
Waging Heavy Peace: A Hippie Dream Quotes

Waging Heavy Peace: A Hippie Dream by Neil Young

"Life is a shit sandwich. Eat it or starve." - David Briggs
"Quality whether you want it or not." - Larry Johnson
"I did it with Shakey Pictures’ Human Highway, Greendale, the Lincvolt movie in progress, the PureTone videos in progress, Journey Through the Past (my first film), the Lincvolt construction and development, the Lionel TrainMaster Command Control development, the Lionel RailSounds development, the Lionel LEGACY Control System development, and probably some others I have forgotten."
"No one believes in my ideas until I actually do them."
"It’s not the money; it’s the respect. And the money."
"I am entrepreneurial. I do them because I can see it before it happens."
"Ideas are the driver. There is nothing worse than having a great idea and losing it because you can’t control the process."
"If you do it for the music, you do it for the music, and everything else is secondary."
"Sometimes a smooth process heralds the approach of atrophy or death."
"It is a silent fraternity of sorts, occupying this space in people’s souls with our music."
"I’m sure Bob has the master’s touch, whether he is painting from a photograph or a memory of something he has seen."
"His songs have known no bounds in their influence, and the folk process transfers well to painting."
"I must mention here that Rassy was the biggest supporter of my musical endeavors and believed in me from the very beginning."
"The world of art has its own rules to break."
"Expectations can block the light. They can shadow the future, making it more difficult to be free-flowing and creative."
"The road is not easy under the best of circumstances."
"We need a real reason to believe in what we are doing."
"There is nothing to prove, other than the fact that we still care enough to not just run through our hits and misses."
"I love to watch and try to guide what is happening, expanding the goals and reach of a project as it unfolds."
"A job is never truly finished. It just reaches a stage where it can be left on its own for a while."
"I dream of playing those long jams and floating over the herd like a condor."
"Music lives in my soul. It is not youth, time, or age."
"I am so grateful that I still have Crazy Horse, knock on wood."
"When music is your life, there is a key that gets you to the core."
"I am beginning to see that the rest of my life could conceivably be spent as an author, churning out books one after another."
"I am not trying to make you feel guilty. I am always busy doing something."
"I see online streaming services like Rhapsody, Spotify, and Pandora as the new radio. Apple’s iTunes is the new radio, too. The sound is highly compromised, but people can get whatever they want, whenever they want."
"Sound is very complex. It is not enough to just be able to recognize a song and hear the melody. There is a significant amount more to music than that."
"Music is a storm on the senses, weather for the soul, deeper than deep, wider than wide."
"I will not rest until the impact has been made and PureTone or something like it is available worldwide to those who love music."
"There is a lot of value to that convenience, but it has created a huge void in quality that begs to be filled."
"Living in Hawaii, with the horizon of the ocean meeting the sky, is soothing."
"In this world, it is truly awesome how lucky we are, yet we keep hurting the planet in ways nature could never have come up with."
"How many places are there on earth that really are healing places?"
"Music as it should be heard. The promise of digital fulfilled."
"Sound was so good, you could never get enough of it. I really feel sorry for kids with their MP3s today who can't hear music the way we did then."
"There must be countless ones where people each can find their own peace."
"We have grown up in the age of convenience and expediency."
"What matters to me, though, is when people get an attitude about somebody and paint that person all one color."
"Somehow can we break the cycle? Somewhere can we see the light?"
"The rhythm of the ocean is such a gift, and this is the perfect place to enjoy it."
"We had a lot of love and structure in our home, and it was always that way with Pegi."
"We really had a great time together and both remember those times very fondly."
"I collect everything: cars, trains, manuscripts, photographs, tape recordings, records, memories, and clothes, to name a few."
"There is no way to change the past, there is no way to predict the future."
"Writing is very convenient, has a low expense, and is a great way to pass the time."
"I was singing it for Larry, too. I barely made it through that performance."
"I have always had excellent people with me; honesty, constructive criticism: those things are priceless in this game."
"Rich with an artist’s sentiment, Amber Young today is a beautiful young lady, making her way through life’s guesswork and planning her future with grace, style, and conviction."
"Life is unpredictable. My neighbor Greg called to see if I wanted to fly to Maui with him this morning, and I said that I think I will stay because I am writing."
"The album cover and liner notes reached out to the music lover, filling them with images and helping to illuminate the story behind the music, the feeling coming from the artist."
"The horizon speaks to me in my time of need, sharing the ultimate story of the moment of change. I accept the horizon for what it is. This is my religion."
"The water lapped on the coral when it rushed in, knocking the pieces of coral all around... This pattern continued for hours until the tide went out."
"There is nothing on earth like the feeling of a parent for a child that has matured as Amber Young has."
"I remember once we were having some problems, and she told me I was gone too much when she was growing up and I missed a lot of things. She was so true, so right."
"Those Sunday mornings with my dad were a real gift. I did that route for a few years, and then something happened. I think I was growing up and didn’t notice it, but time passed. A lot of time."