
Dexter By Design Quotes

Dexter By Design by Jeff Lindsay

"A night made just for the sharp pleasures of the moonlight."
"There is no way to find the special friend, no sheltering Miami night."
"Art is, after all, all about making patterns in order to create a meaningful impact on the senses."
"It had seemed like such a simple thing to make a solemn stop at the Rue Morgue."
"The streets of Paris are made for lurking with sinister intent."
"A cold and empty killer would stumble meekly along behind such a perfect avatar of American tourism."
"The strict rules of the Harry Code do not apply."
"A night for Dexter in Paris turns into a contemplation of his concealed nature."
"A longing for the familiar dance of darkness in unfamiliar territory."
"The irony of being on a honeymoon, where all that is sweet and lunar is forbidden."
"Dexter, wrapped in a cape and clutching a gleaming blade, sliding through these gloomy alleys."
"Paris, and so I bide my time, solidifying this vital new phase of Dexter's disguise."
"We spend the days trudging through the streets and stopping at terribly important map references."
"The sight of a dead cat beside the road could move her to tears."
"RIGHT PLACE until I got there and pulled up in front —it had seemed like such an unlikely destination before I got to where I could see the yellow crime-scene tape, the lights of the patrol cars flashing in the dusk, and the growing crowd of gawkers hoping to see something unforgettable."
"But this was a different crowd tonight, and they weren't here for stone crabs. They were hungry for something else tonight, something Joe would most likely prefer to take off his menu."
"It is not that I think Debs is incompetent —she is very good at her job; it's in her blood, after all."
"It was all technique, a craft and not an art, and that put it squarely inside the expertise of anyone who has studied and copied human behavior. Smile in the right places, nod your head, pretend to listen -1 had mastered it ages ago."
""She can tell that my heart is pure," I said."
""Pure what?" Debs said, and she shook her head. "Jesus. If only she knew.""
""Cody will be fine," I said, blessing my ability to lie convincingly."
""Absolutely," I said, putting a hand over hers, as I had seen in a movie not too long ago. "Cody is a great kid. He's just maturing a little slower than others. Because of what happened to him.""
""Of course, if she really knew me as well as she thought, she would stab me with a fork and run for her life, but maintaining our illusions is an important part of life's work, so I said nothing, and breakfast went on in its wonderfully soothing monotony.""
""People see what they expect to see," I said. "He probably used a delivery van, and that would make him invisible.""
""IT IS SURPRISING, BUT TRUE: COLD COQ AU VIN REALLY doesn't taste as good as it should. Somehow the wine gives off an odor of stale beer, and the chicken feels slightly slimy, and the whole experience becomes an ordeal of grim perseverance in the face of bitterly disappointed expectations.""
"I was ready to join with it, revel in its sweet and savage music, and play a few chords of Dexter's own minuet."
"They all recognize me for what I am, even if their masters do not."
"It seemed like serving cucumber sandwiches and tea to Godzilla."
"I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. It's just regulations, he has to investigate."
"The only problem was that one of those people was not me."
"It was clumsy of course, and much messier than I had planned, but it was also oh so good and right and necessary."
"But how could cold and empty Dexter possibly say anything of the sort?"
"I have never been in a very big hurry to make the world a better place in that regard, either."
"Somewhere, there was somebody who actually was guilty of putting the knife into my sister."
"I could almost see him shake his head and turn those ice-cold blue eyes on me."
"Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion."
"It's awfully easy for the hunter to follow the tracks when there is only one tiger."
"Clichés exist to comfort the feeble-minded, not to provide any actual meaning."
"Nothing worth doing is ever easy. After all, breathing is fairly easy for the most part, and I think many scholars would agree it pays handsome dividends."
"If first things were second or third, they wouldn't be first things, would they?"
"You can go anywhere, day or night, and no one will question you if you wear a clip-on tie and carry a clipboard."
"I had been too clever for too long and grown accustomed to being the only tiger in the forest."
"In spite of the comforting dark, we must sometimes face our fears in the daylight."
"When the entire world seems to revolve around Dexter, it's difficult not to believe in a literal way."
"The truth often wears a disguise more complex than any we could devise for ourselves."
"Not yet," I said. "Not until after you do your homework."
"As I may have mentioned before, Rita in the kitchen can do things that are far beyond mortal ken."
"I hoped it was not an omen of what was to come."
"There are few things in the world that make me feel more clueless than a woman's tears."
"People really deserve whatever happens to them, don't they?"
"But even with my mental powers in high gear, I could not think of a border that would protect me from the mess I was in."
"No, indeed; Dexter was part bloodhound and part bulldog, and when he is on your trail you might as well give up and save us all time and bother."
"I wondered if there was a way to get that message to Weiss."
"She didn't really know me at first," he said.
"Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action."
"Please, this is —what is ... why is this happening? I can't... This has to stop."
"And boom-bah —he gets it for five minutes work. He's probably got a PhD in astrophysics."
"Never better" I said. "But I think I'll just take a nap for a minute."
"And man has asked the same question: why am I here? For all that time, the answer has been the same ... I dunno ..."
"Because using traditional methods like paint and stone create a barrier between the artistic event and the experience of art."
"We need to get more immediate. We need to make the audience part of the event, so the barrier disappears."
"It's going to be an absolute ... art-stravaganza."
"And not, like, try to leave the country or anything."
"I was just starting to get used to her. I liked having her cooking every night."
"Just look at poor OJ; once he was under suspicion, it was bound to end up badly."
"Dexter was in deep, and the tide was rising."
"They all seemed happy to see me, in their own individual ways, which was so gratifying that I forgot all about Weiss for three or four full seconds."
"I am sure there is a caring and sensitive and very human way to tell children that their mother is in the clutches of a homicidal monster, but I did not know what it was."
"That bad guy has her. The one that crashed into your car."
"I took a very deep breath and wondered if Batman ever had this problem with Robin."
"You can't wander around in public holding a knife."
"He was absolutely, certifiably dead, and that did not seem to me like anything that should inspire good cheer."