
The House Witch Quotes

The House Witch by Delemhach

"The loyal citizens of the kingdom of Daxaria described their homeland as a lovable mess."
"Despite the majority of the land existing in geographical nonsense, Daxaria’s four cities lay sensibly along the north, east, west, and south borders."
"I’ve had enough unpleasant surprises in my life. I didn’t want another one."
"Goodbye, Kip. May we never have to speak again."
"Every dish, cloth, pot, pan, piece of cutlery—everything—is going to be washed with the soap I put in those pails."
"When someone doesn’t smile with their eyes, it’s because they want something, and or are hiding something."
"Peppermint and chamomile. Same ingredients used in a relaxing tea one commonly consumes before bed."
"You won’t do anything to me until you get what you want."
"He’s handsome? Or is it that he has a sonorous voice, like Lord Martin’s?"
"No one that looks like he does would have survived in Troivack. Even if he were a mage."
"I could have you rot in a cell for the rest of your life for the way you’ve just spoken to me."
"He couldn’t deny the strange sense of peace that had formed after he had recognized his familiar. Somehow the connection made any concerns or worries feel distant to him …"
"The feeling of responsibility for a life that was not his own, and one that was completely helpless without him … It should have been a nuisance, but instead it brought a strange sense of being grounded, and important."
""What makes you think dragons are bad? What if they just want to have a nice home and family?"
"If you are ever in trouble, come see me. I want you to think of this kitchen as safe as your own room or home, alright?"
"Everyone gets frightened at times. I just hide it better because I’ve known worse men than those three in my life."
""My dear, those events are reserved for the blockheaded knights, and women are seldom welcome." "I’d rather be overprepared than underprepared."
""Is something in your eyes, sir?" "Ahh, cataracts. Getting old is a thankless task, I wouldn’t recommend it to you." "I prefer aging to the alternative, thanks."
""Despite the numerous complaints I’ve received about the new cook, I am quite taken with him." "You finally saw him?" "No, I haven’t. Though, do tell, why are you giving me that reaction?"
"It’s too quick," the queen lamented sorrowfully.
""Most people are either a little in awe or fearful of me when we meet. Only witches are disdainful."
"Why do witches still dislike mages?" "They dislike us because of how we came to be. The first mage was a man who resented not having any means to use magic, and so he badgered the Gods his entire life."
"Witches came to be by the creation of the Goddess, which is why even male witches are "witches," instead of warlocks."
"A spy would be pestering people for information. This witch alienates nearly everyone and wants to be left alone."
"Knowing if he has a criminal background is still worthwhile. I will send them a messenger pigeon tomorrow."
"His cooking is incredible, I will give him that. The steak tonight nearly made me weep."
"I want to know if I should become a knight or a mage. A knight is a more honorable position. They don’t defy the laws of nature, and it will help you become a better king."
"Imagine a dog decides he wants to be like Kraken...The dog thinks he is now a cat. So, is the dog a cat? No! But the dog says he is the best cat now—even better than Kraken. He still isn’t a real cat though!"
"It will get easier. The beginning is always tough, but I need you to do something for me...I will make you a special treat on the days of your training."
"Royal Cook Finlay Ashowan, and you, lass, rise."
"Thank you for defending me. You were very brave."
"All of you will kneel in the pig slop pile until the captain and I decide on your punishments."
"Magic in witches is fused with their personalities, and the elements they are aligned with—and each one has limitations."
"I grew up on one of the Southern Isles, and found my island confining...I wanted to learn more about myself and my abilities."
"The Coven of Wittica enforces education upon all registered witches. They believe that an educated witch is a witch that will make educated decisions—especially when it comes to wielding their power."
"All right, Kraken, that's now three people who know I'm a witch: the strange, hooded figure, the king, and... that mage. Don't tell anyone else, okay?"
"Do not even think about taking a bite out of one of these birds. You are not to set a single paw on this table, understood?"
"Ruby, cats are excellent at keeping away bugs and rodents. This one showed up on my doorstep and has been a great help in minimizing the ant invasions."
"I am in here twenty-four hours of the day, Ruby. He has not set a paw on this table, and if he had during the night, it wouldn’t matter, as I scrub this table down before I go to bed and after I rise every morning."
"The prince comes to the kitchens every morning after his lessons and plays with him. He will be sorely upset if the cat is suddenly banished."
"Just like we practiced. I have to hand it to you, you saved Kraken’s and my butts!"
"If you want to see the prince play with Kraken after the festival, I’m sure—"
"Sadly, unless the king finds me another marriage partner before the year is over, I will be sent back home."
"Then marry some idiot that will let you continue acting as you please. What’s the problem?"
"Only a cook?! This man is in charge of food for the entire royal family, court, and serving staff!"
"Don’t worry, Kraken, if I ever have to meet that man again, I will not think twice before blasting him into the sea."
"Well, I knew I was only getting a couple hours of sleep anyway, best get cracking Kraken!"
"Everyone is at the festival. I just wondered if you wanted to walk through the maze with me before I fall asleep on my feet. It’s the only spare time I’ve had in nearly a month."
"My mother used to get horribly beaten by my father. He finally left when I was eight or so, but I struggle with the idea of someone being preyed upon and no one helping them. I am sorry if I’ve insulted you."
"Everyone is born and dies here, so you and the handful of people who arrived around the time you did are something of a novelty."
"I haven’t felt at ease for longer than I can recall."
"Its fire would burn away the night, leaving the sun to shine every hour."
"You only need to look up to see the best proof of endless possibilities."
"Peace is strength, Finlay. You are far stronger than you know."
"Over-preparedness is better than under-preparedness."
"For generations of our family, fathers have given their sons difficult names, and when asked why, would say: ‘Become the type of man that regardless of how ludicrous your name is, when people meet you, they wouldn’t dare laugh again.’"
"Believe it or not, somehow you are not the craziest person in this castle."
"Whatever is meant to happen, my dear, will happen. We must simply accept what comes."
"I told you when Hank died, Your Majesty, there is little chance I will find luck in love again. I only wish to better serve the kingdom."
"I will need more proof than that before I give you detailed information,"
"Come now, as a servant you should show proper etiquette for esteemed guests."
"Cook, there is no need to be stressed by my greatness. As a prodigy of my craft, I make a point of being more understanding of lesser beings."
"You’re thinking you would have never lived to see the day where two mages produced another one of their kind,"
"Isn’t it more suspicious that you don’t treat me like everyone else, and what does it matter if we’re friends?"
"With all due respect, my lady, how can a viscountess be friends with a commoner? I would not want you to suffer hardship for having ties with myself."
"You need to hang on to whatever hope you can."
"You have always exceeded my expectations, if that is worth anything."
"You protected the queen. So, Sirs Taylor and Andrews, and both Hannah and Peter, came up with the idea to … tidy up."
"I don’t want a fling … or … or some other … lord raising my weird … child,"
"Yes, but it made me stronger, now sort out your left foot or we will be going in circles."
"I’m fine, you can … go back to your chamber in the castle and … Gods, your reputation! I’m sorry!"
"I wanted you to let people always come and go in the kitchen without restrictions. It’s the best place to hear the servants gossip."
"My … my dad … wouldn’t … let me … see … my mom."
"Your father is just scared, Eric. Your mum and sibling are sick, and he is so worried he doesn’t know what to do."
"I’m glad you decided to still do it this year. I know we already have a lot going on, but I think the staff and cities need a bit of a morale boost."
"Why is everything to do with that witch both helpful and annoying?"
"I see what you mean, actually. I’d be scared of him ever needing a cane to walk … my shins ache already."
"Not a chance. Back to work, and stay away from the squirrels. You’re all nutty enough to warrant a siege attempt from them."
"Gods … I don’t know if I can handle any more unexpected news for one day."
"Relax, Finlay, I won’t give you a hard time."
"An understanding that silence earns silence."
"Sorry, I will excuse myself now. Thank you for your company, Lady Jenoure."
"Given that the ballad refers to my marriage with the now deceased Viscount Jenoure, I’m not sure that would be well received."
"Thank you for your condolences. I look forward to hearing your new songs this evening."
"You don’t need to stay," she said aloud afterward, despite not glancing at him.
"It was complimentary to a fault. I had only just arrived here from Troivack when he graced the nobility with a tune about my many virtues and beauty."
"I hope you enjoy the festival. Good evening." He stood and bowed, and she acknowledged his farewell appropriately … but there was something oddly reticent in her expression.
"Please don’t annoy him. I don’t wish that upon any of you …."
"To your health and fortune," she toasted serenely.
"If I can out-drink three of you, and I expect an honest effort, or I will have every knight present transferred to be under Royal Cook Finlay Ashowan’s command for a month."
"I believe what Hannah was saying was: she wants to hear Sirs Taylor, Lewis, and Andrews sing."
"It’s for your own good. No child of mine will be conquered, so you best start learning how to behave."
"He looked a shocking amount like Mr. Helmer here. Red hair. Tall and gangly—though he had sharper features. Bright blue eyes and looked pretty for a man."
"His Majesty wants you to order more food from our merchants for next week. We just received word that three suitors are on their way for Lady Jenoure."
"I am not a nanny for errant men. Please in the future consider alternative means of reform."
"Social shortcomings? You’ve the social awareness of a rock!"
"You aren’t the first man I’ve met that has a beastly father. Mind your anger toward the world, Finlay Ashowan. You cannot control it all."
"To survive you have to give back every evil you receive, to let your enemy know that you will not suffer their wrongdoings."
"Good changes have happened in this kingdom in the last fifty years. Having hope that it will continue to improve with our king isn’t foolish."
"Deficient witches have no place in the world."