had thought."
"If he hadn’t had a garage available, he would have given up on her."
"Just another man on the road, driving his van somewhere unimportant."
"The rain and him. Much more intimate than Mikey and his current girlfriend were lately."
"But this was more than she had ever seen, and the images depicted made her sick."
"She was becoming convinced she was standing in the bedroom of the Maynard serial killer."
"What made her so damn good was her vivid imagination."
"I’m just not . . . I’m not very good with people."
"Her job was to study the past, sure—then look at the present and the future."
"He’s going to strike again," Zoe said. "And he’ll adapt."
"I always pack a bunch of Snickers bars when I travel."
"Are you unhappy with your new position in the BAU?"
"We won’t be able to find him through his future victims anymore."
"His face wore an expression of deep, endless grief."
"Would you mind if I ask you a few questions?"
"It was not Pulitzer Prize material, but it had a measure of accessibility that Harry felt made it shine."
"Maybe those people would tweet about the article, generating even more readers."
"He was a cynic but sometimes felt as if there were some lines he shouldn’t cross."
"Fine. She looked around at her desk. Wherever she worked, she always managed to accumulate mounds of paperwork."
"Shredding was great. She should do it more often."
"What had caused the killer to start practicing on animals?"
"Because he needed time with his victims without the effects of decay."
""Citizen and Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting," he breathed in relief."
""I know who the serial killer is," Zoe said in a rushed voice."
""You shouldn’t go poking around in other people’s homes," he said."
""These were special circumstances," she said. "I had good reasons to think he’s the killer.""
""I want you to do your job," she yelled, her voice breaking."
""Because he had seventy-eight people who were with him at the time that poor Clara was murdered."
""Leave the policing to the grown-ups, okay?""
""We’ll be okay, Ray-Ray," she said, her voice shaking uncontrollably."
""That’s right." He offered her his hand. "I trust you, Dr. Bentley. You have twenty-four hours.""
"Three gray ties landed on the table in a twisting pile."
""Don’t worry, Ray-Ray. You have nothing to be scared about.""
""Enough!" His angry bark shocked her into silence."
""I’m sorry," Zoe said. "Did you work for him when she died?""
""She was mostly just happy. They were about to get married.""
""We don’t think, we know who it was. Chase figured it out.""
""But his teacher told me he draws some really weird cartoons in his notebooks."
"She was angry that I kept going fishing, leaving her alone in the evenings."
"We have so much to talk about, so much catching up to do, right?"
"I believe this is a man who had little to no control over his life as a child."
"It had been easy, since most of the time she’d had doctors or nurses to tell her where to go, when to eat, and when to sleep."
"In fact, the last seventy-two hours had been mostly made up of small actions, one following the next."
"It made her sick to think how much control the twisted bastard had over her life."
"After a minute, she realized she was scrubbing the same areas over and over again."
"Just a brief moment of anxiety. There was no need to lose her cool over this."
"The hopelessness from earlier was gone—or at least much faded. Thank God for food."
"People underestimated the joy of car camping."
"The fish, the only model citizen in the house, swam in its aquarium, looking pleased."
"And there had been something . . . off about her ever since the incident."
"You’re the real thing. You can read a crime scene in a way I would never be able to."
"But watching you work this past week opened my eyes."
"This guy who is killing women and embalming them . . . I think he’s someone else."
"What we think happened," the chief said testily, "is that Clara had a boyfriend her mother didn’t know about."
"It’s great." She nodded. "You say they deliver to Dale City?"
"Because it’s pretty much the only detachable thing."
"The killer would be someone who never had a long, successful relationship."