
Carnage Quotes

Carnage by Sarah Bailey

"There’s something empowering about seeing the kingdom you rule over spread out before you."
"Humans aren’t hard to work out. You appeal to their baser natures and soon, you’ll get what you want, leaving them none the wiser about the manipulation they’ve undergone."
"The most rewarding part. Seeing your efforts finally end with their ultimate demise."
"Money made the capitalist society go around."
"You have to step outside the boundaries of right and wrong. Walk into the grey and never look back."
"We weren’t kind or nice. We ruthlessly pursued our goals, not caring who we trampled on to get there."
"Nothing in life was simple. And revenge? Well, it led down a path I wasn’t sure I wanted to follow, no matter what they’d done."
"You have to have the upper hand. You know this."
"Scarlett had grown into her figure a little too well."
"Drake was right about this being my playground."
"Fuck, I want to hold her close, look into those hazel-green eyes and remind her who I am to her."
"She's ours. She fucking well belongs here with us."
"We’ve never been good boys, Pres. It’s time Little Nyx found that out, don’t you think?"
"We can’t do anything to her until Annika leaves."
"Would you two behave like adults for once in your fucking lives?"
"We’re going to give you what you want, West."
"I do hope you didn’t take my joke seriously, Scarlett."
"I’d say it’s a pleasure to meet you, but it would be a lie."
"She’s been here a day. Did you expect all her memories to come flooding back the moment she saw us?"
"The cost of my freedom was a high price to pay. I’d give anything for it."
"The people in my life had a habit of making me feel like I was nothing."
"It’s really very simple. Tell us where she is."
"We’re all animals, Pres. Beasts who crave violence and kinky fuckery."
"I swear, Little Nyx, I fucking swear we’ll come for you. And we’ll remind you exactly who you are."
"You think you don’t want it now, but you will, little lamb. You’ll remember."
"No one got it. They just expected me to go on with life since it was like starting with a clean slate."
"Maybe my conversation with Prescott had stripped me of my inhibitions."
"Don’t act all high and mighty, Francis. You’re one sick fuck yourself."
"Why? So you can tie your own fucking noose for me?"
"You think this has anything to do with not caring? Fuck you. I care. She was the best part of us."
"I don’t care about anything you have to say right now."
"I’m not going to hurt you," he murmured, turning my head to the side and trailing his lips down my neck. "At least, not this time."
"Good, you shouldn’t. Now, be a good girl and spread your legs."
"Now you want to use my name, do you? Say it, Scarlett, tell me to fuck you. Go on, beg for what you want."
"Catharsis. The state of purging your emotions, letting go of everything, and giving in."
"We don’t let just anyone up here either. You must’ve got in Drake’s good books if you snagged an invite."
"It’s okay, Scarlett, close your eyes. You’re safe here."
"All the things you could possibly imagine, and everything in between."
"Our little lamb on our altar, ready for her slaughter."
"You’re the sweetest damn thing you’ll never taste."
"You think you have to get them to want you, but you don’t."
"I’ll deal with it. You heard Dad. He said by whatever means."
"Fuck what Stuart said, Scar. You do not have to use your body to get them to trust you."
"What the hell was their game? Why would they even do this to me in the first place?"
"The way she’d told me to stop touching one of the scars on her abdomen was soul-destroying."
"There was no point in thinking about how if we’d made smarter choices things could have been different."
"Your scars make you who you are, Scarlett, and who you are is perfect. Never forget that."
"You are mine, Scarlett. That means you don’t let anyone else touch what’s mine."
"I don’t take kindly to anyone messing with my belongings. You’d best remember that in the future."
"You think because I let you fuck me, I’m now your property. Well, fuck you."
"None of you kissed me. I don’t know what it feels like to be kissed and I guess I was kind of disappointed."
"I have retrograde amnesia… they don’t know if my memories will ever return."
"My heart thumped at her using my name. I’d missed the sound of it on her lips."
"For some reason, when Prescott said I was his, it didn’t make me mad. If anything, I was safe here in his arms."
"The man was a predator wrapped up in an incredibly attractive outer package."
"You do know what will happen if I take you back with me, don’t you?"
"I want to see all of you… I want to touch you… and I want you to kiss me."
"I don’t think I can do this," I whispered into his skin, a tear slipping from my eye. "I can’t hurt you even though I know you’re going to hurt me."
"She was the brightest part of us. The one we’d lay down our fucking lives to protect."
"You expect me to believe you don’t know he got crazy jealous over me dancing with Mason?"
"Do you ever learn? Do not antagonise the psychopath who thinks you’re his."
"I won’t punish you if you tell me what you’re thinking right now."
"I can’t turn off my feelings at the fucking flip of the switch like he can."
"You are cruel, Prescott, don’t fucking stand there and deny it’s who you are. It’s who we all are."
"The truth hurt like a bitch, but none of us had ever sugar-coated anything. It would be doing a disservice to each other if we did."
"He thinks I don’t care, but I do." He rubbed his chest. "I care about her more than he realizes."
"What are we going to do about Pres?" "Nothing. We’re doing nothing."
"We didn’t have another choice. If we had any chance of getting all of us out of this mess, we had to do as we set out to."
"The whole way back to the flat, I kept running over what happened this morning in my head."
"Maybe I was certifiable, because no normal girl wanted to get close to a man like him, let alone the rest of them."
"Excuse me?" He descended on me, taking me by the arm and getting up in my face."
"Yes. Yes, I fucking well did. I spent the night with Prescott and guess what? I don’t regret it."
"I did what I had to, Mase. I did what I fucking well had to."
"I’m not going to make you any promises… but I will speak to the others."
"Fuck Drake. Fuck West. And fuck Francis. Fuck them all."
"She said she’d do anything. I don’t really give a shit how you want her to prove herself, just fucking do it."
"No one is allowed to hurt you like this. No one but us."
"You’re mine, little lamb. I protect what’s mine."
"I knew for a fact they were not there earlier. Nor did I believe West had been that rough with her."
"You can’t make me do this. You can’t make me kill him."
"I hate you," I whispered, then I turned away, unwilling to see his reaction.