
Sweet Fall Quotes

Sweet Fall by Tillie Cole

"If we knew each other’s secrets, what comforts we should find." - John Churton Collins
"I feel like the biggest prick to grace the Earth."
"The woman was a damn saint. She deserved more than all this shit."
"The incurable disease that chipped away her freedom day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute."
"The way things were looking, I wasn’t sure she’d even last twelve months."
"You terrify me, Carillo. I’m afraid of you. Are you happy about that?"
"You are beautiful, Lexi. You are strong. You are perfect just the way you are."
"You better not let what you saw get out," he warned icily. "I’m watching you."
"Sometimes I wonder what they must make of our world," she whispered quietly. "Do we fascinate them or disgust them? Do they look down on us the same way we look up at them and wonder what we’re thinking too? Do they see all our problems? Watch our sorrowful excuses for lives with a growing sense of pity? Or do they envy us for just having a life, good or bad?"
"I don’t need to look up at the stars to feel inferior, Austin. All I have to do is open my eyes and look at myself in the mirror."
"This isn’t who I am, Lexi. I’m not the cold, unfeeling dick you think I am. I just wanted you to know that about me."
"I just… I just gotta protect my family, and only you have the power to bring us down right now. You’ve seen too much, Lexi. And I really wish you hadn’t—both for you and for me. It ain’t something I want for either of us… but it’s what we got."
"Ever look at them and feel inferior, feel small?"
"We all have secrets, Austin. Some people’s are bigger than others, that’s all. Wouldn’t you agree?"
"Word of warning. Never be curious about the fuckin’ Heighters. Gang life ain’t no picnic or a good tale for a little rich girl’s entertainment."
"I lost a piece of my heart to him right then."
"Such tenderness in moments of vulnerability reveals the strength of the human spirit."
"The soothing vocals of 'Ave Maria' serenaded from the small speaker, and Austin looked at me and shrugged in embarrassment. 'It makes her smile,' was all he said."
"Every muscle tensed at his question. I tried to relax, but I could tell by Austin’s inquisitive expression that he’d caught onto my apprehension."
"There's no such thing as cured. I hate that godforsaken word! I'm not cured. Not with this, this goddamn awful disorder."
"Welcome to the freak show, Austin. I'm here all week."
"I can’t have my vertebrae or the ribs on my back touched. It’s the place I hate most. It… causes me a lot of stress."
"I’ve never been kissed before. Never done anything with a guy before."
"Run now, Austin. Run far, far away from the girl with too much baggage."
"Perfect is relative, Pix. Beauty is relative."
"You’re you because you’re you. I don’t give a shit about weight or height. I look at true people. Real people."
"For not making me feel like a failure. Like an inexperienced fool."
"But that’s it, Austin. Someday it still could. I… I’ve found things harder lately."
"This disease won’t get the better of you, Pix. I won’t let it."
"You get that this ain’t no vacation park, don’t you, Pix? You get that two street gangs are fighting for turf and you could get shot. Shot, Pix. Drive-bys are real. People die."
"We all have secrets. Secrets well buried. Until we find the one soul who makes the burden of such secrets just that little bit easier to bear."
"If you love her right, that love will heal her... but do not destroy her, mio caro. If you give that love then take it away, it will be something she will never get past…"
"You destroyed the fence I’d built up to keep people out. You destroyed the hard-ass persona I wore like a shield. But even more than that, you destroyed any reluctance I had to find comfort in someone else. You fuckin’ bulldozed me, Pix. You, my tiny dark pixie, made all my defenses crumble to dust."
"Because I want to be someone else. Someone who’s not me."
"People only ever thought I was Italian trailer trash. After trying so hard for so long to make them think different, I figured I may as well just live up to their expectations and look like Italian trash too."
"Thank you, Pix. Thank you for being so special to want to be with a goddamn fuck-up like me. I have no idea why you were brought into my life, but I thank God every day."
"Twenty minutes later, wrapped in a thin blanket and in front of an open fire, a messed-up boy and a messed-up girl fell asleep under the stars, holding each other in their arms… and for the first time in their turbulent lives, they felt fully exposed and completely understood."
"But one thing was for sure: I felt changed. Different somehow… Worthy even."
"I’m trying to protect you. I’m trying to protect everyone! Christ!"
"I couldn’t give a shit about football no more. I’ll get the Tide the championship trophy, but all my focus is on Mamma and her medical bills now, not the fuckin’ NFL!"
"I promised to make it all better, Mamma. Lo guiro."
"I was never good enough for you, Pix. I’m trash; you’re gold."
"Give yourself over to me, Lexington. Freely hand me the reins."
"You might let that happen, but I won’t. I won’t be like my daddy, running my girl through a shit show of a life."
"Famiglia isn’t always blood, mio caro. Famiglia is built on bridges of love. Famiglia is there for you without condition. Famiglia supports you in your darkest moment of need."
"We didn’t last. Lord knows we didn’t last. We broke down at the most critical hour, and my heart fragmented into pieces."
"Clowns paint expressions on their faces with makeup, don’t they? And we all know those expressions aren’t real."
"You’re beautiful, Pix. And I think we’d be pretty fuckin’ beautiful together."
"It’s funny. I used to look up at the stars and feel so small and unimportant. But I’ve come to realize that the only thing that can ever make you feel alive and important is the one person who takes you for you."
"I love you deeply, whole-heartedly, without hesitation, free of condition."
"You were too good for this life, Mamma. You’ve always belonged in heaven."
"Goodnight and sleep well, my darling. I love you."
"You fuckin’ prick, my mamma’s just died and you come in and do this!"
"I ain’t done nothing wrong! I never supplied nothing to no one!"
"I was always gonna end up in here, kid, locked up. Always. This was always my lot in life, but you got a chance to get out. Start fresh… It’s what Mamma always wanted."
"You are so fuckin’ beautiful. You, like this… perfection…"