
Five Go To Smuggler's Top Quotes

Five Go To Smuggler's Top by Enid Blyton

"It's nice to be going home. I love school - but it will be fun to be at Kirrin Cottage and perhaps sail out to Kirrin Island and visit the castle there. We haven't been since last summer."
"The most exciting adventure story I've ever read!"
"I've worked jolly hard at school this term. I could do with a holiday!"
"You've gone thin. Well, I'll soon get fat at Kirrin Cottage, don't you worry!"
"Timmy's bigger than ever! Down, old boy! You'll knock me over."
"It's awfully cold. Colder than in the winter!"
"Be quiet, Tim. You will have to learn to be a good quiet dog now we are home again, or Father will be cross with you."
"We're just going to have to do the best we can."
"I hope we shan't be sent back to school. It would be too awful, after having left there, and started off so gaily for the holidays."
"I think some hot cocoa would do us all good."
"It's all settled. Lenoir is delighted, most delighted."
"Then I shouldn't like him. I won't go without Timmy."
"Smuggler's Top! It sounds too exciting for words!"
"It's sort of - sort of secret, somehow. I mean it looks as if it had kept all kinds of queer secrets down the centuries."
"I've rigged up something that makes a buzzing noise here, in my room, as soon as that door is opened. It's a good idea, isn't it? I'm always thinking of things like that."
"When the mists are away, you can see over the flat marshes to where the sea begins."
"People say it's going back farther and farther."
"Don't you worry. I love dogs, and I shall be thrilled to have Timmy here."
"Nothing ever happens, really. It's only just a feeling you get here, because the place is so old, so full of secret ways and pits and passages."
"You can't tell a bit what he's like inside, because his face is all shut and secret."
"He's deaf, so you can say what you like, but it's better not to."
"You don't have a stepmother and a stepfather! You only have one or the other."
"She's like a frightened mouse! You'll like her, all right. She's a darling."
"He smiled at her, and patted her on the shoulder."
"We don't want him tumbling into the marsh down there!"
"It's quite a peaceful holiday after all," said Julian. "Nothing happens at all!"
"He simply went into a room and completely disappeared, without a single sound!"
"Smugglers - coming over a secret path from the sea to Castaway Hill! Smugglers!"
"That dog seems to be a friend of yours," he said, in his curious monotone of a voice.
"Mind you do not bring that dog into the house," said Block. "If you do, Mr Lenoir will have him killed."
"I think her ginger buns are gorgeous," said Anne. "Especially when they are all hot from the oven."
"When I catch that dog I will have him poisoned," he said, very slowly and clearly. "I will not have dogs in my house."
"You look out for yourself," he said, in a curiously soft voice. "You look out. Something's going to happen to you one of these days."
"I must apologise for my stepfather," said Sooty. "He has such a terrible temper."
"Well, he won't," said George. "He'll just think I've been in one of my bad moods, and he won't mind my being punished at all."
"I won't stand this sort of thing!" he raged. "Look here, at my leg, sir! I've been bitten. Only a dog could have done that. See my leg?"
"My father won't be very pleased when he hears you're punishing me like this," began George in a trembling voice.
"I don't see that everything will be all right," said Sooty, doubtfully. "But anyway, your plan is the only one to follow."
"I know. I just couldn't help it somehow," said George, forlornly. "I wish I hadn't now."
"We'll rescue him tomorrow, don't you worry," said Julian, kindly.
"I'm sure Mr Lenoir is at the bottom of all this!" said Dick.
"I wish old Sooty was here - and Uncle Quentin. I do hope they're all right - and Timmy too," said Julian.
"I've had a good talk to Block," he said, "and, as I thought, he doesn't know a thing about all the goings-on here."
"He's not deaf, either. He's a very clever - sly - double-faced - deceitful ROGUE!" said Julian.
"UNCLE QUENTIN! Wake up and speak to me. I'm scared!" said the voice.
"It's all right. Go to sleep," he said. "What's the matter, Julian? Or is it Dick? Go to sleep."
"You owe me an explanation for your strange behaviour. I demand to be taken to Smuggler's Top. You shall answer to the police for this!"
"I don't deal with madmen, nor with rogues, Mr Barling!"
"He's a real, proper dog, Mr Lenoir - only much, much cleverer than most dogs are."
"The police must be glad to have got them at last," said Mr Lenoir.
"Adventures always come to the adventurous, there's no doubt about that!"