
Mercy Quotes

Mercy by Julie Garwood

"Tears wouldn't make Ellie's condition any better or the terrible place she rested in any less bleak."
"What she didn't know couldn't upset her, he decided, and that fact gave him considerable peace of mind."
"Jake wanted the best for his daughter, and so he listened to every word Miss Perine had to say."
"If you could be anything in the world, anything at all, what do you suppose you'd be?"
"The torrential downpour didn't let up until the ash-filled urn was locked inside the vault."
"Everything was finished to his satisfaction."
"You've got to learn to slow down. You can't keep running for the rest of your life."
"It's an Armani. You got it for a song, I might add."
"Promise me you'll stop worrying and enjoy yourself."
"The thought of replacing her makes me sick to my stomach."
"It's kind of a relief, really, not to have to sneak around you guys any longer."
"It's funny how love can turn into hate so quickly."
"I did what I had to do, and I don't have any regrets."
"You aren't angry because I lied to you. You're pissed off because your life's miserable right now."
"But you didn't have the courage to do more than whine. I did. It's as simple as that."
"I wanted every dollar she had. By God, I deserved it for putting up with her."
"We're in the clear. Now stop worrying. No one's ever going to find out."
"I never realized how twisted and corrupt you and your Sowing Club friends are."
"Imagine my joy in knowing that after I'm gone, you will spend the rest of your life rotting in prison."
"No, they need an English teacher, someone who can teach them how to spell."
"Whatever it takes to make a beautiful woman notice me."
"In Bowen, we take care of our own. We don't expect outsiders to save the day."
"We don't worry about locking our doors in Bowen."
"I don't like guns, but I haven't given up hope."
"I'm telling you, that kid's just not normal."
"Every hour that passed was an hour closer to the iron bars slamming shut on him."
"We can't just sit on our hands and do nothing."
"Hell, I don't even know Monk's cell phone number."
"I saw something inside of you I had when I first started out."
"You need to kick back and let life pass you by for a couple of weeks."
"It's difficult... trying to get comfortable in my skin these days."
"The head of one department was extremely prejudiced against female doctors."
"The only alternative for a female student was to drop out, which was exactly what the head of the department wanted."
"Fear and insecurity were at the root of the prejudice."
"I learned how to catch fifteen minutes of sleep standing up."
"Because I don't want you to hear what I'm going to say. You never know. You might have to testify against me in court one day."
"Sweetheart, sarcasm first thing in the morning isn't appreciated."
"It's cruel... these viruses. They strike just like that."
"The court will appoint someone to write the checks."
"No kid should have to worry about an alligator in his backyard."
"I've got low cholesterol and lots of the good stuff."
"It feels good helping Daryl. Feels real good."
"She wanted more than one night. She wanted forever, but she knew that wasn't possible, and so she decided to take what he offered and cherish the moments they did have."
"I've had such fantasies about you," he whispered. "Your body is much better than I imagined. The way you feel pressed against me... that's much better too."
"Loving you is going to be the death of me. I can see the headlines now: 'Sex kills surgeon.'"
"You've got to stay strong because we've got nine hundred ninety-nine more to go, and I can't let you fall apart before we're finished."
"It's part of the oath I took. Kiss it and make it better."
"I'm not going to let you break my heart, Theo. Play your games with the big-city girls back home."
"I thought you were going to hook up with Mary Ann tonight," Theo reminded.
"What about you, Michelle? Didn't you ever have fantasies?"
"It's too late to turn back. They're going to come after us. I think they've just gotten started."
"You don't want to put your hand in the water, not around here."
"When we cross back over, let's use the oars and row across. If they're out there, they won't hear us."
"His voice was urgent. 'Hang in there. We might make it.'"
"He didn't have the faintest idea where they were headed."
"She whispered his name. He put his hand over her mouth. 'Shhh,' he whispered close to her ear."
"They reached a crossroad, and Michelle doubled over, her hands clasping her knees."
"He pulled Michelle over into the brush and edged around The Swan to the back door."
"He might have winged him," Michelle said hopefully, then recognized the irony.
"What do you think about all this?" John Paul asked Theo.
"I'm just covering every possibility I can think of until I have time to figure out what the next move should be."
"He wanted to hit John Paul over the head with one of them, he figured that would be a waste of good beer."
"We can't do this." She was panting now and sounded dazed. "We just can't."
"He felt the tiniest brush of air on the back of his neck."
"He knew from the tender way Theo was touching Mike that the man obviously cared about her."
"I know she doesn't want to cooperate with you and that infuriates you, but I think you should give her a little slack. She has put in three years."
"It's some kind of an audit or a financial statement. No names on this page, just initials next to what I think are transactions. Lots and lots of numbers."
"I don't care if she's put in fifteen," he countered. "I'm not backing away."
"You were stupid," he whispered. "Yes," she nodded.
"She wasn't about to let me touch them. She was worried about messing up fingerprints."
"I thought I heard the door opening and closing and lots of strange voices."
"A couple of your dad's friends brought over the food from your house. There are four pies on the kitchen table."
"He looks happy to me." "He's melancholy. He only gets the family album out when he's feeling blue."
"Your cousin was a wonderful woman." "That's called rewriting history," John Paul muttered.
"Catherine didn't even invite you to her wedding," Michelle reminded her father. "And I know that must have hurt your feelings."
"He's an evil man," she whispered. "He will go to hell when he dies. He killed her, you know."
"I sit all day at a computer," he said. "What were you saying about that speckled trout?"
"No matter what, we do this tonight. I don't care who gets in the way."
"You saw the cars in the lot. He's waiting for his opportunity," Dallas said.
"Exactly," John said. "And so have Buchanan and his friends. Let's finish this tonight."
"It's going to be okay." It wasn't a promise; it was a prayer. "You've got to have hope, Elliott."
"Maybe Catherine did. Maybe there was an explanation with the papers she sent Michelle."
"Think about the money," John whispered, his voice as smooth as satin. "Just think about the money."
"I don't know what kind of spin he's putting on it," Theo said. "The bottom line is that he was motivated by money."
"It was a safeguard, he'd explained, but that obviously wasn't the truth."
"She was smart," Theo said. "She stuck close to the truth as much as possible so she wouldn't get tripped up on lies."
"Catherine told me," he said. "She was a smart woman, so I finally realized why she'd made it so complicated."