
The Silence Quotes

The Silence by Kendra Elliot

"It never got easier. Mason had seen dozens of deaths in his decades of law enforcement, and many had imprinted on his brain and cropped up in the middle of the night, ruining his sleep until he banished the images."
"He was there to help and had to set aside his horror and disgust at what one human would do to another."
"What do you call having a mutual respect but high suspicion of each other?"
"The old Tudor home they’d purchased last year had turned into a money pit."
"A missing adult woman who’d left on her own wasn’t a high priority for law enforcement. Especially one who’d vanished a dozen times before."
"Focused on her computer screen, Ava took a few moments to register that something had happened on her office floor."
"Note-taking 101. Write it all. No matter how unimportant it seems."
"A pain in the ass. How are we to get any work done for the courts?"
"No exit wound in Ray’s back. Shit. The bullet was still inside."
"Relief and panic simultaneously swamped him."
"Most bullet entry holes in flesh were surprisingly simple in appearance, not the gaping mass of destruction one expected."
"How in the hell did you get shot in the front and the back?"
"We were in a hospital like this a few months ago."
"She’s so important to me. I don’t know what I’d do if . . ."
"Don’t you dare try to downplay your wedding day."
"When I learn that, I’ll know who killed him."
"He’s so young." She was miffed she’d misread the detective’s tactics.
"Task forces weren’t glamorous; they meant long, dull hours spent wading through minutiae."
"Everyone has a story to tell. If you ask the right questions, it will open your eyes to the struggles and joys of lives outside your own. It’s fascinating."
"She stepped through the big arch and felt the temperature drop ten degrees inside the roomy alcove."
"A church smell wafted out. Old carpet, wood polish, and history. And some guilt."
"He had amazing recall and could memorize pages in a short time."
"They pay me too. Not a lot. Doesn’t really matter. I’m saving a ton on rent."
"I see the page in his head and simply read it back."
"But he’d shrugged and told her he saw the page in his head and simply read it back."
"My father was a horrible man. All the way to the end."
"All that matters is what happens between us that day."
"She knew an AR-15-style rifle when she saw one."
"The good news is the rounds match the weapon."
"I remember when this happened a couple of months ago."
"Surely a home security system or doorbell camera caught a better image."
"Nothing is normal about a husband who beats his wife. Or his kids."
"It's not your place to tell Brady about the baby. That's Jayne's responsibility."
"There's one consistent thing about Jayne: she was predictable in her unpredictability."
"The most likely scenario is that he knew something he shouldn't about Reuben's murder, so the killer came back for him."
"Trust me. You aren't the only one having that experience right now."
"Why worry that the person behind you in a pickup would know anything about stolen plates unless you recognize the truck as the personal vehicle of someone in law enforcement?"
"Trust big companies with personal information? No."
"I think we need to go back to the beginning."
"She never ignored the anonymous calls but always wanted to."
"Every cell in Ava's body focused on the call."
"How many times have I promised myself not to get caught up in her problems?"
"Ava watched as Zander slowed down the video."
"Maybe she's still at the coast if this is the guy that killed David?"
"Jayne had genuinely sounded scared on the call."
"A spark that made Ava give Jayne the benefit of the doubt. Every. Single. Time."
"If she gave up on Jayne, whom would her sister have left?"
"Ava stopped in front of Jayne's painting and studied it."
"But he looked a bit Clark Kent–ish at the moment."
"He didn't need to be physically built to project his charisma."
"I plan to use them as a reminder to not take every day for granted."
"Life had given him a second chance at happiness with Ava."
"You're not there yet, right?" "No. Another fifteen minutes or so."
"You're risking your life for someone who could care less about you." "It doesn't matter."
"She's pregnant," Ava whispered, her adrenaline spiking again.
"I don't know if you want to be around for this conversation, Brady."
"It's okay. You were lonely. I shouldn't have been gone so much."
"Not letting you ever get away, Special Agent McLane."