
A New Song Quotes

A New Song by Jan Karon

"Under the spell of the June light, a certain luster and radiance appeared to emerge from every surface."
"But it was the movement and play of the light, beyond its searching incandescence, that caused Father Tim to anticipate its daily arrival as others might look for a sunrise or sunset."
"He chuckled. 'We mustn’t tell anyone what we do for fun.'"
"‘We’re mad as hatters!’ she said with feeling."
"As long as there are postmen, life will have zest."
"Don’t let worry kill you, let the church help."
"He had learned years ago to read God’s answer to any troubling decision by looking to his heart, his spirit, for an imprimatur of peace."
"He was beginning to realize, however, that he was less and less afraid to do what appeared to be nothing."
"Law, no, they was hundreds of times we didn’t git nothin’."
"Dooley turned around, laughing, and for a crisp, quick moment, he saw the way the sun glinted on the boy’s red hair, and the look in his blue eyes. It was a look of triumph, of exultation, a look he had never, even once, seen before on Dooley Barlowe’s face."
""I love you, buddy," he said, panting and laughing at once. "Blast if I don’t.""
""There’s something I’d like you to know," he told Dooley. "I believe we’ll find Sammy and Kenny.""
""We’re mighty proud of you, son. You’ll make a fine vet. You’ve come—we’ve all come—a long way together.""
""Tell you what we’ll do. Cynthia and I will match everything you make this summer.""
"It rained throughout the night, a slow, pattering rain that spoke more eloquently of summer to him than any sunshine."
""If I have to say goodbye to you one more time, I’ll puke," said Mule."
""The King of love my shepherd is, Whose goodness faileth never; I nothing lack if I am his, And he is mine forever.""
""You know I pray for you and Miss Cynthia every mornin’ an’ every night, and I ain’ goin’ to stop. Anytime you get in a tight place down yonder, you just think, Louella’s prayin’ for me, and go on ’bout your business.""
""You’ll make their little teeth fall out with that candy." "Once a week, two small pieces? I hardly think so. Besides," he said, "they’re going to fall out, anyway.""
""Deserve? Since when is love about deserving?""
""I believe Whitecap is where You want us, and we know that You have riches for us there.""
""Lord," he said aloud, as if He were there beneath the tree, "Your will be done in our lives.""
"Let the peace of this place surround you as you sit or kneel quietly. Let the hurry and worry of your life fall away. You are God’s child. He loves you and cares for you, and is here with you now and always. Speak to Him thoughtfully, give yourself time for Him to bring things to mind."
"Thank You, Lord! What a blessing... and what a challenge. Give me patience, Father, for all that lies ahead, and especially I ask for Your healing grace in the body of St. John’s."
"Father, You're so good. So good to bring us out of the storm into the light of this blessed new day, and into the company of these blessed new friends."
"A fishing rod is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other. —Samuel Johnson"
"Ernie likes to say that yellow line saved their marriage."
"A loved one from us has gone, a voice we love is stilled. A place is vacant in our home, which never will be filled."
"When a man's wrapped up in himself, he makes a pretty small package."
"We are, finally, all wanderers in search of knowledge. Most of us hold the dream of becoming something better than we are, something larger, richer, in some way more important to the world and ourselves."
"The average view of the Christian life, Oswald Chambers had said, is that it means deliverance from trouble. In fact, it means deliverance in trouble."
"Great beauty was something he had to work up to, he had to take it in slowly, not gulping, but sipping."
"Truth be known, he’d like nothing better than to call home and talk with Dooley again. He’d talk even longer than he’d done today, then ask Dooley to pass the phone to Harley. Next, he’d call Esther and check on Gene, even though they’d spoken on Wednesday, and after that, he might ring Louella and they would sing a hymn, right on the phone. . . ."
"And for silence or for talk, He hath comrades in his walk; Four dogs, each pair of different breed, Distinguished two for scent, and two for speed."
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."
"Oh, the blessed softness of a wife in a hard world..."
"In this life, my boy, you'll be forced to do many things you'd rather not do, so consider this a rehearsal."
"But just show up ready to have a good time. That's what I'd recommend."
"If He gave William Blake those drawings, why couldn’t He give me a simple tea recipe?"
"I wish you were here," sobbed Esther. "I wish I were, too," he said, meaning it.
"People look at me different," said Dooley. "While I was baggin’ their groceries, I could feel their eyes borin’ a hole in me."
"You’re all I have, and all I ever wanted. So stop being scared!"
"Don’t let anybody talk you into a retirement home!"
"Lulled by the background roar and lap of the waves, he gazed up into the onyx bowl spangled with life and light, and took her hand."
"We are. There are good people at St. John’s, we feel very blessed."
"The doctor says the downward spiral has been going on for a long time. The upward spiral takes time, too."
"Thank the Lord I never had trouble with depression. Complaining, that’s been my thorn."
"Self-righteousness, he thought, and no two ways about it."
"Once through the wringer seems quite enough to me."
"Grace isn’t about deserving, Pauline. We can’t earn God’s grace, there’s no way on earth we can earn it."
"Bottom line, wasn’t life itself a special occasion?"
"He didn’t think he’d ever again take the ocean for granted."
"I didn’t let him in. He ran in on his own, chasing a squirrel!"
"Forgiveness is giving up my right to hurt you because you have hurt me."
"The perfect church service would be one we were almost unaware of; our attention would have been on God."
"God certainly loves our honesty. You can tell Him anything, Junior, anything!"
"I delight to do thy will, O my God, yea, thy law is within my heart!"
"He comes in and quickens our spirits so that we’re truly alive for the first time. We see with new eyes, we hear with new ears, we’re able to receive His love."
"Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations, and say continually: 'The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart has trusted in Him and I am helped. He is not only with me but in me and I in Him.'"
"Be thankful for the smallest blessing, and you will deserve to receive greater. Value the least gifts no less than the greatest, and simple graces as especial favors. If you remember the dignity of the Giver, no gift will seem small or mean, for nothing can be valueless that is given by the most high God."
"I hate to leave you. You can go to the Braggs', you know. Otis invited us."
"We’ll be over to get you on Tuesday as we discussed. Around two o’clock. Is that still good?"
"I’ll be so happy to see my baby. Has he been good?" "Better than good!"
"Emma," he yelled through a lousy connection, "don’t bake a ham!"
"He went out into the rain and stood beside his car for a moment, dazed and heartsick, finding that everything was finally sinking in—all at once."
"I hope there’s no trouble. . . ." "She couldn’t get you on th’ phone. She’s fell and broke her hip."
"A fracture or a break?" "Clean break. She’s in th’ hospital and can’t play y’r organ a’tall, said she’d call soon as she can get through."
"Don’t worry," said Otis, "I’ll have some of my boys from th’ Toe put your porch back on. I ain’t scared of drivin’ a few nails myself."
"Praise, my soul, the King of heaven to his feet thy tribute bring; ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, evermore his praises sing: Alleluia, alleluia! Praise the everlasting King!"
"Law, where’d this cake come from?" "I don’t know, plus, who could bake a cake without electricity? Does anybody know who brought it?"
"Save your own breath, Morris. I shall pray for you until the cows come home!"
"You probably don’t want to leave it here long. Whitecap is full of nice people, but . . ."
"Will you come and see us?" "Maybe I could sometime." Jonathan put on his hat.
"A pork roast in that oven is a guaranteed, hands-down success. Why should I be tempted to veer off on some reckless tangent, like wrapping it in foil or roasting it on a pizza pan or whatever?"
"Thanks be to God!" they shouted in spontaneous unison.
"Andrew’s goin’ to appoint him to chair a historical committee!"
"I’m very glad to hear it. And you may be glad to hear that your fame now extends to Whitecap."
"Right. Now, double that prediction, thanks to lumber that doesn’t arrive on time or is out of stock altogether, and for the crew who decides to go to another job for a whole week, and the rainy weather that makes the floor too tacky for us to move in for ten days, an1 . . . you get the idea."
"Into this holy union, Pauline Barlowe and Bernard Leeper now come to be joined."
"What should he do, if anything, about the rumor she was moving back to Boston? Didn’t she owe him the courtesy of telling him she was leaving? On the other hand, what did courtesy have to do with anything—under the circumstances?"
"He and Cynthia offered their nighttime prayers, he exhorted the Lord with something from 'St. Patrick’s Hymn at Evening.' 'May our sleep be deep and soft,' he whispered, 'so our work be fresh and hard.'"
"And he could scarcely believe what he felt God was writing upon his heart."
"He felt the encouragement, yes, but in the very pit of his stomach was a sick feeling that appeared to be lodged in for the long haul."
"But that was days ago, and the rust is going to leap onto the fenders any minute, mark my words."
"And please do something about cleaning up the car," said Cynthia. "It looks like a farm wagon."
"She walked toward the house at the opposite side of the lane, a house he’d often noticed and admired for its tidy appearance and large, well-tended garden."
"Feeling strangely moved and oddly blessed he watched her disappear along a well-worn path through the opening in the wall."
"He received the welcome sight as a sign, a confirmation, and walked on, praying."
"It was as if he’d found someone who’d been lost to him for many years."
"Oddly, taking legal steps against an unlawful act had made them both feel like criminals."
"Bless the gift You have given him, Lord, to be used to Your glory, bless his spirit which craves You and yet bids You not enter, bless the laughter that is surely there, laughter that has dwelled in him all these years, yearning to be released, longing to spring forth and be a blessing to others."
"You mean everything to me. How could I ever thank you for what you are, day and night, a gift, a gift..."
"It is God's passion to be as near to us as our very breath."
"Let them give glory to the Lord and declare His praise in the coastlands. Alleluia! Alleluia!"
"God wants to be with us. That, in fact, is His name: Immanuel, God with us."
"We’re reminded in the Book of Revelation that He created all things—for His pleasure."