
Book Of Shadows Quotes

Book Of Shadows by Cate Tiernan

"Beware the mage, and bid him well, for he has powers beyond your ken."
"We give thanks to the Earth Mother, who nourishes us."
"I don’t know what that was—a cramp or something."
"I think it’s cool. I’m curious to learn more about it."
"Samhain? Pronounced Sow-en. Our biggest holiday, the witches’ new year. October 31. Most people call it Halloween."
"As if it was full of energy, like a beehive."
"To distinguish it from illusionary magic," he responded, as though it was very strange of me not to know this.
"Who am I? I frowned at him. What did he want me to say?"
"It’s practically required reading," the clerk said, looking at me.
"In many villages, innocents turn to their local witch as a healer, midwife, and sorceress. I say, better to submit to the will of God, for death must come to all in time."
"Maybe you’re psychic," Paula suggested easily, as if she were suggesting that maybe I was a vegetarian or a Democrat.
"There exist Seven Houses of Witchery. They keep to themselves, marrying within their clans. Their children are most unnatural, with night-seeing eyes and inhuman powers."
"Each of the Seven Houses has a name and a craft. An ordinary man has no hope against these witches: better to commend yourself to God than to engage in battle with the Seven Clans."
"Nights of a full moon or the new moon are especially powerful for working magick."
"Should you be caught amidst two warring clans, lie belly to earth and say your prayers."
"Water, cleanse us, Air, purify us. Fire, make us whole and pure. Earth, center us."
"It was terrifying, strange, mysterious, thrilling, crushing. And it was magickal."
"So beauty in is beauty out, This potion make your blemish nowt. This healing water makes you pure, And thus your beauty will endure."
"Forget not that witches live among us as neighbors, and practice their craft in secret, even as we conduct honest, God-fearing lives."
"By Friday, when Robbie’s skin looked smooth and new and completely blemish free, when practically every student in school recognized that he was no longer a pizza face, when girls in his classes suddenly realized that hey, he wasn’t bad-looking at all, he decided to tell everyone how it happened."
"I pressed my palm against a crisp leaf as big as my hand. Its colors felt warm against my skin, and with my eyes closed, I could feel impressions of warm summer days, the joy of being blown in the wind, the tenacious hanging on, and then the frightening, exhilarating release of autumn."
"No, I could," Cal contradicted mildly. "A lot of people could, with enough training. Even if they weren’t blood witches."
"The way you are, the way you were born, just totally bewilders and embarrasses your own parents."
"The more I accept it and accept myself, the less friction I have in the rest of my life and the less stressed and unhappy I am."
"Everything you send out into the world comes back to you threefold, so everyone tries to do good, always."
"I think you and Cal would be a good couple. I’m not flirting with him. I never call him. I never sit next to him."
"You’ll get over it," she said. "After Cal and I are really going out and everything calms down, it’ll be a whole different picture."
"I don’t know how to explain it," I said slowly, looking down at the leaves. "I told you about the abbey upstate with an herb garden. The garden . . . I felt like it spoke to me."
"It’s like something seems to be . . . waking up inside me. Something I didn’t know was there. And I want to understand what it is . . . what I am."
"You made magick," Cal said, gazing at me with those endless dark gold eyes. "You’re a blood witch."