
Surrender To Me Quotes

Surrender To Me by Shayla Black

"Absolutely took my breath away." - Romance Junkies
"Packs a hell of a wallop." - The Road to Romance
"Erotic, emotional... suspenseful." - Joyfully Reviewed
"A book to be savored over and over." - Romance Junkies
"Wickedly seductive from start to finish." - Jaci Burton
"A flawless story that grips readers from page one and doesn't let up." - The Road to Romance
"You will never know the impact you had on my life. You'll always be a vivid, larger-than-life hero to me." - For Cecil Robson, with love
"I can’t promise I’l agree to everything, but if you do something I don’t like, we’l talk it out."
"You’l only get the good kind from me. The last thing I want to do is hurt you."
"Don’t think about whether you should like it, think only about whether you actually do."
"Please, don’t turn on the light. I don’t like . . ."
"You’re going to make yourself damn sick if you keep that up."
"That feeling was so, so dangerous... but undeniable."
"What had passed between her and Hunter hadn’t felt like a one-night stand."
"But she pictured Hunter’s face hovering over hers during the darkest part of the night, focused and intent."
"Being with Hunter could change her life. Change her."
"If you weren’t wearing that ring around your finger this morning and I’d called you to ask you out, what would you have said?"
"I hear that. I woke up on the fucking bathroom floor."
"We might have time for a quickie now. What do you say, babe? I’ll make it up to you."
"Hunter is looking for you. He’s pissed that you left him."
"Okay," she conceded. "Great sex. But still..."
"I am a pushy, dominating prick. But honey, I’m always honest."
"You change everything just by being you, the same way Gordon does."
"You’re a goddamned idiot. Mom and Dad’s breakup has everything to do with your behavior. Get a clue. All this pushiness is going to bite you in the ass."
"If you want to keep her happy and keep her in this marriage, you can’t run her over like a semi."
"I would never let anything happen to you. I should spank your ass red for even thinking I would."
"Damn it! Can’t you just . . . Put up or shut up."
"Everything about you concerns me. You’re a smart woman, and I’m sure you’ve guessed by now that I don’t merely like to dominate; I am a Dominant."
"Your orgasms are mine. I say when and how. You don’t have permission to come."
"If you could have simply complied with my commands—"
"If you’re a good girl, you might find out what else I’m good at."
"Trusting someone with your body and trusting someone with your soul are two very different things."
"Your submission is only as good as my dominance."
"Time isn’t the real stumbling block. Both people have to be open."
"I want a submissive woman, not a well-trained dog."
"You always do something redeeming just when I’m ready to slap you."
"I’m not doing this to you. I’m doing it for us."
"Our marriage was no mistake. And when I come back from this mission, we’re going to spend a lot of quality time together, until you’re comfortable with me. I’ll keep doing whatever it takes to earn your submission and your love. Don’t doubt that."
"Don’t confuse a Dom with an asshole. The truth is, you’ve been in ‘easy’ relationships so your heart would never be threatened. If you were to ask yourself—and be really honest—you know that you can’t ever be truly happy with guys like Ben, who let you call all the shots."
"I’ll concede that our marriage was quick. But give us a fucking chance before you bow to your fear and quit on us."
"I love Edward and Bella. Have you even seen any of the movies?"
"I hate the way he argues, especially when he’s right. Then... two minutes later he’s everything I could have ever wanted and more, and... I don’t know if I want to go back to life without him."
"I’ll take care of my wife from here. I’ll make sure she gets a damn meal."
"You can't take care of anyone when you're falling down on your feet."
"How could she not melt in a puddle at his feet? How could she not care about him?"
"Gratitude burned through her, and she felt ashamed that she'd leaned on Ben so much in Hunter's absence."
"A submissive's nature is to want to please her Dom."
"I've had, what? All of four days to reconcile myself to our marriage—while being shot at, grappling with your dominant expectations, and as my mother has been at death's door."
"The way he growled, his eyes seething fury, all screamed that he was at the end of his rope."
"I'm going to find every way possible to make you come."
"I want to protect and love you, not crush you. Not cage you."
"I love you. You have feelings for me, too. That scares you, so you lashed out at me. That’s not how this works. We’re partners, and we work things out."
"We’re going to find the killer. Your mother will recover. We’ll get along just fine once you realize we’re perfect for each other. There’s no reason for you to be scared."
"I expect an answer now, or I will stop this car and take you over my knee. I don’t care if passersby see."
"Submission takes courage, and you’ve given me more raw honesty in mere days than some subs manage to ever give."
"She’s definitely not like those twits you used to spend time with."
"Wouldn’t miss meeting the woman who snared your heart."
"Tonight is about you, honey. Whatever you want, it's yours."
"You're welcome. Be ready at five, suitcase packed."
"Spend tonight with me, and you'll sign the papers."
"You smell incredible. I'm dying to taste you."
"Let me give you what you need. Surrender to me."
"Thank you. I don't know how you accomplished it, but I'm very grateful."
"I hate to tell you this, but you came after Kata for nothing. We’re getting divorced," Hunter said.
"No." Adrenaline spiking his bloodstream, he whipped his gun up, firing almost point-blank in Andy’s chest.
"Absolutely! Little Caleb is going to be a bruiser. He’s got the temper to match."
"He’s making great strides and seems really happy. I think Dad may be sweet on her, but if there’s anything there, they’re taking it slow."
"How much sex have you had in the last six months?"
"Don’t say her name," he growled. "Or I swear I’ll stop this car and take you apart."
"It hasn’t been that long since we split up. You’ve had a dozen years to get over T—"
"I understand." No doubt, the situation was rough. So close . . . yet so far away.
"I wasn’t there to draw for myself." Hunter frowned. "You cheated."
"Pastures that had been green in June were now brown, dead. Like he felt inside."
"God, he’d give anything to go back and change . . . what?"
"The holiday decorations up on the shops and restaurants should have helped Hunter get in the spirit. Nah, he was more depressed than ever."
"I’m home for two weeks this time. I told my new CO that he’d better not call me once unless the world was coming to an end."
"Makes sense. You’ve gained a hell of a reputation for being hard on a CO."
"For the first time in what felt like forever, he had a raging hard-on."
"I’m signaling my willingness and availability to you."
"Our last night together was a revelation to me. When I wasn’t afraid about the future and put my trust in you, I simply let go and discovered how connected I felt to you."
"I want to submit in whatever way you need. I want to please you, husband."
"You were terrified of me and the sort of relationship I wanted. You sought this divorce. Now you love me?"
"Your safe word is "divorce." You say it, and we’re done. I’ll disappear forever."
"I like that you’re possessive. I feel . . . loved. Safe."
"Being shared was just a fantasy, but the reality of you and me together is so much better."
"Yeah, Master. Forever is how long I intend to love you."