
Another Quotes

Another by Fiona Cole

"I was Carina fucking Russo. Whoever was on the other side of that door was about to have their socks knocked off."
"Our girl has been down and smiling less than usual."
"Request a big dick in the preference box," Aunt Vivian had demanded. "No harm in asking."
"I was Carina Russo, heir to Wellington and Russo, marketing queen, and a powerful woman. I didn’t fail. I pushed on and succeeded."
"But you are also, by far, the sexiest woman I’ve ever met."
"I’m sweating," I deadpanned, making her laugh. "Why the hell is it so hot in September?"
"I wasn’t a weak woman, and I wasn’t going to sit there crying over being pregnant and alone."
"I was Carina Russo. I was going to kick pregnancy’s ass."
"I'm tired, and I need to focus on what's to come. I can't depend on someone who can't even make a fucking dinner."
"Are you here to talk to Carina about the London project? She usually meets you there, right?"
"When the mother of your child wants a cheeseburger, you bring her a cheeseburger."
"I don’t need luck. I’m getting skilled in the ways of Carina."
"Don’t let her walk all over you. I raised a real ball-buster over there."
"You don’t have to thank me. We’re in this together."
"But I get it," he said, kissing Audrey’s head again. "I did the same with my parents until I kind of just lived for me. Nothing I did seemed to keep their attention, so I said fuck it. In the end, nothing changed, except maybe I pissed them off more with my choices. I just cared less about their opinion of me."
"Your dad is proud of you," he said, surprising me. "I can see the way he talks about you."
"You’re good at this," Ian complimented. I sat tall and gave him a smirk. "I know."
"I think she’s secretly in love with me," I said with a wink. "She at least likes to look at my body and who could blame her."
"You never told me what happened that night," he said surprising me with the change of topic. That night I saw Ian for the first time.
"I’ll make you happy, Carina. You deserve it."
"It’s about being practical, Carina. I have a baby room ready, but we can trash it for what she already has if you don’t like it."
"Home isn’t the place," he explained softly. "It’s the people. So, I was happy to be with you guys."
"I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life." The answer was heavier than I intended, and I made a joke to ease the tension radiating off her. "I’m bound to break something if we stay here."
"We’ll make this work. Even if we’re just friends the whole way. Like Batman and Robin."
"Fine," she said on a huff. Victory surged through my veins and flooded my body with adrenaline. Holy shit, she agreed.
"Don't worry, I'll be home soon with my big, man muscles."
"Damn, I'm lucky I have the smartest girl on speed dial."
"I didn’t know what drove me to invite Ian to Voyeur today, but I knew I was happier than I ever thought possible with him by my side."
"Her eyes slid open again just in time to watch me lick every spicy-sweet drop from my fingers."
"Empty baseball stadiums are one of my favorite places."
"Her nails dug in through the material of my shirt, and she lost the battle."
"I've never been inside another woman without a condom."
"Focus on the feeling, Carina. Focus on how good it feels with nothing between us."
"I may let you sass me daily, but like this, when I’m buried deep inside you, you’re mine."
"We all crammed into our spots, passing food around the table, making jokes and poking fun. It was loud and controlled chaos."
"I need to be alone. I don’t want to be in this apartment. I don’t want to be around you."
"No matter what, he was there for me without judgment. He was my best friend."
"You don’t always have to be the strongest one in the room."
"His concern that I couldn’t drink, and his solution had a laugh breaking free I didn’t know I was capable of. It hurt my face to form a smile and my chest to shake with anything other than tears."
"For the first time, I saw a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel—that maybe it would be okay eventually. I was damaged, but not broken."
"It was nice not to feel alone like I had the night before. It was a nice reminder that I had more friends than I realized."
"Here’s a better idea: we never talk about this."
"We’re family, and a little proclamation of love won’t break us."
"I understand it’s hard, but one day you’ll be going about your day and not even realize it happened—you’re on a romantic date telling someone you love them—really love them."
"I love you, Hanna, but not like the love you deserve."
"Just knowing he was on my way calmed me more than I thought possible."
"You’re Carina freaking Russo, ruler of them all. You don’t need me. I’m just here to look pretty."
"Thank you for being there when I needed you."
"I’m sorry that it was all my fault for not making your concerns more important than my comfort."
"You think I’m sorry it happened, but you’re wrong. I’m sorry for how much I hurt you."
"I love you more than I thought possible and I’m terrified I broke any chance of you loving me back."
"I’ll always be there. Even if you don’t want me to be, I will always be waiting to be what you need."
"I love you, Ian. When I thought I could never love again, you made me love you."
"I’ll see what we can do, but it shouldn’t be a problem. Don’t worry, Erik. I’ll make sure she’s safe with me."