
I Am David Quotes

I Am David by Anne Holm

"David was not yet sure whether he would make the attempt. He tried to work out why the man had told him to do it."
"He had turned it over in his mind until his head was in a whirl and he still could not understand why the man had told him to escape."
"David was so taken up with his victory over them that he had gone a dozen yards past the spot where the thicket hid him from the camp before he realized that no one had fired."
"David knew from his experiences in the camp that it might be a matter of life and death to 'have a good story' and stick to it however much one might be questioned."
"From now on he would think for himself and make his own decisions, and his feet and hands and body would be his servants to do his bidding."
"He realized he would have to go down there again, but he would not yet admit it to himself."
"And each time he learnt something new, enough to occupy his thoughts all day long in his rocky hiding-place."
"If he hit you back, I’d be no better than you are. I’d be just as rotten and worthless, and I’d have no right to be free!"
"But you must make quite sure about it before you choose."
"Freedom and a country where he could live in safety: David wanted both."
"David tried to forget that he also wanted a new piece of soap."
"I am David and I belong to myself, and no one has any right over me."
"David had some idea at the back of his mind that he might perhaps go to England."
"He must think quickly, but as carefully as if he had all the time in the world."
"David could not imagine him striking or shooting anyone."
"It was like saying, 'I am David and I belong to myself, and no one has any right over me.'"
"God of the green pastures and the still waters, I am David and I choose you as my God!"
"David felt a sense of relief and added strength just as he had the morning he had determined to go on living."
"David wished he knew what was so strange about his eyes."
"He was not used to having more money than the price of a loaf of bread, and he found his unexpected wealth a problem."
"Perhaps it was a mistake to say 'amen' because that was what Catholics did, but David knew it was a holy word, and if you did not have an ending God would not know when you had finished your prayer."
"I've never before seen anyone do such a brave thing."
"You are David. And if you never allow other people to influence what you're really like, then you've something no one can take from you."
"I’m glad I told Maria that evil exists. I don’t want her to be afraid, but it’s something you have to know about."
"If there’s danger, you have to recognize it, or else you can’t take care of yourself."
"When there’s no one else to do things for you, you have to do them for yourself."
"What is right is not always what you want, and if you make a mistake, you regret it afterwards."
"You can think about me, Maria, and then I shan’t be quite gone."
"He must get to Switzerland first, and then to Germany, and finally to Denmark."
"You must always hate what was evil, or else you grew just like them."
"He’s the God of the green pastures and the still waters..."
"I’d rather keep my own God, if you don’t mind, signor. He’s very strong, and helps you when you’re frightened."
"I’m saying this to tell you you needn’t help me any more to escape from them."
"David. Do not be afraid. We are not searching for you."
"And now nothing would ever be the same again: even if they were not looking for him, even if he could preserve his liberty and could avoid being too cold or too hungry. It would never be the same again, because he would always have to remain himself, a boy who belonged nowhere."
"David, a boy on the run, but one who knew where he was going to."
"All suffering has an end, David, if only you wait long enough. Sorrow has its life just like people."
"Their country was very beautiful. The sun shone upon the white snow-caps of the great mountain peaks and turned them to a glowing pink. In the valleys the grass was a startling green, and the houses were surrounded by trees covered in white and pink blossom."
"The fine delicate blossom brought Maria to mind. A tree in full bloom was among the most beautiful of things, and David’s smile came unbidden. Yes, it was good to be alive."
"But if you ever use force again and I get to know about it, then I shall hate you again."
"David enjoyed the walk so much he did not bother with a lift. But perhaps there was another reason, too, for he did not feel quite at ease with the Swiss — they did not look as friendly as the Italians."
"And although he wanted to get on as fast as possible, he thought he must stop to look at it."
"David felt uncomfortable. That was the worst part of it: he wanted to be honest, but he was always driven to telling lies."
"David hated orders himself, and loud commanding voices, and as long as he was with him, King should remain a free dog."
"But it was a comfort just to know it wanted to."
"He must not let the dog’s action be in vain: he had to accept it."
"The dog had gone with him freely, and it had met its death freely, in order to protect David from them."