
Play Dead Quotes

Play Dead by Angela Marsons

"Every victim had left a footprint somewhere."
"Every muscle she could name ached to sprint for the front door, barge in, cuff the occupants, caution them and worry about the paperwork later."
"A smile at the lady on the checkout. A brief exchange with the barista in the coffee shop. A donation to charity."
"For a moment Kim was as still as the body. Everything faded away as she focussed her senses on the woman before her."
"She covered the hands with her own. ‘Negib, you’re safe now. Do you understand?’"
"The words unleashed a torrent of tears accompanied by loud, heaving sobs."
"If there was a fresher body for her team to view, where they could observe the beginning of insect activity, then she was ready to hop off the official tour and learn something useful."
"The squad room had filled with the stench of death and whether it was imagined or had been brought back on their clothes and shoes it was definitely attached to them now."
"As ever it had been a team effort and glory hunting was not in her make-up."
"She reiterated everything they had just noted on the board downstairs."
"The investigator in him wanted to delve deeper into every single one of these missing females. The father in him wanted to bring them home."
"She could feel Bryant’s smirk burning into the back of her head all the way back to the squad room."
"Normality had been suspended until they found a new one."
"Anything other than it suddenly all being a mistake was meaningless to the grief-stricken man."
"At this rate he could pass it on to his children, Kim mused."
"Her dog was all about instant gratification."
"No police officer liked it but never forgot an unsolved case. It prodded at you periodically like an unscratched itch."
"The process attached to missing persons was much more involved than people thought and was not as simple as passing on a few facts in a simple report."
"I am fascinated by their ability to survive. I only hope they never learn to communicate with each other."
"Kim wasn’t sure how the dog’s vision was affected but it didn’t seem to bother her one bit."
"As detectives, he knew they became whatever they needed to be to get the job done."
"This male was not at work. His car was parked outside and his girlfriend had been murdered less than forty-eight hours ago."
"Men who were truly dangerous did not need to advertise it."
"People visit and mean well. They bring me their grief, and I don’t need any more."
"Swimming alongside someone in the sea of misery was not helpful to a grieving person."
"Waiting for the clues of her death was like being stuck in the middle lane of the motorway at rush hour."
"You look for different ways to go but you’re just not moving anywhere."
"Her instinct was telling her that Jemima had not been some random woman taken with no thought or care."
"A piece of paper in front of a few hundred people was not what had prompted her application to the police force."
"Unsolved cases were periodically reassessed, but Bob was unlikely to be the cream that rose to the top."
"The brain is more complex than any of us can comprehend."
"She realised it wasn’t worth pursuing. He wasn’t being difficult. He just didn’t give a shit."
"The irony was that the ceremony was to be held on the anniversary of their deaths."
"This area was reserved for the sickest people in the building."
"She was either going to be his biggest triumph or his most frustrating mystery."
"It was as though something just clicked. It was as though we were meant to be."
"She’s married, Inspector, that’s why she insisted on secrecy, and I respected that."
"People spun their own webs, and she couldn’t get caught up in them all."
"I knew she would tell me when she was ready."
"If she can hear me, I want her to know that I’m here for her and that I’m not going anywhere."
"In the face of fear and uncertainty, hope is a powerful force."
"The path to the truth is rarely straightforward."
"Sometimes, the most significant clues are found in the silence between words."
"The heart often sees what is invisible to the eye."