
More Than Her Quotes

More Than Her by Jay McLean

"I remember just standing there watching her for pretty much the entire game."
"Don't look at it then, just concentrate on my face."
"It's not love you feel. Well, not love love. It's the Logan-Lucy Love."
"This is the moment I knew what it felt like to lose everything I never had."
"You weren't asking for my number. You were demanding it."
"In your dreams, asshole. Find another way to score your home run."
"We wouldn't have even finished book club yet. Why are you going so soon?"
"I'm sorry, Matthews. I shouldn't have let it get this far. It's my fault."
"You're too late, Logan. You're just too fucking late."
"I let you get to me again. You almost fucking had me."
"Live life by moments... remember how I felt during those moments."
"I felt happy, or like I was flying, and I remember smiling huge, and laughing. For the first time in a long time, I felt free."
"You can tell your uncle Logan that I will go on one date with him. Only one."
"I'm sorry. Okay? It's just the beer and the moment. I just got caught up."
"What happened, Matthews, is that I already let you break my heart once."
"Because, Micky, it's my past. It's not my future and it sure as shit isn't who I am. I'm not going to let that be me. I'm not going to let abusive or neglectful people ruin me. What they did—that's on them. That's their guilt to carry. It has nothing to do with me or who I am. And so what if it happened," I shrugged, "I lived through it."
"It's just—it's been hard. Like, really fucking hard. It's not like I lost one parent, and the other was there to help me get through it. And even though I'm an adult I'm still a child...am I? If I don't have parents am I still someone's child?"
"Quit smoking, Logan. I don't want to lose you, too."
"I love Cameron," she informed dreamily, her head getting more comfortable. "I love him so fucking much it hurts sometimes." Her voice broke. "The good hurt, you know?"
"I just need to feel not okay, Logan. I just need to feel the hurt. All of it."
"You're one of the best guys I know. Actually, you're the best guy I know that I'm not screwing." She chuckled to herself. "One day, you're going to meet that girl that's going to make you want to be with them. And she's going to be so Goddamn lucky, I swear it."
"And it is fair. You're my son. It's what I do."
"Hopefully my luck would change because the last few days had been a clusterfuck of Screw-You-Logan disasters."
"I hoped to God it wasn’t a shit hole. But right now, I'd fucking take anything."
"Whatever you need, man. It's fine. Just let me know."
"I'm not fucking going back! You fucking do it!"
"Maybe falling in love, getting married, being happy and having a family is all I want."
"You can't leave me hanging like this! I'm gonna have blue balls for fucking days, Amanda!"
"Any asshole that has you, and is stupid enough to lose you, is a fucking idiot."
"I love it when you smile. I love when your dimples show."
"I remember everything about that night, Amanda. I told you. Everything."
"You've been at work?" "No. Just out for dinner. Um, Ty's in town."
"I don't know. I mean, I love doing it. And I think I'm good at it. But it's just having a good eye. It doesn't take a miracle to do it."
"It doesn't matter where I am in this world, there's nothing else I'd rather see. Just you."
"You see this?" he asked, his chin lifting. "Exactly." Logan smirked. "That's all the fucks I give."
"You and me—we could have been amazing. We could have had it all, Logan. Everything. And you fucked it up."
"I spent most of my high school years so far in the closet I was having adventures in Narnia."
"He asked if I thought gay dudes would think he was hot. I told him yes and he high-fived me. That was that."
"It wasn't like I was instantly head over heels in love with him. But I thought, that given time, maybe I could be."
"She wanted it, you know? I told her I loved her and she fucking wanted it. It was that fucking easy. She was that fucking easy."
"The worst part is that you and me—we could have been amazing. We could have had it all, Logan. Everything. And you fucked it up."
"It won't hurt you! The rain. It won't hurt you. I won't let it."
"That's still a no to the car. But the fact that you thought of it..."
"You're the most important person in my life, of course it counts."
"Is my past," I cut in, "and you—you're my future."
"Because at some point in the last few weeks, she became more than just some girl that I slept with, or some girl I shared a bed with every night. She became more than just my girl. She became my everything."
"Boys in books are so not better. Not compared to Logan Matthews."
"And it was like no other kiss in the history of kisses."
"You have no idea how much I need you—I need you more than the air."
"You're going to make a good wife to some asshole some day."
"You have such a potty mouth when I'm about to make you come. I love it."
"I don't want to be this girl...Because I needed him. Like air. I just needed him."
"You have to fucking choose me. Please Logan. You just have to."