
Bridged Quotes

Bridged by Kendra Elliot

"Because it’s hard to tie a noose around your neck and crawl over the side of a bridge when your hands and feet are bound."
"Well, at least someone made it easy for me," Seth quipped. "No clothes to work around."
"No one noticed he’s been hanging here all that time?"
"He didn’t die from hanging," said Seth. "He was dead before that. Someone hung a guy who was already dead."
"The morning could be worse, he acknowledged. It could be pouring rain as he stood outside with a dead body."
"I look forward to the day that I can sit around and read a book in the office instead of counting bullet holes in someone’s back."
"This call had awakened him an hour before his alarm had been scheduled to go off, and it’d been hard as hell to leave Ava in their warm bed."
"If you happen to hear from her, would you tell her to call her sister?"
"She’d been running on autopilot before she met him during the kidnappings. They’d made an effective team while holding the distraught family together."
"But he thought it had a touch of Hollywood sleaze."
"The fire in her eyes surprised Mason. Nissa Roberts was very passionate about defending her boss."
"They always think they’ve eliminated the evidence."
"Yes, the evening newscast will definitely trigger more calls. Then we get to sort the nuts from the real reports."
"No one's going to look twice at a van with cones."
"What is wrong with us? Or were they perfect for each other?"
"I wasn’t Jayne. I didn’t drown my emotions and fears in drugs and alcohol."
"You are not her," he stated, holding her gaze.
"Death steals the character and leaves its victim an empty shell."
"Sharing a cup of coffee in the morning would be one of the highlights of his day."
"It must have been his cowboy hat and boots. More familiar."
"We both had long, dark hair that my mom would braid or put in ponytails. He told the hairdresser to cut it short."
"We’re in the middle of nowhere," muttered Ava.
"Every time I think I’ve seen it all, something new surprises me."
"His money gets sucked up by his spousal support."
"Gordon is the type of guy who will never get anywhere if he doesn’t stop looking for someone to blame for every little thing."
"The only thing she’s guilty of is being my sister."
"Defensive wounds are typically on forearms and hands as the victim tries to protect himself. Look at how clean his arms are."
"These cuts are too symmetrical. See how similar in length each one is? And they almost form a perfect upside-down triangle on each pec."
"There’s no way. Either he had help or rigged a way to move him."
"We’ll have to rely on the weight. I’ll have an accurate number for you later."
"I can’t see it. A pulley of some sort, I guess. But that would take some custom adaptations to the van and a lot of preplanning on our guy’s part."
"You’re asking questions we don’t know the answers to. We don’t know why he’s picked men... so far. Both women and men should always be conscious of their safety whether Portland has a serial killer or not."
"I respect what you’re telling me and I understand why. I’d like to leave my card. If you see someone who looks like me, but perhaps with blond hair, would you please ask her to reach out to me?"
"Then she knows how to find you if she wants to speak with you."
"I’m worried about her health. I’m concerned she’s not taking care of herself and may be hurting herself."
"Your sister is an adult, Ms. McLane. Neither you nor I can make her do something she’s not interested in doing."
"The hard part is easing them back into normal society."
"The thrill he’s receiving is comparable to a sexual thrill. It’s the manipulation, domination, and control of the crime that feeds the same pleasure center."
"I believe most people are responsible for their actions."
"Death is a messy business and our unsub took pains to mask that fact."
"The press is fostering fear. The public are getting nervous to the point where they’re going to start shooting at shadows."
"He’s not a crazy killer. He’s a hunter with a very specific prey."
"What you’re doing doesn’t remotely resemble helping yourself, Jayne. You’re digging your hole deeper and deeper."
"The void left by her absence was one of peace and quiet. Not loneliness."
"Maybe he views these men as less than human."
"It was all about perspective. The change she felt each time Jayne stepped away was a good change."
"I’ve always said I’ll help people I see trying to help themselves."
"Murder is untidy. The bowels and bladder release."
"I can’t help you," Ava said quietly. "Call me when you’re serious about changing your life."
"We mesh perfectly," she said. "None of this ‘pretty well’ bullshit."
"Love you, too, Agent McLane." He kissed her deeply and got to work.
"It doesn’t matter. By the time the police pulled their heads out of their asses, and searched his house, it wouldn’t matter. It’d be too late."
"He wasn’t sensitive," corrected Joe Senior. "He was just quiet."
"There was never a wrong question or too much information to cross-reference."
"No one is the same person at eighteen as they are at twelve. Especially if they had a rough time in high school. Some kids are sensitive and their peers can be cruel."
"I think something happened to Joe in high school that depressed him. The kid turned into a hermit, happy to live with Mom and Dad and watch movies for the rest of his life in Hicksville."
"The office coffeepot gets rinsed about every six months. I like to think they do it more often here."
"You’re rather predictable. You’re here most afternoons when you’re working out of the office, right? You could save a lot of money if you drank the office coffee."
"He knew how to talk to people and show a genuine interest in their concerns. It felt like you had one hundred percent of his attention when you spoke with him. A lot of people can’t do that."
"If you didn’t buy into his philosophy, he respected that. But he could still make you feel a bit sheepish if you didn’t share his ideals."
"I have to hope. But that’s all I allow myself to do. I can’t let it influence my daily life."
"Who knows what some of those older guys were capable of?"
"A healthy life and healthy mental state created a healthy body."
"Is that your sister? Did you used to look that good?"
"No one in the neighborhood saw him leave? He had a body slung over his shoulder. Didn’t that stand out to anyone?"
"Why would the Bridge Killer want Derrick? Unless he was next..."
"Wide-awake, she jerked her head, scanning the room again, looking for the source of the rusty iron odor. Someone cleaned up blood. A lot of it."
"I don’t think I should take the rope off yet. Maybe I’ll loosen it a bit later."
"I meant to say I didn’t mean to hurt you. Sorry about your leg. I mean your jaw."
"Nothing compares to that lack of power when a loved one is being hurt."
"She needed to watch Rick suffer. Then she could be at peace."
"Layer after layer of insulation covered the inside of his shed."
"Start small," she’d suggested in his dreams one night. "Then add more layers. That will confuse the police and protect you until you take care of the last killer."
"We swear to punish whoever speaks of this. This is a pact we have to take to the grave."
"She’d fought hard while Zander was powerless to do more than hold her hand and cry with her."
"He’s not entirely comfortable with the path he’s chosen."
"Sometimes the minuscule victories kept the worst cases from tearing him apart."
"What do you do with people you want to forget?"
"It takes a hell of a lot of heat to burn up a body. Most people don’t realize that a cremation takes over two hours at more than fourteen hundred degrees."
"We can run a search on all the Troys on the list."
"I can’t be certain it’s hers. He could feel his fingers running through her hair. He’d know her hair anywhere."
"Every time she’d averted her eyes, he’d screamed for her to watch."
"Physically she was outgunned. That left mental. And she was trying desperately to keep her wits sharp."
"If anyone could think or talk her way out of a tight situation, she could."
"Let’s find out how they want to handle this. There’s no law enforcement on the island, so no one can come from the other side of the bridge to help."
"Stop talking!" he shouted at her. "I need to think!"
"Across this bridge, Troy? What's over there?"
"The plan is over, Troy. I want it to end. It's not going how I expected."
"I have to accomplish something with my life and bringing you revenge has given me a purpose."
"Fuck you!" she shrieked. "Like hell I'm going to die in here. Open the doors!"
"I never know if it's coincidence or fate when something happens like that."
"Angels sang in my brain the first time I saw you. I just didn't know what it meant."