
A Merciful Truth Quotes

A Merciful Truth by Kendra Elliot

"One of these times, he’s going to hurt someone."
"You’re going to be fine. Help just got here."
"Life in Central Oregon was different from life in Portland."
"Firebugs like to watch the reaction of the responders."
"One shot is a whim. Four focused shots are planned."
"You can’t play this what-if game with yourself, Truman. You’ll make yourself sick."
"The three Bs of prepping: Beans, bullets, and Band-Aids."
"Maybe Mercy didn’t suck as an aunt-slash-mom."
"Don’t know him. We checked for ID and there’s nothing in his pockets. Hopefully his fingerprints will tell us who he is."
"I’ll print him immediately and send them to you so you can get that ball rolling."
"She’d formulated her questions for Kaylie in the shower."
"But he can still crash. He’s not Captain America."
"I don’t suck as a cook, and we can do it at my house."
"That’s the best part of Thanksgiving . . . the way the house smells all day."
"I need a week of eating nothing but organic veggies and beef from happy, grass-fed cows."
"I didn’t want to mention it in front of Julia, but it makes me feel unsafe."
"Maybe he wasn’t happy with the murders or who they targeted with the fires. Maybe he wanted out of the group."
"You have a beautiful family," she told him. "Lola will be very lucky to join it."
"We can’t wait. I don’t care that it’s another girl. Girls are awesome."
"Freedom gave her a heady rush as anticipation about seeing Cade made her feet move faster."
"Am I in love? No matter what this sensation was called, she felt fantastic."
"He’d been the best thing to happen to her since her father died."
"Aunt Mercy will kill me. But she didn’t care."
"She’d kept the relationship quiet, unsure what her aunt would think of her having her first boyfriend."
"I prefer to sleep in," said Landon. "Especially on the weekend."
""I haven’t shot in weeks," Cade said. "Not since the last time we were at your place."
""You hate me." Truman snorted. She sounded like his sister when she was in high school."
""You can’t charge us unless the beers are in our hands," said the skinniest of the bunch."
""I don’t hate you, Kaylie. Not at all. In fact, I like you quite a bit."
"Mercy couldn’t imagine anything more uncomfortable."
""I heard your steps outside. I know what you sound like."
""I’ve met her once or twice. She seemed like a quiet woman."
"Mercy opened the door to her Tahoe and spotted two men in conversation across the street."
""You killed Levi. It’s your fault he’s dead. Don’t talk to me about family."
""You’re making excuses for the man who murdered your brother," she whispered."
""We don’t need you. We can take care of ourselves."
""Well, you didn’t act like much of a sister."
""I’m so fucking exhausted, I can’t think straight."
"Everyone benefits from learning to shoot. Being able to defend ourselves is our right."
"You never know when a person will have to take up a weapon to defend themselves."
"A kid who’s taught the proper respect is less likely to cause an accident."
"This is serious business, and I’m proud your daddy let me have a hand in teaching all of you."
"She admitted he’s a good shot. Whoever shot those deputies had true skills."
"I don’t think anyone can truly know what another person is capable of."
"The heavy wooden door had a lovely fall wreath that looked straight from a Pinterest project."
"Thinking hard, she figured their last trip had occurred before she turned twelve."
"Her memories were of a property dominated by men."
"He swore stress evaporated from her like rain on hot pavement."
"If he was smart, he wouldn’t have run an FBI agent off the road."
"I don’t rely on other people. I rely on myself."
"Sometimes you must do jobs you hate, but I’ve always believed in giving one hundred and ten percent no matter how shitty the job is or how much you don’t like the people you work with."
"Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I try to respect that."
"I understand just fine. You think a woman needs a man to take care of her. Yes, it’s wonderful when two people fall in love and start a life together, but jeez, Owen, you don’t force it to happen!"
"Our government takes more of everything than it should. Where does all that money go?"
"I’m perfectly capable of speaking for myself."
"All that stood now was a framework of old timbers, waiting to collapse on some teenage head."
"It made sense; Ben knew the area best. But for some men, ego would have demanded they go first. Not Truman."
"A lot of people would agree with you, but the fines alone keep most of them in line. They can hurt the wallet."
"Sure, I might have had something to do with some other fires, but I didn’t kill no one!"
"I didn’t have nothing to do with that! Just because someone started a fire doesn’t mean it was me!"
"It wasn’t insured," Truman said. "The owner had to pay to have it hauled away after that. It cost them money."
"You’re thinking that I’m an old woman who shouldn’t be living alone."
"I care. I care about justice for Joshua Pence. I’m not thinking about myself."
"Unnecessary. Cops were government tools to enforce its extraneous laws. Tools to protect itself from the very people who’d given it power."
"Pastures your cattle have grazed for the last decade? Keep off. We need to protect the river your cows drink from."
"But I won’t stand for federal agents trying to walk all over me. I’ll strike back when warranted."
"They wanted change that returned their dignity and pride."
"I don’t know whether to be relieved or scared for you."
"He ignored my FBI visit and didn’t feel a need to be respectful during your visit."
"Someone who fakes their death and abandons their family has a lot going on in their head that we can never understand."
"I’ve got skin of steel, remember? I would have been fine."
"It’s permanent and unconditional. It’s never going to leave."
"Please don’t ever push me away, and don't let me push you away. It's what I do, you know. I do it because I don’t want to get hurt."
"Never, Mercy. Absolutely never. I’m here to stay whether you like it or not."