
What I Did For Love Quotes

What I Did For Love by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

"Georgie wished she could peel off her skin and give it away. She didn’t want to be Georgie York anymore. She wanted to be a person with dignity and self-respect."
"Her only comfort she’d been able to take through the whole debacle of her divorce was knowing that the paparazzi’s cameras had never, ever caught her without her head up."
"Behind the tinted windows of her Prius, she swiped at her nose with the back of her hand. Once she’d made the world laugh. Now, despite all her efforts, she’d become the poster girl for heartbreak and humiliation."
"Little by little, she’d lost the two things that mattered the most—her husband and her pride."
"She couldn’t let herself do this any longer. Perpetually reacting to external forces. Unable to set her own counterforces in motion. Always acted upon. Never acting."
"But no matter how high she held her head, the pity stories only grew worse."
"I don’t think you hate Skip at all. I think you always wanted to be Skip, but you fell so far short of the mark that you had to pretend to despise him."
"I hate you for all the hours I spent sitting around the set waiting for you."
"You only wanted to improvise because you didn’t have your lines memorized."
"This town has a limited supply of nice people, and we can't afford to lose one of them."
"Sometimes she wondered how women who didn’t have girlfriends coped with life."
"I slept like a dream. But then I had hot sex last night."
"It’s only lunch. And don’t pay any attention to those rumors about a Skip and Scooter reunion show. It’s not going to happen."
"Maybe seeing Bram isn’t such a bad idea. For sure it’ll distract everybody from talking about Lance and St. Jade."
"She picks all her men from the A-list, and Lance’s last film grossed eighty-seven million."
"I didn’t know. Not until I finished mine, looked at you, and realized I wasn’t totally repulsed!"
"You must have forgotten what I overheard at Trev’s house, or you’d realize you’re basically my slave."
"You still know how to get yourself in those embarrassing little jams."
"This should be the easiest annulment on record."
"Within twenty-four hours, everyone will know. There’ll be a media circus complete with helicopters and car chases."
"I hate him for you, since you don’t seem to be able to do it for yourself."
"Nothing says ‘I love you’ like fake jewelry."
"This is like Ross and Rachel all over again."
"Congratulations, in the words of my Irish grandmother, ‘May you be poor in misfortunes and rich in blessings.’"
"Stars are depressing. I want to do big things with my life, but how can I when the stars only remind me of how small I really am?"
"You’re right. And I promise, I’ll have fresh flowers delivered to your grave once a month."
"Do not screw with me. I’m an American icon, remember."
"If only he were one of those rumpled, overweight, scratchy-cheeked fathers who didn’t know anything about show business and only cared about her happiness."
"You need to get control of this publicity immediately."
"Bram and I were just discussing our next step."
"I don’t know how you talked Georgie into this charade."
"Are you deliberately trying to ruin your life?"
"When it’s right, it’s right. Right, Bram? Isn’t that right?"
"People should do what they’re good at," she finally said. "I’m good at this."
"The camera recorded facts. It didn’t offer an opinion about an eleven-year-old doing manual labor."
"But by the time I left, everything would be neat again."
"I’ve decided we communicate better from a distance."
"You’re gorgeous, and I can be something of a slut, so how could I help myself?"
"I’m too drunk to deal with a dead body tonight."
"Because this is the first chance I’ve had all week to drink in peace."
"I’ll think about quitting after our divorce."
"You’re always talking about cigarettes, but I haven’t once seen you light up."
"Okay, you’ve got me. I stopped, but only because my drinking has gotten out of hand, and I can’t deal with more than one addiction at a time."
"He tasted of dark nights and treacherous winds. Of youthful betrayal and heartless abandonment."
"Fortunately for you, I’m neither gentle nor considerate."
"You’ve been divorced for a year. And the Loser is half girl, so nothing will make me believe he was any kind of lover."
"He shrugged. "Okay, you’ve got me. I stopped, but only because my drinking has gotten out of hand, and I can’t deal with more than one addiction at a time."
"I do care! I know there’s suffering in the world. I know, and I’m going to do something about it."
"I’m going to Haiti. As soon as I can arrange it. I’m getting medical supplies, and I’m taking them to Haiti."
"Don’t you think that’s a little…cold? Using a country’s misery for a press op?"
"I finally get married, and I pick the biggest nutcase in L.A."
"As long as you’re wearing my fake diamond, I promise there’ll be no cheating."
"The minute the challenge is gone, you’ll be on the prowl, and we both know it."
"I can stick with one woman for six months." His eyes drifted to her breasts. "If she’s good enough in bed to hold my interest."
"Let me speed things along." He crushed his mouth to hers.
"You’ve got to admit, it looks like the real thing."
"Wow. A fake diamond to go with a fake husband. Works for me."
"Despite the current chaos stirred up by the photos, she was experiencing lust at its most elemental, separate from even a minimal amount of affection. Basically, she’d turned into a guy."
"Your brain knows it, but the rest of you is seriously screwed up when it comes to anything associated with the Loser."
"I was drunk and didn’t think about what I was getting into."
"She doesn’t give a damn about anything except the money."
"But at least his disclosure about the screenplay had given her something to think about other than whatever metaphysical part she’d played in the loss of Lance’s baby."
"Liberating Georgie York had become his civic duty."
"Or in private…Something he was growing increasingly intent on changing."
"If more men knew about this place, they’d stop saying they hate to shop."
"You’re going to pay for this," he said through gritted teeth.
"Stop being such a baby. You need to face your problems instead of trying to eat them away."
"Sometimes I don’t think I did you a favor by giving you a job."
"Sex didn’t mean anything more to him than a handshake, and knowing that gave her an exciting new freedom."
"If you think about it, having a marriage based on deceit is all you know anything about. That should be a comfort."
"You’re not going to tell me the truth, are you? You’re still too angry."
"If you’d just called me back…I have enough guilt."
"I thought you’d be happy." She attempted a pout and wasn’t surprised when she couldn’t pull it off.
"But you don’t put your heart into it. I swear, Chaz, even your desserts taste bitter."
"Who you are as a person—how you feel about other people—shows up in what you create."
"I hated sleeping on the street. And I hated trying to keep clean in public bathrooms most of all. I hated it so much I wanted to die, but killing yourself is a lot harder than you think."
"Severe acute respiratory syndrome. It’s a serious disease. Very contagious. There was a pandemic a few years ago that killed hundreds of people and made thousands sick."
"Pulling strings isn’t going to work. This is political. Because celebrities are involved, nobody wants to be held responsible if this thing gets out of hand."
"We’ll make the best of it. Like a big house party. It’ll be fun."
"I can’t believe Lance Marks and Jade Gentry are in the house."
"I don’t want a conversation with either one of you."
"I already gave Jade a husband. And my apologies for that, by the way."
"You’re the one who’s being stupid. If you turn over Tree House now, without any restrictions, you’re guaranteed a credit as associate producer—meaningless."
"I have a fucking vision! Can’t you understand that?"
"I want the picture that’s in my head to get made. What it should look like. How it should feel."
"People with tattoos shouldn’t have reading glasses."
"This is a city built on illusion, on false fronts and streets that led nowhere."
"Don't try to push your character beyond what you see on the page. Strip it down and read it naked."
"It's a beautiful story. A beautiful script—maybe better than the book."
"Damn, Bram…Does anybody else know you can act?"
"You’re absolved, Lancelot. Go and sin no more."
"I don’t think people should live their lives just going through the motions. I want more from myself."
"The only thing I might…might want from you is…Possibly…a baby."
"Stop making fun of my mouth. What’s the big deal? Tell me."
"I think you don’t need anyone else telling you how to run your career when you’re perfectly capable of doing it yourself."
"People should fight for what they believe in."
"No way am I sitting through any more meetings about floral arrangements and Jordan almonds stamped with the family crest. What the hell is a Jordan almond anyway?"
"Of course, something was missing. Trust. Respect. Love. A future."
"Eventually, Poppy packed up her python bag, releasing a great puff of perfume. 'I have a small surprise planned for the evening,' she announced."
"Georgie wanted to edit more film, and she needed to work on her character log for Helene, but first she called April."