
Cold Earth Quotes

Cold Earth by Ann Cleeves

"There's no point standing out here in the wild, boys. No point at all."
"I thought you’d be more fun when you were sober."
"You were a lot more fun in those days. At least we could have a laugh."
"This is a disease and the treatment is brutal."
"It had been possible to see that from the main road."
"It would relax her. The tension in her back would disappear."
"It’s not so convenient, you disappearing up to town two nights a week."
"Flashes of memory like that weren't as painful as they'd once been, but they still unnerved him, threw him off-track."
"James Grieve would have started the post-mortem by now. He'd promised to do it as soon as the body arrived in Aberdeen from the boat. Perez hated the idea of his dark-eyed lady being cut open as an anonymous corpse."
"She didn’t need a special occasion to drink champagne."
"Your woman didn’t die by accident. The knocks to the head and the contusions on the face happened post-mortem."
"She was strangled. The ligature mark was hidden by the damage caused by the slide."
"You're a detective, not a scientist, and in those conditions I doubt the professor would have done any better."
"Of course I love you. I couldn’t live without you. Of course I’m happy with what we have."
"I think her words were: 'I’ve come to the end. I can’t take any more.'"
"I lived with my mother for too long. A man needs a house of his own."
"‘Aye,’ he said, ‘a change in the weather. Before the whole island washes away.’"
"I always aim to please, Jimmy. You know that."
"Old habits die hard. Besides, if we come to court, you might be grateful."
"We all knew Minnie. She taught us in Sunday school and terrified the life out of us, didn't she, Stuart?"
"I could never do that. I could never make a profession of bringing up my babies."
"It's hard to tell of course, but according to Jane Hay and Angie Henderson, there was no evidence of a break-in to Tain."
"It was as though the old place has woken up after years asleep."
"Anyone who watches TV from the US would probably have done well enough to fool Magnus."
"Season’s greetings from your very good friend."
"It always seems a terrible intrusion, going through a dead person’s belongings. Much worse, somehow, than searching when the owner is around."
"The fact that Tom Rogerson had the Shetland flag as a bumper sticker was interesting, but shouldn’t be given too much importance – so did half the local population."
"Addicts don’t care about much, except getting the next fix, do they?"
"It was a chance to be someone else for a bit, I suppose. A kind of escape."
"Suddenly having money to spend. I got a bit wild and stupid."
"Depressed people are very selfish. I could only think about my own feelings."
"The weather made the island seem like a kind of magic place."
"That was what it had been like, a kind of religious retreat."
"There was usually some poor bloke in tow. Or, rather, some rich bloke."
"He liked the conferences. He was a very sociable man."
"Tom needed to be admired. It was a kind of addiction – the sex."
"He loved his family and the home we had here. I was his rock."
"I could always tell when he’d been with a woman: he’d come back to me and he’d be kind of tender."
"Not for its own sake. He couldn’t save. But he liked the things it could buy."
"We all have secrets. It’s the only way we can keep sane."
"I think perhaps you should ask your son to come home."
"She was an actress, famous for disappearing while she was playing a role in a popular television drama."
"We’re not suggesting that any of you are killers, but I do think you can help us."
"I’m terrified of boredom. Always have been. When I’m bored I get up to mischief."
"I’ve always loved it. I came here as a boy, before the oil, and I always promised myself that I’d retire here."
"Of course not! The Alice I spent those couple of hours with was English, not American."
"If the flirtation turned into something more serious, you didn’t want her to be able to trace you."
"He was thinking about Alison Teal and deciding it might be easy to get to a position where you were so lonely that you couldn’t stand your own company for a minute more and wandered into a bar just to find someone to talk to."
"But that made him anxious. ‘I might just be reading them wrong. Much better that you see them for yourself.’"
"It’s great to see you. I didn’t want to show these to Jimmy just yet. Not while he’s off to see the Fiscal. Not until I’ve checked that I’m reading them right."
"‘That’s what it seems like.’ Now Sandy sounded excited rather than anxious."
"So what are you thinking here, Sandy? Bribery and corruption?"
"‘I can understand that,’ Willow said. She expected some response, but none came."
"But folk are careful what they say in front of me. You know what it’s like, Jimmy."
"‘I rather think that I’ve got to the bottom of that too.’ He reached out and offered her the cheese."
"They say I’ve got a good chance of getting it. And I’m not going to screw things up this time."
"‘She was really well.’ The response seemed genuine. ‘Better than she’s been for ages. Optimistic, you know.’"
"No pressure, but I just wanted to tell you that I don’t take that sort of thing lightly."
"We know that the Hays have secrets. Even if one of the family isn’t responsible for the deaths, it’s possible that they know who is. Or have their suspicions. So we wait and we watch them."
"You really don’t have any idea who might have taken him in?"
"But Andy held her tongue. She knew Michael was right."
"It seems we have one of those conveniently close to both crime scenes."
"She ran a legitimate company. Once the acting dried up, she still had to make a living."
"I knew he was excited about something. Some new venture or woman, to make him feel alive and young again."
"But as we can’t call him Prune, which is what he most looks like, we’d better come up with something else."
"Fran would have loved the idea of a green burial site in Ravenswick."
"I wanted to talk to the bairn about the green burial idea."
"Sometimes I thought the sex was an illness. Like an addiction."
"Kids go south for adventure, only to find that it's pretty tough out there in the big, wide world."
"I probably won't be here when you next visit. I don't actually belong here."
"We all make mistakes, but we’re good people."
"I think he was pleased when I turned up to stop him."