
America's Geekheart Quotes

America's Geekheart by Pippa Grant

"I’m Beck Ryder. Former boy bander. Underwear model. Fashion mogul. And I just buried my entire leg in my mouth—not just my foot—modern internet style, and publicly insulted my sister’s neighbor."
"Trying to start a relationship in the era of the twitterazzi isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be."
"Maybe I’ll leave the city behind and head up into the Blue Ridge Mountains for a hike. Nap up there in the fresh air. Eat. Eat some more."
""I’m paranoid. You would be too if you had my parents and my childhood."
""Exactly. I finally had a following of people who love science and geeking out over planetary discoveries and new recycling technologies, and there he goes, turning my entire existence into a circus about my uterus instead of about saving the planet."
"I leap up, twist the doorknob, and I yell, "Think again, asshole!"
"But when you’ve been everywhere around the globe and still haven’t found the one, she doesn’t exist."
"Better to spread the love out among the people you know you can count on than hold it back for someone who might never materialize, right?"
"This is a woman with secrets. And I want to know every last one."
"You already tasered me once. Much fun as it was the first time, I’m not going to do anything to prompt that again."
"Bad habit. Terrible habit. Being happy, I mean. I’m trying to quit."
"Save the giraffes, Sarah. Be the difference you want to see in the world. Best chance, right here."
"Just because you see them in zoos doesn’t mean they’re not endangered in the wild."
"Everybody cares about something. What do you care about?"
"Never too old to get an ass-chewing when you deserve it, you know?"
"Save your giraffes. World needs more people like you."
"I’m so proud of you. Where’s your jersey? The game’s on in ten minutes."
"He smells like bergamot and fresh cut grass today."
"If you find it in my kitchen, odds are good I enjoy eating it."
"The attention goes away after a while. In six months, nobody will even remember this."
"People are awesome. They're complicated. Everyone has something they worry about. Everyone has someone they love. Everyone's been through some kind of tragedy. But they still go out to baseball games and smile or head over to the theater and cry. The world's full of good people doing their best, and we all fuck up time to time, but nobody's really evil."
"Because people being people is the best part of life."
"It's just walking to a car. They can't twist walking to a car. And even if they do, I know the truth, and they can't hurt me."
"I don’t know what you’re talking about," I reply, but I’m battling my facial muscles to keep from grinning back.
"You know how long it takes to wash powdered sugar out of your hair?" he asks.
"That assumes I care enough to wash my hair regularly."
"I know how to transport bees and hide a hive in your bed."
"I ran away from the spotlight to find my happiness."
"We should’ve left an hour ago," she says, frowning.
"I don’t like not trusting people to not gossip about me," she says quietly.
"You want me to send my mom to your office to give them all what-for?"
"Like you said, another few months, and nobody will even remember this happened."
"Sleeping with you is not part of this agreement."
"It’s hard to concentrate at work with people talking about me."
"Too much gossip at work," I tell him. "And my boss was uncomfortable with the photographers staking out the building."
"I may not have taste, but I have consistency," I say.
"The entire planet is too fascinating to keep it to just endangered animals."
"It's what I get for dabbling in black magic."
"We're sitting just a few thousand miles over a molten core of lava and flinging through the universe at sixty-seven thousand miles an hour."
"I’m about to tell the world that I owl-bombed my high school prom to get myself labeled as a sexual deviant with a thing for deep-throating giant penises and dragon tails."
"You don’t believe me. One phone call and I could get the whole team over."
"Those guys would do anything for me," Beck says.
"It’s just a few hours," he says. "We didn’t mention it yet, did we?"
"You guys are ridiculous," Mackenzie declares.
"I was raised by two drag queens. What do you think?"
"Because you have excellent taste in movies and TV shows, your friends love you enough to threaten me with things that’ll send me to therapy for years, and you didn’t have to ask to know that fried onions are the best extra topping ever invented for a hamburger."
"Nobody ever wants me to be better. They just want me to be naked."
"Sounds like we need to keep talking about kissing."
"You are utterly insane and I really, really missed you."
"I like you more than I like your reputation."
"No, I don’t care how tight this dress is, you may not have my single chocolate truffle for dessert."
"You really can have my truffle if you want it."
"No way. If I eat your truffle in public, my reputation is officially shot and I’ll have to turn to modeling socks if I ever want to make enough to help my parents retire."
"You make me feel pretty all the time," she whispers.
"Sarah Dempsey, you’re wearing my underwear," he breathes against the elastic band.
"Sarah," he whispers, so reverently he might as well have whispered I love you.
"I love you, Sarah Dempsey," he says against my smiling lips.
"I love when you talk," he says against my belly.
"I’m a very good horse," he says into my stomach.
"Because when sand is magnified, it’s not just little grains of nothing. It’s an entire universe of miniature shells that we all walk all over to get to the beach without realizing the beauty right under our feet."
"Maybe we’re all tiny universes of miniature shells. And maybe I should be more like the sand and be fabulous just as I am, even if very few people will ever stop to look closely enough."
"I can concentrate on how many people are saying ugly things, or I can realize that I have a unique opportunity to share some of my passions with the people who want to listen despite the circus."
"The best revenge is to succeed when everyone around you is trying to keep you down."
"I’m completely useless. I can’t even solve my own calendar and life to be with the woman I love. The only thing I’m good for is kidnapping you and taking you to Shipwreck and trying for a fiver."