
One Day In December Quotes

One Day In December by Josie Silver

"Hope flares bright in my chest as I fantasize running out there and just blurting out the truth, because maybe then Sarah will realize that the reason she’s so drawn to him is that, subconsciously, she recognized him as bus boy."
"None of that tonight, though. I’m determined to get so drunk that shyness is a complete impossibility."
"It might be Christmas, but this is actual life, not some crappy Hollywood movie."
"I’ve spent the last year wishing, hoping I’d run into him. And now he’s here."
"It’s been a month now since I discovered that Sarah and I have inconveniently fallen for the same guy and, despite my resolution, I don’t feel a shred less wretched about it."
"God knows how people have affairs; even this paper-thin layer of deception has me constantly on edge."
"Incidentally, I’ve also discovered that I’m quite the actress; I’m one hundred percent sure that Sarah has no idea there’s anything amiss."
"I scatter bubbles in the air like a child waving a wand as I hold my soapy fingers up to halt her flow."
"I don’t know if she remembers me. Christ, I hope not. Especially now I’m standing in front of her in a ridiculous pineapple-strewn ball-grazing dressing gown."
"What bothers me most of all, though, is that while ninety-five percent of me is dreading tonight, the other five is sparking with anticipation at the idea of being close to him."
"How was your Christmas? Yeah, you know. Christmassy."
"I’m a words person. Magazines, hopefully, when I can get my foot in the door somewhere."
"Some girls are born with glitter in their veins."
"Pineapple on pizza is like having, I dunno, ham with custard. They just don’t go together."
"We’re wine sisters. It’s a stronger bond than pineapple on pizza."
"Who was St. Valentine anyway and what made him such an expert on romance?"
"I’ve got a double date tonight with Ben and Jerry."
"Whoever the hell is in charge of TV scheduling needs a bullet between their eyes."
"Some people don’t believe that platonic friendships can happen between men and women."
"I don’t have a clue what’s going on, but I bloody love it!"
"I feel more connected to her whenever I wear it."
"One of the best days of my life has just become one of my worst."
"I feel like someone lined my Uggs with lead. It’s been full-on bedlam at work with back-to-back Christmas party bookings over the last few weeks and my feet ache as if I’ve run a marathon. I’m thoroughly bloody exhausted."
"Christmas insults my eyeballs everywhere I look."
"Sometimes you just need someone to tell you what to do, and on that day Jack stepped up to the mark."
"There’s gray slush underfoot as we step out onto Oxford Street, remnants of the snowfall from a few days ago still hanging around because the arctic wind is blowing straight down from the north."
"It’s all a bit too…I don’t know. Not individual enough."
"I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone in my life with as much…I don’t even know what it is that you have. Warmth, I guess, although that isn’t exactly it."
"Life can be really shit sometimes. It’ll come good again. It always does."
"You know how some events turn out to be the big stepping-stones between one part of your life and the next? I mean the unexpected steps: the middle-of-the-night phone calls, the accidents, the risks that don’t pay off."
"I just want my big strong dad back to normal, you know?"
"God knows I’m more sorry than I’ve ever been about anything in my life, and it’ll never, ever happen again."
"I'm so nervous," I mutter, straightening the collar of my woolen winter coat as we walk hand in hand along the pavement.
"You’re being ridiculous. It’s my mother, Laurie, not the queen."
"God, I’ve missed you, Starfish. Come inside and let me do sinful things to you."
"Any man who orders champagne cocktails and makes my best friend smile gets the thumbs-up from me."
"It’s going to be okay. Let’s just get there first, you and me together, one step at a time."
"You’re always the most spectacular woman to me, Laurie. In any room or any bar or on any beach."
"I said that I know how painful it can be letting someone you think you love go, but that I don’t believe there’s only one person in the world for each of us. It’s too fanciful, too limiting."
"Sometimes, rarely, people can come back into your life. And if that happens, you should keep those people close to you forever."
"Let me take care of you every now and then? Please?"
"Just go and take a shower," she says eventually, turning back toward the kitchen.
"But that’s just it. He isn’t coping. He’s sitting and staring at the wall and growing a fucking beard that doesn’t suit him."
"Enjoy a bit of sunshine." I’m hit by an intense longing to go with her, to dance, to laugh, to be carefree and silly the way we used to in Delancey Street.
"Because you’re you." Her hair falls over her face and I smooth it back behind her ear.
"Let’s not do it yet," I say. "Just sit here with me for a bit longer."
"I’ll always be proud of you, Sar. I’ll see you on the news, and I’ll think there she is, that dazzling girl who changed my life."
"Relieved, because being in love with Jack has always been, to one degree or another, bloody hard work."
"I don’t know if love should feel like that, you know? I don’t mean making an effort for each other…I mean making an effort to be someone ever so slightly different from who we really are."
"It’s in that moment I know there’s no going back for Jack and Sarah."
"You’re my best friend, but I care for him too. I’ll keep an eye on him. If that’s what you want."
"I’m having a hard time reining them in. What I’d really love, if they cared to listen to me, is a small wedding—and unlike most people who say that, I really mean it; something intimate and special, just for us and our very dearest."
"I’m just glad I’m able to choose my own wedding dress."
"I wish the same could be said for his mother; she still has their photo in a frame in their sitting room, on the piano, naturally."
"Perhaps it’s time to learn how to stand on our own, rather than lean on each other."
"I see Laurie flinch and I realize she wasn’t idly gazing in the shop window; she really loves that dress."
"I imagine it’s the kind of dress Elizabeth Bennet would have worn when she married Mr. Darcy."
"You’re one of the best friends I’ve ever had."
"I lost my sister a long time ago, Sar, and I miss her. Every single day, I miss her."
"What I’d really love, if they cared to listen to me, is a small wedding—and unlike most people who say that, I really mean it; something intimate and special, just for us and our very dearest."
"My heart is full to bursting and I feel a pure joy at the simple truth of it; he’s my husband and I’m his wife."
"My family have been the only thing keeping me sane."
"You’re the gin in her tonic, Laurie. Sarah loves you very much."
"You tread lightly through life, but you leave deep footprints that are hard for other people to fill."
"I’m so very, incredibly happy to be your wife, Oscar. I thank my lucky stars you walked into my life."
"It’s hard on us both being apart, but I’m proud of him."
"He’s adorable. Built like a rugby player, loud and full of sunshine, he only has eyes for Sarah."
"I doubt there’s enough wine in this hotel to make tonight bearable."
"The starter is duck liver pâté and the main course is chicken, and it’s my fault no one knows that my girlfriend doesn’t eat either."
"I’m pretty sure she’s made that up right off the top of her head."
"It’s good," Laurie says, gesturing toward the pâté with her knife."
"You’re just about my favorite person in the world, and it was the single most spectacular kiss of my whole life."
"I wish we hadn’t had a drink. She’s saying things, I’m saying things, and they’re the kind of things that stay unspoken for a reason."
"I’m leaving you because you don’t deserve me. Because I won’t be your girl in reserve anymore. Because you can’t love someone if you’re already in love with someone else."
"I didn’t know what to get you, so I bought myself some new underwear instead."
"I don’t want to be the type of person who shags the type of person like Martique. I want what Sarah and Luke have."
"Sometimes you just meet the right person at the wrong time."
"Is it sad that I tune in to Jack’s station most nights?"
"For the love of God, man, just say it. You won’t die, I promise."
"I’d wait a lifetime for you. I love you, Jack O’Mara."
"I’ve spent nearly a decade wishing I’d got on that damn bus."
"My hope was to try to write a book that made readers feel the way watching those movies makes me feel—warm, swept away, and completely charmed."
"Framing the story around Laurie’s New Year’s resolutions allows the reader to see how her feelings for Jack change across the years, we watch her grow up."
"They’re as close as sisters, which is especially poignant for Laurie as she lost her younger sister, Ginnie, when she was just eight years old."
"Most people have seen that heart-wrenching moment in Love Actually when Emma Thompson realizes that the Christmas gift in her husband’s coat wasn’t for her after all; the season lends itself to high stakes emotion, both in the form of romantic proposals and stress-induced arguments."
"Jack, on the other hand, appears to ooze confidence. It’s always more of a challenge to write from a male perspective, but I often think that men written by women are the best kind!"