
Raising Innocence Quotes

Raising Innocence by Shannon Mayer

"My workouts had always been an escape for me, but today even pushing my body to the edge of exhaustion wasn’t keeping the flutter of anxiety in my gut still."
"There was no way I was going to let go. I’d survive the fall—there were a few mats below me—but twenty-five feet up was a hell of a lot of pain and bruising just because I got tired and couldn’t hang on."
"My eyes narrowed, anger surging. What would he think if he knew O’Shea was a werewolf now? "Easier than living with some asshole with an overbite.""
"It’s one of the few things I’m sure of in my life."
"The fault lay with the abilities she had to see what no one else could. The more she’d used her abilities, the more she was drained of her sanity; apparently it didn’t happen to all of the supernaturals like her."
"I wasn’t alone, though, was I? The strength of my character, the drive in me—it draws those to you that will fight for you, with you, and perhaps sometimes even smack you upside the head when you get mouthy."
"Plans went awry and people fell apart. In my mind, it was better to always go in hot, and adjust yourself as the shit hit the fan."
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a third time, and I’m going to run you the fuck through."
"Trust your heart, always. Even when your head tells you not to, it is your strength."
"The first thing Terese did was make a blood oath with me, one of peace. One that would keep me on the good side of the Coven, regardless of the fact that I was going to kill Milly."
"They are speaking the truth. I have seen it. Milly is not who we thought she was."
"She’s trying to kill my family, has spelled an anklet that drains the wearer’s life away, has threatened the life of my werewolf—"
"By blood and oath, a binding tie between magic, death and honor."
"You do not want him puking anywhere but in the toilet!"
"We thought it pertinent, considering your innate ability to avoid magic, to be prepared for an attack."
"Just because you are ignorant, doesn’t mean something isn’t real."
"Fuck, I did not want to start this day off with a fight and bloodshed."
"Yup, and if you don’t behave, I’ll do the same to you."
"The only person I knew who had capabilities in that range was Charlie."
"He’s going to die," I said, my heart breaking at the thought of the little one not only dying, but dying in the hands of a stranger.
"Fuck you. You don’t know what I do, you can’t possibly understand!"
"Life was a hell of a lot simpler when it was just about a salvage and not about the ‘why’ of a case."
"She has a higher success rate than all of your officers and my agents combined. I’m inclined to let her do as she wishes"
"I Tracked the kid, Johnny, until he died. Everything else that happened, Officer Gossard already told you."
"You can’t tell me what to do. You are not in charge here."
"I’m going to go with smoke signal for the win."
"You follow your heart too much. It’s a deadly way to be in our world."
"Don’t be sorry. Just learn. That’s your job now."
"Lots of people strap their knives too low; all that does is impede your ability to run."
"Yeah, I guess. If you like a scrawny kind of guy."
"You watch too many stupid B-rated movies and you think you understand the supernatural? Fuck. You have to be DEAD to become a zombie."
"She’s making a bigger mess than we need," he said.
"She’s got good natural movement. One day she’ll kick my ass with a sword if she keeps up the practice."
"Guns won’t work, you morons! Swords, knives, but no ever-loving guns!"
"You have potential, Agent Valley. This is my life. Welcome to it."
"You are my family now, you and Alex. No clutch will want me; I have no true training. Not even what Eagle has taught me will be enough for me to stand through the Proving Ceremony."
"The dead have energy, just as the living do. It is how we live so long. It is why I could keep the madness at bay as long as I did."
"You have lost more than I realized. I see the bodies around you now, the death that clings to your shoulders. Those who love you, they die. But you live. I know this pain better than any other."
"Let me be with my child in truth. My heart is done with this world."