
Blue Is For Nightmares Quotes

Blue Is For Nightmares by Laurie Faria Stolarz

"It's perfect for burning, all dried up—the leaves shriveled, twisted and gray."
"Just do me a favor and don’t burn the dorm down."
"Probably, but that would confuse the energies."
"It’s your ring. I bought that for you when you were born."
"Be careful you don’t say something you might regret."
"They’re perfect just the way they are. Real, you know?"
"I pocket the cookie message and look out the broken window at the velvety night sky. There, in the peaceful whirring of the wind, I can almost hear my grandmother’s voice, telling me to trust my insight, telling me that it’s when we don’t that tragedy occurs."
"I open my eyes and glance over at Drea, brushing her hair in the mirror, getting in all one hundred strokes. And all I can think is how I never got that chance to show Maura how the trick worked."
"I fold back onto the bed, close my eyes, and conjure up my warmest memory of Maura. It was all warm and balmy out that day, as though at any minute the cloud lining would unzip and rain would sprinkle down in feathers."
"We practice the guided breathing for several minutes, until the energy in the room falls like snow all around us."
"The artificial sweetness stings the inside of my mouth like icy cold Pop Rocks."
"But whenever I do use it, I love to look at the handwriting—places where the pen skipped and caused a tiny splash, or places where the ink bled."
"She reaches into her night table drawer for the diary, thumbs to the back, and tears out a page. 'What’s this all about?'"
"Names are just tags we put on to label ourselves. They don’t mean anything."
"The glass is chilly, like the room, and the heat of my breath forms a cloud. I draw a peace sign in the middle of it with my finger."
"The recurring nightmare I’ve been having... it’s a premonition. About you."
"I think of the moon. I think of nature: rain, sky, and earth. I think of truth."
"When I think of protection, I think of my parents, the way they used to be, when I’d sit between them in their bed, watching movies."
"But I’m trying to think of it as a gift—you know, a way to help people."
"The earthy scent is everywhere—on my hands, in my clothes, tangled up in my hair."
"It’s weird, but I think I’ve always had it, like it was always there, even when I wasn’t old enough to accept or understand it."
"I used to practice around the house—my mom’s keys, a neighbor’s watch—and feel nothing. Then I’d be out somewhere, like at a friend’s house, and pick up a dishtowel and sense divorce."
"Love is funny. It lives within my mind, my soul, and my heart."
"It's not the spell that fails the witch; it's the witch that fails the spell."
"Because blue is for nightmares. To make them go away or bring them closer, depending on how you use it."
"It’s the first time I’ve ever seen Veronica Leeman look scared."
"Yeah, well, I’ve had enough friends for one day."
"A little civilization severance is fine with me tonight."
"I mean, I don’t even know how she can think it’s me. I mean, I wouldn’t exactly be following her around all day, making sure nothing happens to her, if I wanted to hurt her."
"We’re not supposed to be out here. She’ll be okay. She’s done this before. Just give her a minute."
"You better stop harassing me, Drea Olivia Eleanor Sutton, or I will."
"Evil is not allowed to enter this sacred circle," I whisper. "This sacred circle is safe. This sacred circle is powerful. And this sacred circle is all-telling."
"I imagine a circle of light above this sacred circle. It surrounds me and keeps me safe as I invoke the powers that be to allow me to speak to those who have passed on."
"The temperature in the room drops and a shiver runs over my shoulders."
"But it’s almost as if my grandmother can help, but only if I figure things out for myself."
"It makes perfect sense, like I’ve known all along."
"The smell of earth surrounds me and seems to intensify with each careful step."
"It’s dark; the webbing of branches above me blocks out any remaining light from the falling sun."
"I have to trust my body, what it’s telling me, where it will lead me."
"I shake my head, grateful that Drea is safe, but also grateful that my real nightmare has finally ended."
"We’ve decorated the room as cheerfully as possible."
"It just made me realize more significantly what an amazing person he is."
"And then her parents drive her away. And there’s just Chad and me."
"I lean back against the trunk and inhale the breath of winter—cool, fresh, and awakening. It makes me feel beautiful."
"I feel stronger now than ever before. Not because of Chad and finding ourselves under this tree again. Not because of saving Drea, or seeing Donovan put away. But because I know that no matter how many nightmares I’ll have in the future, I can finally trust myself."